Brian Michael Bendis: 126 books

Book cover of Miles Morales: Spider-Man Collection 2 (Marvel Collection)
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 8, 2017

Mentre New York viene colpita dal pungiglione dello Scorpione, inizia il nuovo capitolo della saga di Miles Morales! Il giovane ragazzo sta ancora cercando di capire i limiti e le possibilità dei suoi nuovi fantastici poteri, e deve imparare come essere un eroe da… Peter Parker?! Nel frattempo...
Book cover of New Avengers Vol. 9: Secret Invasion Book Two
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2014

Collects New Avengers (2004) #43-47. The dark secret of the Illuminati is revealed. How could it have brought about the Secret Invasion? And what happened to the Skrulls during the legendary House of M event? Also, the Hood must discover the true secret behind his powers.
Book cover of Mighty Avengers Vol. 1: The Ultron Initiative
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2014

Collects Mighty Avengers (2007) #1-6. Iron Man is rebuilding the Avengers with a handpicked roster of Earth’s mightiest. A group this powerful should be ready for just about anything except, perhaps, the return of genocidal killing machine Ultron.
Book cover of Miles Morales: Spider-Man Collection 10 (Marvel Collection)
by Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 1, 2018

Miles Morales ora fa parte dell’Universo Marvel: è un Avenger con tanto di tessera e se la spassa con Iron Man, Thor e Capitan America! Ma come sono stati i primi otto mesi di Miles nella nuovissima New York? Una cosa di certo non è cambiata, nei panni di Spider-Man non ha un attimo di tregua....
Book cover of Dark Reign – Regno Oscuro (Grandi Eventi Marvel)
by John Romita Jr., Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 5, 2018

È successo l’impensabile: un noto arcicriminale, per di più con seri problemi di sanità mentale, è a capo dell’H.A.M.M.E.R., la più grande organizzazione per la sicurezza nazionale degli Stati Uniti. Norman Osborn, noto alle cronache per essere stato il supercriminale di nome Goblin, ha salvato...
Book cover of Guardians of the Galaxy 1
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: German
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Peter Quill sitzt als Herrscher von Spartax im goldenen Käfig fest, Gamora ist verschwunden und die neuen Guardians of the Galaxy bestehen aus Kitty Pryde, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Drax, Venom und dem Ding Ben Grimm!
Book cover of Guardians of the Galaxy 4
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: German
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Star-Lord und seine Guardians of the Galaxy rauschen aus dem All heran, um auf der Erde in den zweiten Civil War einzugreifen! Doch der Krieg der Superhelden sorgt für Spannungen und Risse im Gefüge des Teams. Dazu: Eine Weltraumgeschichte aus früheren Tagen - mit Spider-Man und Flash Thompson?!
Book cover of Guardians of the Galaxy 3
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: German
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Vier neue Geschichten über die Wächter des Weltalls des brandneuen Marvel-Universums! Das Ding Ben Grimm zieht als Weltraum-Barbar in die Schlacht. Venom und Groot kämpfen gegen Skrull-Gestaltwandler. Gamora und Drax stellen sich einem Badoon-Monster. Und dann kehrt die himmlische Kriegerin Angela zurück!
Book cover of Guardians of the Galaxy 2
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: German
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Kitty Pryde und alle alten und neuen Guardians of the Galaxy müssen es mit Yotat dem Zerstörer aufnehmen, der ihnen ihre bisher härteste Schlacht liefert!
Book cover of Daredevil. Gli Ultimi Giorni
by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Bill Sienkiewicz
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 26, 2018

Nelle strade di Hell’s Kitchen si consuma la più grande delle tragedie: una lunga battaglia tra Daredevil e Bullseye finisce con la morte dell’Uomo senza paura. Quando il giornalista Ben Urich comincia a indagare su quanto accaduto, scopre una cosa che è sfuggita a tutti: pochi istanti prima...
Book cover of Miles Morales: Spider-Man Collection 11 (Marvel Collection)
by Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli, Nico Leon
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 5, 2018

Gli eroi Marvel sono alle prese con la loro seconda guerra civile: da che parte si schiererà Miles Morales? Forse potrebbe non schierarsi per niente e trovare un’altra via insieme ai suoi amici Nova e Ms. Marvel… Le cose si complicano parecchio quando Ulysses, un nuovo inumano con il potere di...
Book cover of Age Of Ultron
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2014

Collects Age of Ultron #1-10, Avengers Assemble #14AU -15AU , Fantastic Four #5AU , Fearless Defenders #4AU, Superior Spider -Man #6AU , Ultron #1AU , Uncanny Avengers #8AU , Wolverine & the X-Men #27AU , Avengers #10AI. For years, the Marvel Universe has lived in fear that the artificial intelligence...
Book cover of New Avengers Vol. 3: Secrets And Lies
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2014

Collects New Avengers (2004) #11-15 Who is Ronin and why has Captain America recruited him into the fold? What does it have to do with Hydra and Silver Samurai? Plus, Spider-Woman’s dark secrets revealed!
Book cover of New Avengers Vol. 4: The Collective
by Brian Michael Bendis
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2014

Collects New Avengers (2004) #16-20. HOUSE OF M changed the planet; now, a new, major threat has emerged. The New Avengers are about to be put to the test in a way they never have before.
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