Charlotte Martin: 12 books

Book cover of The Food Question

The Food Question

Profits Versus People

by Henry Bernstein, Maureen Mackintosh, Charlotte Martin
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2014

Wasteful over-consumption (by some) in the developed countries and the continuing, in some cases worsening, hunger of millions in the Third World is a dramatic indication that food problems are urgent. Anger is not enough and this book, which comes from the research group on Development Policy and...
Book cover of Seminole Sunset
by Charlotte Martin
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2015

Seminole Sunset is an action-packed, highly-charged, riveting, emotional, suspenseful, fictional novel about the Florida Seminole Indian nation, Florida territory life, self-sacrificing devotion & love of White Cloud & Ilsa (husband & wife), God, plantation life, slavery, Trail of Tears...
Book cover of Huren, Henker, Handelsleute

Huren, Henker, Handelsleute

Drei historische Romane in einem E-Book

by Sabine Martin, Sabine Weiß, Charlotte Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: August 15, 2016

Drei starke Frauen wollen sich nicht ihrem Schicksal ergeben. Sie kämpfen für ihre Rechte in einer Zeit, in der Frauen noch keine Rechte hatten. Alleine, ohne ihre Familien, ohne Geld und ohne Ansehen stellen Sie sich ihrem Schicksal. Drei historische Romane voller Spannung und Gefühle! "Die Henkerin"...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 2

Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 2

Safety, quality and sustainability

by Sabine Cardoen, Wendie Claeys, Claire Verraes
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2017

Summarises current research on pathogenic risks affecting milk and ways they can be controlled on the farm;  Reviews ways of measuring and reducing the environmental impact of dairy farming such as better grassland management;  Assesses the wider role of dairy farming and how it can be improved in the developing world
Book cover of Studies in Crime

Studies in Crime

An Introduction to Forensic Archaeology

by Carol Heron, John Hunter, Geoffrey Knupfer
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

The study of forensic evidence using archaeology is a new discipline which has rapidly gained importance, not only in archaeological studies but also in the investigation of real crimes. Archaeological evidence is increasingly presented in criminal cases and has helped to secure a number of convictions. Studies...
Book cover of Heilige Nacht in den Bergen
by Charlotte Niese, Ida Bindschedler, Hermann Löns
Language: German
Release Date: December 2, 2015

Es duftet nach Tannen, Zimt und Glühwein - die Vorfreude auf das Weihnachtsfest steigt in uns auf. Wir schmücken die Stube, backen Plätzchen, besorgen Geschenke, hören stimmungsvolle Musik und halten stille Einkehr. Weihnachtsgeschichten lenken unseren Blick auf das Wesentliche dieser Zeit und...
Book cover of Global Women Leaders

Global Women Leaders

Studies in Feminist Political Rhetoric

by William Carney, Charlotte Evans, Valerie M. Hennings
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2014

Global Women Leaders: Studies in Feminist Political Rhetoric demonstrates the ways in which women have used political rhetoric and political discourse to provide leadership, or assert their right to leadership, on a global level. This collection fits into the robust research area of international...
Book cover of Transformative Imagery

Transformative Imagery

Cultivating the Imagination for Healing, Change, and Growth

by Michael F. Cantwell, Rachel Naomi Remen, Emmett Miller
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2016

Guided imagery is a transformative practice for reducing stress, healing mind and body, and improving performance. This definitive collection brings together leading pioneers in the field of guided imagery to share its theory, practice and history. Readers are introduced to the extensive uses...
Book cover of Integrative Approaches to Supervision
by Graham Curtis Jenkins, Rita Arundale, Joanne Beazley-Richards
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2001

As new techniques and approaches to supervision attract interest within therapy-related professions, the contributors to this informative book consider the nature of a supervision and examine the ways in which it can be further defined and developed. Drawing together practical and theoretical perspectives,...
Book cover of Darwin heute

Darwin heute

Evolution als Leitbild in den modernen Wissenschaften

by Peter-Michael Kaiser, Bernulf Kanitscheider, Harald Lesch
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2015

Was hat Darwins Evolutionstheorie aus dem 19.Jh. mit der Erzeugung maßgeschneiderter Moleküle im Reagenzglas, mit der Enstehung des Universums oder regenerativer Medizin zu tun? Die Antwort gibt dieses Buch, indem es aufzeigt, dass die Darwinschen Gedanken auch außerhalb der Biologie Einzug in...
Book cover of Die Germanen
by Frank Ausbüttel, Heinz Heinen, Charlotte Schubert
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2012

Völkerwanderung, Varusschlacht. Mythologie: Dies sind nur einige Stichworte zu einem umfassenden Thema, mit welchem sich Frank Ausbüttel in seinem neuen Buch über die Germanen verständlich und klar gegliedert auseinandersetzt. Von der Herkunft der Germanen über ihre Auseinandersetzungen mit den...
Book cover of Die Spätantike
by Ingemar König, Heinz Heinen, Charlotte Schubert
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2012

Der Begriff ›Spätantike‹ bezeichnet die Epoche vom Tode Konstantins des Großen bis zum Ende des römischen Reiches im Westen. Es ist die letzte von der Antike noch unmittelbar bestimmte Phase der Geschichte des Mittelmeerraumes, die mit dem Übergang zum abendländischen Mittelalter endet. Konstantin...
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