Conrad: 1584 books

Book cover of Lord Jim
by Joseph Conrad
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 2, 2017

Lord Jim es una novela escrita por Joseph Conrad y publicada originalmente en la Blackwood's Magazine entre octubre de 1899 y noviembre de 1900. La novela narra la historia de Jim, un marinero que abandona una nave en peligro y es censurado públicamente por esto, y sus intentos por aceptar su paso y redimirse.
Book cover of Al limite estremo
by Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 17, 2013

Pubblicato nel 1902, Al limite estremo è il più lungo dei racconti di Conrad, espanso fin quasi alle dimensioni di un romanzo. Un capitano di mare dal passato glorioso, Whalley, riesce a ottenere il comando di una piccola vaporiera, sulla quale si illude di esercitare un effettivo e completo controllo...
Book cover of Sotto gli occhi dell'Occidente
by Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 10, 2013

Scritto nel 1911, Sotto gli occhi dell’Occidente è un testo cruciale per la comprensione del pensiero e della biografia di Conrad. Prendendo le mosse da una storia di spionaggio e tradimento, di politica e coscienza, l’autore mette in scena il contrasto fra un io pubblico e uno nascosto, fra...
Book cover of Cuore di tenebra
by Joseph Conrad, Traduzione di Paola Ergi
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 16, 2014

Cuore di tenebra, Heart of Darkness, fu pubblicato da Joseph Conrad nel 1899. Racconta di un viaggio nell'Africa nera, fin dentro il suo cuore ferito dallo sfruttamento coloniale. Più che descrivere, Conrad dipinge con colori cupi i paesaggi affascinanti e primitivi nei quali si muovono i protagonisti...
Book cover of Suspense
by Joseph Conrad, Francesco Francis
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 16, 2013

«La suspense durerà per sempre», scrive introducendo il romanzo Richard Curle, l’amico fedele degli ultimi anni di Conrad, commentando l’appropriatezza e l’involontaria ironia del titolo. Non si riferisce alla suspense – che pure è presente in tutta l’opera – che gravava sull’Europa...
Book cover of Cattività
by Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 3, 2013

Fra il 1904 e il 1906 Joseph Conrad scrisse quindici brani che spaziavano dal racconto al saggio e che apparvero su varie riviste prima di essere raccolti nel volume The Mirror of the Sea. Due di quei “bozzetti marinareschi” vengono ora riproposti in una nuova traduzione: Cattività fu composto...
Book cover of La linea d'ombra
by Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 13, 2017

QUESTO LIBRO È A LAYOUT FISSO Ultimo capolavoro di Conrad, pubblicato nel 1917, narra le riflessioni, le ansie, le paure, le decisioni di un giovane marinaio che coltiva l’ambizione di un posto di comando. Al porto di Bangkok gli viene offerta questa possibilità, ma, una volta partito a bordo...
Book cover of No Easy Day for Mark Owen: The Legal Brief
by Conrad Powell
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2012

EXCERPT from book:-“A wise defense attorney could turn this case into a referendum on the government’s attempt to conceal the truth and silence a defenseless Matt B. who is simply being railroaded by the American Government.I can hear the closing argument now or at least the argument...
Book cover of Box Set: Parts 1 to 5 of Start (Detective John Aston Martin Start Thriller Series, Book 1)
by Conrad Powell
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2012

Purchase the Box Set: Parts 1 to 5 of Start (Detective John Aston Martin Start Thriller Series, Book 1) and save money. Detective John Aston Martin Start Series: Book 1 - START: BOX SET INCLUDES: Part 1 - Fall Part 2 - Kill Part 3 - Plot Part 4 - Site Part 5 - Trip Part 6 - Jail...
Book cover of Nostromo


A Tale of the Seaboard

by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2007

'I have heard no end of tales of his strength, his audacity, his fidelity...incorruptible! It is indeed a name of honour for the Capataz of the Cargadores of Sulaco.' One of the greatest political novels in any language, Nostromo enacts the establishment of modern capitalism in a remote South American...
Book cover of Youth
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2017

Classic short story. According to Wikipedia: "Joseph Conrad (1857 1924) was a Polish-born English novelist. Many critics regard him as one of the greatest novelists in the English language—a fact that is remarkable, as he did not learn to speak English fluently until he was in his twenties (and...
Book cover of The Nature of a Crime
by Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Ford
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2018

The Nature of a Crime is likely influenced by major events from the life of Joseph Conrad, most notably his suicide attempt made at the age of 20. In the novel, the narrator finds himself falling deeper into depression as a result of his mishandling of a close friend's trust fund, and is eventually...
Book cover of The Duel
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2018

The Duel by Joseph Conrad is Conrad's brilliantly ironic tale about two officers in Napoleon's Grand Army who, under a futile pretext, fought an on-going series of duels throughout the Napoleonic Wars. Over decades, on every occasion they chanced to meet, they fought. Both satiric and deeply sad,...
Book cover of The Paleo Cookbook

The Paleo Cookbook

90 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes the Whole Family Will Love

by Anna Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2014

When chef and caterer Anna Conrad was asked to provide paleo recipes for a fitness group’s twenty-eight-day paleo challenge, she was a little skeptical. Could an athlete—or even an average person—really maintain a balanced body without any grains or dairy? Before agreeing to the job, she decided...
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