Castel: 51 books

Book cover of An Egyptian Novel
by Orly Castel-Bloom
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2017

The protagonist has Egyptian roots going back many generations: on her father’s side, to the expulsion of the Jews of Spain in 1492, when seven brothers of the Kastil family (from Castilla) landed on the Gaza coast after many trials and tribulations. Her mother’s side goes back even further, to...
Book cover of Esfera pública africana

Esfera pública africana

Medios para las democracias

by Antoni Castel, José Carlos Sendín Gutiérrez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 31, 2012

Muchas veces menospreciada u olvidada en las agendas políticas y académicas, la dimensión comunicativa constituye, sin embargo, una perspectiva privilegiada para aproximarse a conocer cómo evolucionan, luchan y construyen el espacio público las personas y las sociedades al Sur del Sáhara. Esta...
Book cover of Mind Controlled And Milked Cheer Leader Squad
by C A castel
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2014

Book eight in the White Lotus Foundation series. "I love this series. It's the like twilight zone meets erotic milking!" - Amy Cho Janell is the member of a cheer leading squad that is on their way to a private set of islands in the pacific for a two month stay full of photo...
Book cover of Die Krise der Arbeit

Die Krise der Arbeit

Neue Unsicherheiten und die Zukunft des Individuums

by Robert Castel
Language: German
Release Date: October 18, 2012

Das Buch von Robert Castel analysiert scharf und schonungslos die Strukturen unserer westlichen Gesellschaft. Er entwickelt auf dieser Basis eine wirkliche Gesellschaftstheorie, die auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen der Krise der Arbeit und der dadurch bewirkten Krise des Sozialstaats in einer immer stärker entkollektivierten Gesellschaft antworten kann.
Book cover of General Sterling Price and the Civil War in the West
by Albert Castel
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 1993

Indeed, the story of General Price -- as this account by Albert Castle shows -- is the story, in large part, of the Confederacy's struggle in the West. The author draws a fascinating portrait of Price the man -- vain, courageous, addicted to secrecy -- and produces insightful interpretations and much pertinent information about the Civil War in the West.
Book cover of The Boer War
by Arthur Conan Doyle, James F.J. Archibald, J. Castel Hopkins and The Editors of New Word City
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2011

In more than one respect, the Boer war in South Africa was a surprise to the world two tiny Boer republics presented a defiant ultimatum to a great empire, fought with skill and deadly effect, and some of the British colonies that were supposed to be the most independent eagerly mustered volunteer regiments...
Book cover of Les nouvelles de l'été - Le jour
by Anna Walders, Christine Jean, Franck Dozion
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2018

Les vacances d’été... Être en vacances, c’est profiter d’une parenthèse durant laquelle il est enfin possible de se reposer, voyager, faire des rencontres, prendre du temps pour soi et ceux que l’on aime. Neuf auteurs ont abordé ce sujet des vacances, pour vous faire rêver, voyager,...
Book cover of Wonder Born

Wonder Born

A Journey into the Birth and Life of a Living Traiteur

by V.M. Castel
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2012

This is the first book, of a series of two, of present-day people who work with spirit, using inherited spiritual gifts such as empathy, healing, sight, spirit communication, and more; to do amazing things (healing, energy manipulation, interact with ghosts, affect weather, precognition, animal/nature...
Book cover of Eine illegitime Kunst

Eine illegitime Kunst

Die sozialen Gebrauchsweisen der Photographie

by Pierre Bourdieu, Luc Boltanski, Robert Castel
Language: German
Release Date: December 5, 2014

Eine »illegitime Kunst« nennen Bourdieu und seine Mitarbeiter die Fotografie. In der Tat gilt sie als »Zwitter«: als Alltagshandlung mit dem Anspruch einer Kunstanstrengung. Welchen Zwecken gehorcht die Fotografie? Sind Fotografien Bilder in dem strengen Sinne, mit dem dieses Wort in aller Regel...
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