David: 35381 books

Book cover of Guided by Divine Love

Guided by Divine Love

An Inspiring True Story of a Young Man's Journey Out of the Darkness of Oppression and Discovery of the Inner Light Th

by David K. Haaland
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

As a Kurd in an increasingly hostile Iraq in the 1970s, David wanted to fulfill his mother's dream for him: To become a U.S. citizen-no small feat given that he was not allowed to leave Iraq. In his own words, David provides unique insights into Iraq under the rise of Saddam Hussein, and tells of the...
Book cover of Auf dem Weg der Stille

Auf dem Weg der Stille

Das Heilige im Alltag leben

by David Steindl-Rast
Language: German
Release Date: September 13, 2016

Stille ist ein Geschenk Gottes, sagt der Benediktiner und Weisheitslehrer David Steindl-Rast. In diesem Buch beschreibt er einen Weg der Stille, der uns lehrt, mit unserem Leben und mit uns selbst achtsamer umzugehen. So lernen wir wieder die leisen Schönheiten des Alltags zu entdecken und zu schätzen....
Book cover of Het duel
by David Grossman
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 18, 2016

De twaalfjarige David ontmoette de oude meneer Rosenthal toen hij zich samen met een paar klasgenoten als vrijwilliger aanmeldde voor de actie 'adopteer een bejaarde'. Volgens Rosenthal begint het leven pas bij zeventig. De moeder van David vindt het maar niets; hij zou eens vrienden moeten maken...
Book cover of Chakras Beyond Beginners

Chakras Beyond Beginners

Awakening to the Power Within

by David Pond
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2016

Discover the path to your energetic core and bring each chakra into its full potential with Chakras Beyond Beginners. Building on concepts presented in Chakras for Beginners, David Pond takes you past basic understanding to explore the many ways chakras can enhance the flow of vital energy in all...
Book cover of Mile High Volume 1 Butterscotch Mirage
by David A Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2014

This is the first volume of a series where readers help develop the story. Using the instant interaction of social media and the quick turn around time from self publishing, you, the reader will be able to interact with the story in a way that could never be done before.Readers will be able to post...
Book cover of 012 David Nudes Art Nude Calendar Enhanced Edition
by David Weisenbarger
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2011

2012 ENHANCED Edition! Optimized and enhanced version for your device!* 14 Beautiful Hand Selected Art Nude Photos* NEW! Two versions of the calendar included, a fullscreen color landscape view and a fullscreen color portrait view!* NEW! Indexed months for each view for easy use in your reader Table...
Book cover of Tomorrow's Eternity
by Dr. David E. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2012

In our first novel, The Dawn of Tomorrow, the readers were introduced to David Rafflinstein. The young man who fell under the addictive spell of Lord Roberts, the mysterious stranger with fantastic, futuristic gadgets and truly amazing powers. The readers were privileged to share the pain and the joy...
Book cover of Felisha - Sweet Nudes
by David Weisenbarger
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2013

David-Nudes.com Presents Felisha in amazing art nudes! Enjoy over 100 original and high quality art nudes from herportfolio on David-Nudes.com!About Felisha "Well, I like going horse back riding! I also love going to the lake or the beach, just anywhere I can enjoy water."Felisha is a bit quiet, but...
Book cover of Storyteller


On the Journey of Poetry

by David Hamilton
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2017

Storyteller is the third collection of stories written in verse by David Hamilton. Each story is told by a historical figure to convey allegory, symbolism and metaphor, with the author as the overarching narrator. The book takes readers on a journey through imaginative worlds where the reader witnesses...
Book cover of De mazen van het net
by David Mark
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 4, 2014

Een nieuw thrillertalent in de lijn van Peter James en Harlan Coben Maak kennis met Aector McAvoy, rechercheur te Hull. Niet aan de drank, geen verborgen agenda's, geen machoman, maar een aimabele familiyman met een feilloos gevoel voor rechtvaardigheid. Meer bedreven met computers dan met pistolen...
Book cover of The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast
by Michael F. Johnson, Lisa D. O'Steen, Dena F. Dincauze
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2009

The southeastern United States has one of the richest records of early human settlement of any area of North America. This book provides the first state-by-state summary of Paleoindian and Early Archaic research from the region, together with an appraisal of models developed to interpret the data....
Book cover of Tipsy Texan

Tipsy Texan

Spirits and Cocktails from the Lone Star State

by David Alan
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2013

“David Alan is the epitome of Oscar Wilde’s good advice: ‘Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.’ You can’t get more ‘yourself’ than David, known far and wide for his unique, creative, and delightful Tipsy Texan handcrafted cocktails. And now, thanks to his truly delicious book,...
Book cover of When Life Hands You Lemons …

When Life Hands You Lemons …

Inspiring Stories of Tenacious Teens

by David Bridges
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2014

These kids today just might change the world. Do you ever feel like life has handed you lemons? Within the pages of this book you will discover kids who have been handed lemons. Yet, instead of allowing these lemons to make them sour, they have chosen to make the sweetest lemonade you have...
Book cover of Le guide de David Icke sur la conspiration mondiale
by David Icke
Language: French
Release Date: April 9, 2015

En 1990, David Icke décida de répondre aux grandes interrogations de l’humanité : Qui sommes-nous ? Où vivons-nous ? Qui tire véritablement les ficelles et dans quel but ? Sa quête l’a mené dans plus de 40 pays et lui a valu la risée et la condamnation des esprits...
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