Bruno: 2026 books

Book cover of Benjamin. Il cinema e i media
by Theodor W. Adorno, Paolo Jedlowski, Vincenzo Cuomo
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 8, 2012

“Trasferire piante dal giardino dell`arte alla terra straniera del sapere, per poter individuare i piccoli cambiamenti di colore e di forma che in tal modo si manifestano. La cosa più importante è la delicatezza nell`afferrare, la cautela con cui l`opera viene rimossa con le sue radici, che poi...
Book cover of Parrains du siècle, destins et déclins
by Bruno Aubry
Language: French
Release Date: December 1, 2011

L'Histoire décapante de la mafia à la française de la fin du XiXe siècle à nos jours, un document unique par l'un de ses meilleurs spécialistes. Bruno Aubry retrace ici l'histoire des parrains principalement issus de Corse et du Sud de la France. Les parrains. Leurs noms et leurs histoires...
Book cover of Il voto italiano all’estero. Riflessioni, esperienze e risultati di un’indagine in Australia

Il voto italiano all’estero. Riflessioni, esperienze e risultati di un’indagine in Australia

Riflessioni, esperienze e risultati di un'indagine in Australia

by Simone Battiston, Bruno Mascitelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 1, 2012

Le riforme introdotte dal legislatore sul voto italiano all'estero hanno segnato un punto di svolta nella politica italiana e in modo particolare nelle comunità degli italiani con la novità della rappresentanza estera. Quale opinione hanno del voto italiano all'estero i connazionali residenti al...
Book cover of Herzensangelegenheiten


Bruno Reichart, unsere Mutter und die Geschichte der Herztransplantation

by Andreas Lebert, Stephan Lebert, Bruno Reichart
Language: German
Release Date: November 23, 2017

***Medizingeschichte – so spannend wie ein Krimi***Am 16. Mai 1997 wird Ursula Lebert, der Mutter der Autoren Andreas und Stephan Lebert, das Herz herausgeschnitten und durch ein fremdes ersetzt. Diese Transplantation schenkt der bekannten Journalistin ein zweites Leben. Der Mann, der diese Operation...
Book cover of Briser la dictature du temps

Briser la dictature du temps

Comprendre ce qu'est le temps pour mieux le vivre

by Bruno Jarrosson
Language: French
Release Date: September 1, 2016

Augmenté de 12 vidéos dans lesquelles l'auteur prolonge et affine son propos, ce grand classique de Bruno Jarrosson est désormais à nouveau disponible. Le temps nous trahit. Plus nous cherchons à en gagner, plus nous avons la désagréable impression qu'il nous échappe. Dans le cadre...
Book cover of Folle histoire de - les grandes hystériques
by Bruno Fuligni
Language: French
Release Date: February 5, 2015

Connaissez-vous les méfaits et accès de folie d'Eva Peron, de Lady Stanhope, d'Adèle Hugo ou encore de Janis Joplin ? Ces hystériques, meurtrières, manipulatrices ou autres furies ont marqué l'Histoire, Folle Histoire vous raconte avec érudition et humour leurs actes ou crimes extraordinaires...
Book cover of Von der Ursache, dem Princip und dem Einen
by Giordano Bruno
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Alles ist eins: In Von der Ursache, dem Prinzip und dem Einen legt der italienische Philosoph Giordano Bruno den Grundstein zu einer neuen Metaphysik und vollzieht eine radikale Abwendung von der dualistischen Weltsicht seiner Zeit: der klassischen Zweiteilung in Gott und Welt, Geist und Materie....
Book cover of Selbstbehauptung


Leben in drei Gesellschaften

by Bruno Flierl
Language: German
Release Date: May 28, 2015

"Eine Wiederkehr an Orte der Vergangenheit ist nur sinnvoll, wenn sie die Erinnerung an das Leben an ihnen befördert, wieder auffrischt oder neu entdecken lässt." Bruno Flierl, geboren zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik in Schlesien, aufgewachsen in Nazi-Deutschland, am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs...
Book cover of Scarpette e cioccolato

Scarpette e cioccolato

28 anni di corse, bytes, persone, in un grande gruppo industriale italiano

by Bruno Solaro
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 12, 2016

Bruno Solaro in trent'anni ha girato il pianeta per seguire e guidare l'evoluzione informatica della Ferrero, da New York a Hong Kong, da Mosca all'Equador. Sempre con le sue fedeli scarpe da ginnastica, pronte per una rigenerante corsa prima del lavoro. Il libro è un eccezionale racconto...
Book cover of I Woke Up Feeling Thailand
by Dr D. Bruno Starrs
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2012

A hilarious tale of cheap drugs, cheap sex and teaching English - on the cheap! The first edition of "I Woke Up Feeling Thailand" was written between 2002 and 2004, after the author returned from an eye-opening stint observing the lifestyles of English teachers in the Kingdom of Siam. After...
Book cover of Et la lune sera ma tombe…

Et la lune sera ma tombe…

Roman de science-fiction

by Bruno Lassalle
Language: French
Release Date: March 21, 2018

Huis clos interstellaire… « Un robot ne peut porter atteinte à un être humain, ni, restant passif, permettre qu’un être humain soit exposé au danger. » (Première Loi de la robotique d’Asimov, 1942) Pourtant, il ne s’agissait que d’une simple mission de routine, terminer le...
Book cover of The Iceman

The Iceman

The True Story of a Cold-Blooded Killer

by Anthony Bruno
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2013

Soon to be a major motion picture starring Michael Shannon, Winona Ryder, with Ray Liotta and Chris Evans ** ** He was smart, merciless, and deadly. And it took someone just as tough to bring him down.   A mob contract killer known as “The Iceman” for hiding a body in an ice-cream truck freezer,...
Book cover of The Dark Sea War Chronicles: Volume I - Fighting the Silent
by Bruno Martins Soares
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2018

In a distant solar system, a war breaks between the Webbur Union, its ally the Kingdom of Torrance, and their rival, the Axx Republic. Byllard Iddo is a young man who accidently killed his father in a martial arts training session. He left to join the Space Navy. Now a lieutenant in the powerful Webbur...
Book cover of The Circuit

The Circuit

The Complete Saga

by Rhett C. Bruno
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2017

USA Today Bestseller Rhett C. Bruno's debut sci-fi series is a gritty, space-opera epic perfect for fans of The Expanse! Earth is a dying planet. To survive, humanity founds the Circuit, a string of colonies across the solar system, dedicated to mining resources vital to preserving what remains...
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