Brandon Witt: 28 books

Book cover of Teddy Bears
by Brandon Witt
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Other than working the front desk of a gay bathhouse in Denver, Brian McKay is a bit of a recluse. At the best of times, his social life consists of work, role-playing games at a local toy shop, and making YouTube videos with his Teddy Bear hamsters. The arrival of the holidays—with the annoying...
Book cover of Son of Money
by Brandon Witt
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2016

Randall Morgan, youngest son of one of Seattle’s wealthiest families, rejected his family’s money to live free of their control and pursue his career as a photographer. To make ends meet, Randall does erotic photography and massage—a secret he keeps from his family so he can remain a part of...
Book cover of Then the Stars Fall
by Brandon Witt
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2014

The death of his wife four years earlier left Travis Bennett a shell of the man he used to be. With his dog by his side, Travis raises his three children, manages his business, and works as a ranch hand. But every day, every minute, is an aching emptiness. Wesley Ryan has fond memories of the...
Book cover of Infine cadono le stelle
by Brandon Witt
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 27, 2016

Dopo la  morte della moglie, avvenuta quattro anni prima, di Travis Bennett è rimasto il guscio dell’uomo che era. Con il suo cane al fianco, cresce tre figli, gestisce il suo magazzino di mangimi e lavora come sovrintendente di una fattoria. Ma ogni giorno, ogni minuto, è un vuoto doloroso. Wesley...
Book cover of Nachos et hasch
by Brandon Witt
Language: French
Release Date: January 9, 2018

Les hommes du Mary, numéro hors série Darwin Michaels vit son rêve dans la Mile High City. Bien que Denver offre le travail parfait, de délicieux dîners, et un tourbillon d’options de rancards, Darwin perd l’espoir qu’il puisse trouver le bon pour éveiller son intérêt pendant...
Book cover of L'imperfezione dei cigni
by Brandon Witt
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 13, 2018

Kevin Bivanti sogna da sempre di aprire una boutique di meravigliosi abiti nuziali, il posto in cui ogni promessa sposa possa sentirsi adorata. A trentotto anni, lascia una carriera di successo nel mondo della pubblicità per acquistare una vecchia brownstone in un quartiere prestigioso di Boston...
Book cover of L'Imperfection des cygnes
by Brandon Witt
Language: French
Release Date: May 31, 2017

Le rêve de Kevin Bivanti est d’ouvrir une boutique de robes de mariée, un endroit avec des robes étonnantes pour que toutes les futures mariées se sentent adorées. À trente-huit ans, il quitte une carrière publicitaire réussie pour acheter un vieux bâtiment de grès brun dans un quartier...
Book cover of Shifting Silver
by Brandon Witt
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2016

The year is 1618, and Allakau is different from the other members of the Alaskan Yupik tribe. His people survive by hunting, but Allakau is unable to kill or eat flesh. As another season reaches its end and winter approaches, Allakau encounters a narwhal with silver eyes similar to his own. He saves...
Book cover of Braving the Rapids
by Brandon Witt
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2017

A Rocky Mountain Boys Novel Estes Park native Todd Fleece works hard to honor his obligations to family and the businesses he inherited, but only his friends and the horses at his ranch brighten Todd’s life. In fighting his attraction to his best friend’s ex-boyfriend, Todd has focused...
Book cover of Puis les étoiles tombent
by Brandon Witt
Language: French
Release Date: September 6, 2017

Depuis la mort de sa femme il y a quatre ans, Travis Bennett n’est plus que l’ombre de lui-même. En plus de son travail d’ouvrier agricole, il doit élever ses trois enfants, s’occuper de son chien et gérer ses affaires. Mais chaque minute qui s’écoule lui rappelle ce vide douloureux. Quant...
Book cover of Sotto un cielo di cenere
by Brandon Witt
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 3, 2018

Più di dieci anni dopo aver lasciato il Colorado per frequentare il college e fuggire dal suo passato, Isaiah Greene vi fa ritorno e si costruisce una vita a Denver come insegnante di sostegno. Quando conosce Ben Woods, il mentore di uno dei suoi studenti, l’attrazione è immediata. La rivelazione...
Book cover of Und ein Stern fiel vom Himmel
by Brandon Witt
Language: German
Release Date: August 15, 2017

Nach dem Tod seiner Frau vor vier Jahren ist Travis Bennett nur noch ein Schatten seiner selbst. Zusammen mit seinem Hund kümmert er sich um seine drei Kinder und verdient sein Geld mit einem Futtermittelladen und als Farmarbeiter. Aber jeden Tag, jede Minute, leidet er unter dieser Leere, die ihm...
Book cover of Die Unvollkommenheit der Schwäne
by Brandon Witt
Language: German
Release Date: July 31, 2018

Kevin Bivanti träumt davon, eine eigene Boutique zu eröffnen und Brautkleider zu verkaufen – ganz besondere Kleider, in denen sich jede Braut wunderschön fühlt. Er ist schon achtunddreißig Jahre alt, als er endlich seinen Job in der Werbeindustrie aufgibt und ein altes Backsteinhaus im modischen...
Book cover of Nachos und Kirschen
by Brandon Witt
Language: German
Release Date: March 13, 2018

Ein Titel der Mary`s Boys Serie Darwin Michaels lebt seine Träume in Denver, der Mile High City. Obwohl die Stadt den perfekten Job, fabelhaftes Essen und eine Vielzahl an Dating-Möglichkeiten bietet, verliert Darwin langsam die Hoffnung, dass er den richtigen Mann finden wird. Den, der sein...
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