Bill Bryson: 48 books

Book cover of I'm a Stranger Here Myself

I'm a Stranger Here Myself

Notes on Returning to America After 20 Years Away

by Bill Bryson
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2008

A classic from the New York Times bestselling author of A Walk in the Woods and The Body. After living in Britain for two decades, Bill Bryson recently moved back to the United States with his English wife and four children (he had read somewhere that nearly 3 million Americans believed they...
Book cover of The Mother Tongue

The Mother Tongue

English and How it Got that Way

by Bill Bryson
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2015

With dazzling wit and astonishing insight, Bill Bryson—the acclaimed author of The Lost Continent—brilliantly explores the remarkable history, eccentricities, resilience and sheer fun of the English language. From the first descent of the larynx into the throat (why you can talk but your dog can't),...
Book cover of Een kleine geschiedenis van bijna alles
by Bill Bryson
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 29, 2016

In 'Een kleine geschiedenis van bijna alles' lukt het Bill Bryson om wetenschappelijke kennis uit onder andere de geologie, scheikunde, kwantumfysica, paleontologie en sterrenkunde voor een groot publiek te ontsluiten. Hij doet dat op zo'n heldere en spannende wijze dat ook degenen die altijd in slaap...
Book cover of De weg naar little dribbling

De weg naar little dribbling

een reis door Groot-Brittannië

by Bill Bryson
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 13, 2016

Bill Brysons kennis over Groot-Brittannië ontwikkelde zich van ‘weet bijna niets’, naar ‘grondige vertrouwdheid’, tot ‘complete verbijstering: wat weet ik eigenlijk weinig’. Ineens realiseert Bryson zich namelijk dat hij in een land woont dat zich zo snel ontwikkelt dat het hem vreemd...
Book cover of Vestivamo da superman
by Bill Bryson
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 24, 2014

Cosa significa crescere nell’America degli anni Cinquanta? Molte cose sorprendenti, se a raccontarle è Bill Bryson, il brillante autore di Breve storia di (quasi) tutto, che ha il dono di saper trasformare un’infanzia felicemente normale in un percorso di formazione irto di ostacoli tragici e...
Book cover of Straßen der Erinnerung

Straßen der Erinnerung

Reisen durch das vergessene Amerika

by Bill Bryson
Language: German
Release Date: May 31, 2012

Bill Brysons amüsante Reise in das Herz Amerikas. Mit Mitte zwanzig kehrt Bill Bryson dem verschlafenen Mittleren Westen Amerikas den Rücken, um Jahre später voll Heimweh zurückzukehren. In einem alten Chevrolet macht er sich auf die 14.000 Meilen lange Fahrt durch das Amerika seiner Jugend....
Book cover of Notes from a Small Island
by Bill Bryson
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2015

Before New York Times bestselling author Bill Bryson wrote The Road to Little Dribbling, he took this delightfully irreverent jaunt around the unparalleled floating nation of Great Britain, which has produced zebra crossings, Shakespeare, Twiggie Winkie’s Farm, and places with names like Farleigh Wallop and Titsey.
Book cover of made in america

made in america

An Informal History of the English Language in the United States

by Bill Bryson
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2015

Bill Bryson, bestselling author of The Mother Tongue, now celebrates its magnificent offspring in the book that reveals once and for all how a dusty western hamlet with neither woods nor holly came to be known as Hollywood . . . and exactly why Mr. Yankee Doodle called his befeathered cap "Macaroni."
Book cover of Icons of England
by Bill Bryson
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2010

This celebration of the English countryside does not only focus on the rolling green landscapes and magnificent monuments that set England apart from the rest of the world. Many of the contributors bring their own special touch, presenting a refreshingly eclectic variety of personal icons, from pub...
Book cover of Il mondo è un teatro
by Bill Bryson
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 24, 2014

LA VITA E L’EPOCA DI WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Del sommo poeta inglese, forse il più grande autore di ogni tempo e luogo, ci restano 884.647 parole (ma solo quattordici scritte di suo pugno). Molte meno sono le informazioni che abbiamo sulla sua vita, quasi nulla possiamo affermare con certezza...
Book cover of Notizie da un grande paese
by Bill Bryson
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 9, 2017

Dopo aver vissuto in Inghilterra per quasi vent’anni, Bill Bryson decide di tornare con la famiglia negli Stati Uniti, dove è nato e cresciuto. Ma lo scarto tra l’America che aveva lasciato da ragazzo, quella che lo accoglie e le abitudini acquisite in un altro paese lo colpisce con la forza...
Book cover of De zomer van 1927
by Bill Bryson
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 25, 2014

Het was de zomer waarin de Amerikaanse effectenbeurs floreerde, de president slechts vier uur per dag werkte, een honkballer genaamd Babe Ruth het spel voorgoed veranderde, een beeldhouwer het idiote plan had opgevat om vier reusachtige hoofden in een berg te houwen, een gigantische overstroming gebieden...
Book cover of L'estate in cui accadde tutto
by Bill Bryson
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 4, 2014

È il maggio del 1927 e può capitare che un giovane taciturno e allampanato, Charles Lindbergh, si trasformi da un giorno all’altro da perfetto sconosciuto a eroe planetario, il primo pilota a trasvolare l’Atlantico da Long Island a Parigi, dove viene accolto da un’immensa folla festante. La...
Book cover of Breve storia della vita privata
by Bill Bryson
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 24, 2014

Uno dei più amati autori di libri di viaggio alle prese con un itinerario a dir poco insolito: l’esplorazione della sua dimora inglese, un’ex canonica vittoriana situata in uno sperduto villaggio del Norfolk. La sfida, condotta con divertita maestria, è quella di posare su quanto ci circonda...
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