Dambisa Moyo: 7 books

Book cover of Dead Aid

Dead Aid

Warum Entwicklungshilfe nicht funktioniert und was Afrika besser machen kann

by Dambisa Moyo
Language: German
Release Date: March 8, 2014

Afrika ist ein armer Kontinent. Ein Kontinent voller Hunger, blutiger Konflikte, gescheiterter Staaten, voller Korruption und Elend. Um zu helfen, adoptieren Prominente afrikanische Halbwaisen und flanieren durch Flüchtlingslager, laden die Gutmenschen unter den Popstars zu Benefiz-Konzerten, und westliche...
Book cover of Der Untergang des Westens

Der Untergang des Westens

Haben wir eine Chance in der neuen Wirtschaftsordnung?

by Dambisa Moyo
Language: German
Release Date: January 16, 2012

Dambisa Moyo wird von Time zu den einflussreichsten Menschen der Welt gezählt. Die Karriere der gebürtigen Afrikanerin ist (fast) beispiellos global: Aus Sambia geht sie nach Harvard, macht ihren Doktor in Oxford, Topjob bei Goldman Sachs. Aufgrund ihrer einzigartigen Kenntnis hat sie eine aufrüttelnde...
Book cover of Dead Aid

Dead Aid

Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa

by Dambisa Moyo
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

In the past fifty years, more than $1 trillion in development-related aid has been transferred from rich countries to Africa. Has this assistance improved the lives of Africans? No. In fact, across the continent, the recipients of this aid are not better off as a result of it, but worse—much worse. In...
Book cover of How the West Was Lost

How the West Was Lost

Fifty Years of Economic Folly--and the Stark Choices Ahead

by Dambisa Moyo
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2011

In How the West Was Lost, the New York Times bestselling author Dambisa Moyo offers a bold account of the decline of the West's economic supremacy. She examines how the West's flawed financial decisions have resulted in an economic and geopolitical seesaw that is now poised to tip in favor of the...
Book cover of Edge of Chaos

Edge of Chaos

Why Democracy Is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth-and How to Fix It

by Dambisa Moyo
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

From an internationally acclaimed economist, a provocative call to jump-start economic growth by aggressively overhauling liberal democracy Around the world, people who are angry at stagnant wages and growing inequality have rebelled against established governments and turned to political extremes....
Book cover of Winner Take All

Winner Take All

China's Race for Resources and What It Means for the World

by Dambisa Moyo
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

Commodities permeate virtually every aspect of modern daily living, but for all their importance-their breadth, their depth, their intricacies, and their central role in daily life-few people who are not economists or traders know how commodity markets work. Almost every day, newspaper headlines and...
Book cover of 當中國買下全世界:全球資源布局戰的最大贏家,如何掌控世界商品的供需網絡
by 丹碧莎‧莫尤 Dambisa Moyo
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 16, 2013

**  《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》排行榜暢銷書**   看中國如何在全球佈局,   掌控石油、可耕地、礦產、水、糧食等大宗物資,   改寫「新殖民主義」世界史!   .2005年,中國企業聯想集團,以12.5億美元,買下IBM的PC部門。   .2007年,中國鋁業公司,以30億美元買下祕魯托洛莫丘山,以開採銅礦。   .2008年,中國遠洋運輸公司,以43億歐元買下世界第三大客運港--希臘比雷埃夫斯港兩座貨櫃碼頭的35年經營權。   .2009年,中國借俄羅斯石油公司250億美元,換取供給石油20年。   .2010年,中國對巴西投資達200億美元,用以興建煉鋼廠、電訊設施,以及近海油源的探勘和開採。   .2011年,中國成為美國國債最大的持有者!   中國在2005~2011年間已執行超過350項、總值高過4千億美元的對外直接投資,尤其是天然資源。過去我們以為,中國的搜購行動只限於非洲、南美等落後地區,本書明確指出:這個資源布局行動早已遍布全球!   在這「現金為王」的時代裡,中國挾著龐大的外匯儲備、黨國合一的管控、環環相扣的複雜策略,以及堅定的決心,在資源競奪戰中勝出,形成「買方壟斷」的獨大態勢!   尤有甚者,中國更藉此建立國際人脈、對外輸出中國製廉價商品、移植人民與勞工,寫下另一部中國專屬的《新國富論》,既維持其經濟成長、降低失業率,又搖身成為援助落後地區的救世主;而如歐洲、美國、日本等先進國家,明明身為資源戰中的競爭者,卻也和它產生微妙難解的依存關係,再也無法擺脫。   事實上,整個中國就是一家公司,而我們每個人都被抵押給了這家China,...
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