Bruno: 2026 books



Daily Contemplations To Unlock The Essence

by Bruno Nua
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2018

BUDDHA’S FAVOURITE WORDS is a unique collection of all the Buddha’s main teachings in one volume offered with insight, clarity and occasional humour. It is presented in an A-to-Z format as if the Buddha were alive today and these were his favourite keywords for unlocking the essence of the entire...
Book cover of Opere di Giordano Bruno
by Giordano Bruno
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 15, 2014

2 opere di Giordano Bruno Filosofo, scrittore e frate domenicano italiano (1548-1600) Questo libro elettronico presenta una collezione di 2 opere di Giordano Bruno. Indice interattivo: Cabala del cavallo Pegaseo con l'aggiunta dell'Asino Cillenico Spaccio de la bestia trionfante
Book cover of De Gaulle - Leçons de commandement

De Gaulle - Leçons de commandement

Stratégies / Décisions / Leadership / Négociations

by Bruno Jarrosson, Charles de Gaulle
Language: French
Release Date: November 12, 2018

Charles de Gaulle, le modèle du chef ! Charles de Gaulle a été le Français le plus notable du XXe siècle. L’homme appartient à l’histoire. Mais sa personnalité semble défier l’analyse : poulain de Pétain il se dressera contre son mentor, homme d’action il écrit des livres...
Book cover of Sur le culte des dieux faitiches suivi de Iconoclash
by Bruno LATOUR
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2015

En créant les notions de faitiche et celle d' iconoclash, Bruno Latour poursuit sa critique des " modernes " et remet ainsi en cause toute une partie de l'édifice sur lequel sont construites les sciences humaines. (Cette édition numérique reprend, à l'identique, la deuxième édition de 2009.) Ce...
Book cover of 3X Speed Writing

3X Speed Writing

How to write a 100-page book in 10 hours even if you start from scratch and have no time

by Giacomo Bruno
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2019

Bestseller? Yes, after reading this text you would have learned how to write a book from scratch and how to become a bestseller author. In this book you will discover: How to write a 100 pages book in 10 hours even if you start from scratch and if you don’t have any time. How to choose...
Book cover of Blessings from Beijing

Blessings from Beijing

Inside China's Soft-Power War on Tibet

by Greg C. Bruno
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2018

As we approach the sixtieth anniversary of China’s 1959 invasion of Tibet—and the subsequent creation of the Tibetan exile community—the question of the diaspora’s survival looms large. Beijing’s foreign policy has grown more adventurous, particularly since the post-Olympic expansion of...
Book cover of True Red

True Red

The life of an ex-Mongrel Mob gang leader

by Tuhoe 'Bruno' Isaac
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Wearing the colour red, living by the ‘law of lawlessness’ and having the patch with the emblem of the mighty bulldog on your back was what ex-Mongrel Mob leader Tuhoe ‘Bruno’ Isaac called being True Red. “Because all levels of society hated us we created a new society of hatred symbolised...
Book cover of Bollywood Extras
by Dr D. Bruno Starrs
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2012

"Bollywood Extras" is a bold exercise in literary post-modernism and has been described as a bit like Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita" (1955) meets Nathanael West's "Day of the Locust" (1939). Unlike those two classics, however, this new novel by Dr D. Bruno Starrs is set...
Book cover of No Way. The big bad boss era is over

No Way. The big bad boss era is over

Humildad, Integridad, Confianza

by Bruno Rouffaer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 3, 2017

Este libro, publicado por CENTRUM Graduate Business School, presenta una visión fresca sobre las actitudes y motivaciones de los nuevos líderes de las empresas e instituciones más innovadoras en el mundo. Además, establece una comparación entre el líder conservador y el líder moderno en función...
Book cover of Ria, are you ok?

Ria, are you ok?

Adventures in Pakistan

by Bruno Maiorana
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2018

  Ria is a treasure hunter trying to find her way in the world while looking after her alcoholic friend. Bruno is a teacher who decided to take his dog on a trip. Peter is a freelance writer whose trip in India takes an unexpected turn.  Bong Gu is a Chinese dog,...
Book cover of L'Écarlate


Un thriller réunionnais

by Bruno Lassalle
Language: French
Release Date: January 30, 2017

Le mal s’est invité chez nous. C’est grande misère pour la Réunion. Saint-Expédit veiller sur nous. Max savait que le tissu blanc et les cheveux brûlés sur la seule tombe rouge du cimetière de Saint-Pierre n’étaient pas un bon présage. « Cette fois il faut s’attendre au pire...
Book cover of Holocausto Manhattan
by Bruno Nievas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Un thriller de acción trepidante y ritmo vertiginoso, que te dejará sin aliento por la agilidad de su trama y las impresionantes revelaciones que contiene. Septiembre de 2010. Mike Brenner imparte una clase en la universidad sobre ondas binaurales, un tema que le preocupa por las graves adicciones...
Book cover of Il ritorno
by Bruno Mibelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 29, 2015

Cosa succederebbe se ti dovessi risvegliare dopo trent'anni di coma? Bruno Mibelli, già autore di un’interessante autobiografia-saggio “Il mio novecento”, si avventura per la prima volta nella narrativa con “Il ritorno”. La trama è presto detta: un uomo di mezz’età, omonimo dell’autore,...
Book cover of Gelato Fiasco

Gelato Fiasco

Recipes and Stories from America's Best Gelato Makers

by Joshua Davis, Bruno Tropeano
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2018

Joshua Davis and Bruno Tropeano, two guys right out of college, felt that something was amiss. People in Maine created some of the best of everything in the world — higher education, ships, television doctors, winter boots. But the gelato of which they dreamt could not be found here in Maine, or...
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