Benjamin David: 68 books

Book cover of FRCR Part 1 Anatomy Mock Examinations
by Aidan Shaw, Benjamin Smith, David C. Howlett
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2011

FRCR Part 1 Anatomy Mock MCQ Examinations provides essential practice for the new anatomy examination introduced by the Royal College of Radiologists. Written according to the syllabus set by the Royal College, each mock examination is laid out and structured in the same way as the actual papers,...
Book cover of Redneck Religion
by Paul Figlow, David Benjamin Thompson
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2015

Redneck Religion is a compilation of stories, devotions, and prayers. It is written in the format of a Christian Journal, and tracks the daily thoughts and writings of a Christian who just happens to be a Redneck! You will surely enjoy!
Book cover of Sympathy for Jonah

Sympathy for Jonah

Reflections on Humiliation, Terror and the Politics of Enemy-Love

by David Benjamin Blower
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2016

The story of Jonah is sacred to all three Abrahamic faiths and remains a recognizable legend even in the most secularized corners of the West. And yet the maritime prophet's story has been trivialized as a quaint children's tale, his character has been blasted by unsympathetic commentators, and even...
Book cover of Listening to Others

Listening to Others

Developmental and Clinical Aspects of Empathy and Attunement

by Evelyne Schwaber, Sydney Pulver, Jessica Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2007

This volume addresses the critical psychoanalytic issue of effective listening. While this issue has been discussed widely in the literature, most often the discussions are from the standpoint of technique. Listening to Others is among the first texts to consider the listening process from the so-called...
Book cover of Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery
by David L. Brown, Gregory H. Borschel, Benjamin Levi
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2014

The first and only pocket-sized, practical manual on plastic surgery, The Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery is written by residents in the University of Michigan’s renowned plastic surgery training program. This multidisciplinary review features contributions from senior residents in related fields...
Book cover of Discipleship Bands: A Practical Field Guide
by Mark Benjamin, John David Walt
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2018

A discipleship band is a group of three to five people who read together, pray together, and meet together to become the love of God for one another and the World.
Book cover of Geblitzdingst


Slam Poetry über Demenz

by Eva Niedermeier, Björn Högsdal, Alexander Bach
Language: German
Release Date: August 22, 2016

Nicht nur in Talkshows, Zeitungen und im Verwandten­kreis wird über Demenz gesprochen. In den letzten Jahren haben sich auch die Stars der Wortwettkämpfe diesem so schweren Thema angenommen und im Publikum für Gänsehaut und Lächeln gesorgt mit ehrlichen, komischen oder berührenden Texten. Slam...
Book cover of Immunosuppression and Human Malignancy
by David Naor, Benjamin Y. Klein, Nora Tarcic
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The immune system can deal effectively with the majority of viruses and bacteria, less effectively with parasites, and very poorly with cancer. Why is this so? Why are McFarlane Burnet's and Lewis Thomas' predictions that the immune system is in­ volved in ridding the body of cancer cells, encapsulated...
Book cover of N#MMER Magazin (1/2015)
by Denise Linke, Marlies Hübner, Mela Eckenfels
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2015

BEVOR SIE DIESES ERWEITERTE E-BOOK KAUFEN, PRÜFEN SIE BITTE, OB IHR LESEGERÄT FIXED LAYOUT FORMATE WIEDERGEBEN KANN. Themen: Asperger und ADHS im Film Autismusmetaphern ADHS und Gaming Medien-Bullshit-Bingo Einsamkeit MMS Interviews mit: Franziska Pigulla Rudy Simone
Book cover of N#MMER Magazin (1/2014)

N#MMER Magazin (1/2014)

Schwerpunkt: Liebe

by Denise Linke, Marlies Hübner, Mela Eckenfels
Language: German
Release Date: July 27, 2015

BEVOR SIE DIESES ERWEITERTE E-BOOK KAUFEN, PRÜFEN SIE BITTE, OB IHR LESEGERÄT FIXED LAYOUT FORMATE WIEDERGEBEN KANN. N#MMER ist ein Magazin für Autisten und AD(H)Sler mit Themen von uns, für uns, über uns. Es ist das weltweit erste Magazin, in dem nahezu alle Inhalte von Autisten und AD(H)Slern...
Book cover of Angle Mort numéro 2
by Benjamin Rosenbaum, André Ourednik, Adam-Troy Castro
Language: French
Release Date: February 1, 2011

Le collectif Angle Mort est composé d’éditeurs, d’écrivains, de traducteurs et de scientifiques partageant une même conception de la science-fiction ; celle d’une méthode d’exploration de soi et de notre environnement. La revue numérique Angle Mort publie des nouvelles contemporaines,...
Book cover of TCC et neurosciences
by Sabrina Bardy-Linder, Charles Bonsack, Delphine Montefiore
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2012

Les Thérapies Comportementales et Cognitives (TCC), qui ont pour but d'agir sur les schémas cognitifs, les émotions et les comportements, fondent leur pratique sur les avancées de sciences neurocognitives et psychosociales. Les neurosciences ont considérablement enrichi la connaissance des processus...
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