Conrad: 1584 books

Book cover of Victory
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2014

Through a business misadventure, the European Axel Heyst ends up living on an island in what is now Indonesia, with a Chinese assistant Wang. Heyst visits a nearby island when a female band is playing at a hotel owned by Mr. Schomberg. Schomberg attempts to force himself sexually on one of the band...
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2019

Book cover of Heart of Darkness
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

On a boat in the Thames estuary, Marlow tells his travelling companions of his reconnaissance expedition for a Belgian trading company to its most remote outpost in central Africa, which brought him on the trail of the elusive Kurtz, a brilliant idealist gone rogue. His account relates not only the perils...
Book cover of Lord Jim - With Audio Level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2014

A level 4 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Retold for Learners of English by Clare West. A hundred years ago a seaman’s life was full of danger, but Jim, the first mate on board the Patna, is not afraid of danger. He is...
Book cover of The Black Mate
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2018

A good many years ago there were several ships loading at the Jetty, London Dock. I am speaking here of the 'eighties of the last century, of the time when London had plenty of fine ships in the docks, though not so many fine buildings in its streets. The ships at the Jetty were fine enough; they...
Book cover of The Rescue: A Romance of the Shallows
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

The shallow sea that foams and murmurs on the shores of the thousand islands, big and little, which make up the Malay Archipelago has been for centuries the scene of adventurous undertakings. The vices and the virtues of four nations have been displayed in the conquest of that region that even to this...
Book cover of Prince Roman
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2018

Prince Roman is a Pole who gives up his comfortable position in the aristocracy to fight as a (virtually) unknown soldier resisting Russian oppression. When captured, he has every opportunity to escape punishment, but declares himself unequivocally committed to Polish liberation. As a result he suffers...
Book cover of Set of Six
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2014

A revolutionary war raises many strange characters out of the obscurity which is the common lot of humble lives in an undisturbed state of society. Certain individualities grow into fame through their vices and their virtues, or simply by their actions, which may have a temporary importance; and then...
Book cover of Rescue: A Romance of the Shallows
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2014

Into the midst of Captain Tom Lingard's lawless affair of honor involving the throne of a Malayan prince blundered the English yacht, fatefully stranded in the midst of the conspiracy. Of the three white passengers only the owners's wife understood the situation--and Lingard. On him fell the decision--to...
Book cover of Heart of Darkness
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2017

The "Heart of Darkness" is the English sailor's travels chronicle into a deep of Africa. You will face here not only with jungle, fever, cannibals, but also with the picture of fight between the civilization and the nature. There is the wild, irrational and powerful nature. The field of battle is...
Book cover of War Stories

War Stories

A GI Reporter in Vietnam, 1970-1971

by Conrad M. Leighton
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2016

As a GI reporter for the 1st Air Cavalry Division in Vietnam, the author—“an enlisted man writing primarily for enlisted men”—chronicled the experiences of combat soldiers in newspaper and magazine articles. His stories gave the Army’s version of events, sprinkled with human interest and...
Book cover of The Inheritors

The Inheritors

An Extravagant Story

by Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Ford
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2010

The Inheritors is a quasi-science fiction novel about the transition of British society from the old, aristocratic mould to a land of industry and advancement. A young writer comes into contact with the inheritors, people from the "fourth dimension" who plan to take over the world. He experiences the same shift as society within himself, only to be left feeling that he has lost everything.
Book cover of Die schönsten Novellen

Die schönsten Novellen

Von Boccaccio bis Storm

by Giovanni Boccaccio, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jeremias Gotthelf
Language: German
Release Date: February 10, 2012

Mit den Beiträgen zu allen ausgewählten Werken aus Kindlers Literatur Lexikon.Mit den Autorenporträts aus dem Metzler Lexikon Weltliteratur.Mit Daten zu Leben und Werk aller Autoren, exklusiv verfasst von der Redaktion der Zeitschrift für Literatur TEXT + KRITIK. Schon immer haben wir Menschen...
Book cover of Lord Jim

Lord Jim


by Joseph Conrad
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2014

Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur›Lord Jim‹ ist neben der Erzählung ›Herz der Finsternis‹ das wohl bekannteste Werk Joseph Conrads. Das Meer und die Menschen, die es bereisen, sind das große Thema dieses Klassikers. Lord Jim trifft als Offizier an Bord der "Patna" eine fatale Entscheidung....
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