Beatrice: 338 books

Book cover of Hunting for Sparrows
by Beatrice Gerard
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2012

When midnight’s calm is cast into a state of alarm by attempted breaches of the network firewalls at the datacenter of Wise Woman, Inc., computer specialist Lauren is confronted with an all too urgent need to decipher the source of these cyber-attacks. Are they the work of a band of hackers or is...
Book cover of The Geranium Window
by Beatrice MacNeil
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

In the fictional village of Rocky Point, Cape Breton, just after WWII, the Briar family keeps a secret. Locked in his room, Joseph Briar, a child with visible and non-visible disabilities, is hidden from the community. And what Alfie Johns discovers through Joseph’s window will lead him to love...
Book cover of Infant Research and Adult Treatment

Infant Research and Adult Treatment

Co-constructing Interactions

by Beatrice Beebe, Frank M. Lachmann
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

Infant Research and Adult Treatment is the first synoptic rendering of Beatrice Beebe’s and Frank Lachmann’s impressive body of work.  Therapists unfamiliar with current research findings will find here a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of infant competencies.  These competencies give...
Book cover of Amor, susurro de una brisa suave
by Anna ª Cànopi, Beatrice Balsamo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 22, 2018

Este libro nace del deseo de comunicar la urgencia del amor como amistad, como comunión-comunidad. Porque el amor no es amarse a través de otro, sino corresponder al otro. Con frecuencia se presenta con muchos ropajes: de fiesta, brillantes, alegres, pobres, a veces incluso desgarrados. Pero, lo...
Book cover of Heilige strijd

Heilige strijd

het verlangen naar veiligheid en het einde van het kwaad

by Beatrice de Graaf
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 18, 2017

In dit helder geschreven essay zoekt Beatrice de Graaf naar een theologische visie op geweld, het kwaad en onze veiligheid. Aan de hand van Augustinus' theologie over de mens, diens gebrokenheid en Gods genade, biedt dit essay een cruciale aanvulling op het hedendaags debat over veiligheid. Veiligheid...
Book cover of Berufswunsch: Tourist. Geschichten aus aller Welt
by Beatrice Sonntag
Language: German
Release Date: December 26, 2016

"Meine kleine Nichte sagt, wenn man sie fragt, was sie denn später einmal werden will, dass sie professionell kleine Hasen streicheln möchte. Mein Neffe, der schon etwas älter und reifer ist, plant seine Zukunft als intergalaktischer Diplomat. Mein Traumberuf wäre, wenn es ihn gäbe: Tourist." Da...
Book cover of Traumziel: Weit weg. Noch mehr Geschichten aus aller Welt
by Beatrice Sonntag
Language: German
Release Date: November 15, 2016

„Meine Devise lautet, sich stets im gebuchten Zustand zu befinden. Am besten gleich mehrfach. Schließlich ist Vorfreude auch eine schöne Art von Freude.“ Beatrice Sonntag ist aus dem Grund immer auf der Suche nach neuen Reisezielen. Ganz gleich, wohin es sie verschlägt, Hauptsache: Weit weg....
Book cover of Born on the 4Th of July
by Beatrice Michaels Shapiro
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2014

Beatrice Michaels Shapiros book is a memoir of an extraordinary woman who despite decades of hardship and tragedy, including her unremitting devotion to her two developmentally disabled sons, managed to become an accomplished writer of numerous moving and poignant newspaper and magazine articles and...
Book cover of Dummheit


Warum wir heute die einfachsten Dinge nicht mehr wissen

by Ernst Pöppel, Beatrice Wagner
Language: German
Release Date: October 21, 2013

Warum wir heute die einfachsten Dinge nicht mehr wissen In Zeiten der rasanten Zunahme von Informationen gewinnt der einzelne Mensch nicht etwa an Wissen, sondern verliert es dramatisch. Intuitives Wissen, die Fähigkeit zur Selbstkontrolle, das Wissen um das menschliche Maß, Handlungswissen...
Book cover of Traut euch zu denken!

Traut euch zu denken!

Wie wir der allgemeinen Verdummung entkommen

by Beatrice Wagner, Ernst Pöppel
Language: German
Release Date: October 17, 2016

Das Gegenmittel zur Dummheit Durch den Bestseller Dummheit von Ernst Pöppel und Beatrice Wagner wurde uns klar, was wir heutzutage alles nicht mehr wissen. In seinem neuen Buch zeigt das Erfolgsgespann, dass unsere auf Kausalität und Effizienz getrimmte Denkweise daran Schuld hat. Dabei gibt...
Book cover of The Vintage Springtime Club

The Vintage Springtime Club

A charming novel for fans of The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

by Beatrice Meier
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2016

Perfect for fans of A MAN CALLED OVE, THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL and THE LITTLE PARIS BOOKSHOP Newly retired Philip returns home to Cologne and is thrown into emotional turmoil upon bumping into his long-lost sweetheart. In the midst of a domestic crisis, Ricarda confides in Philip that...
Book cover of Una verità universalmente riconosciuta... Scrittrici per Jane Austen
by Stefania Bertola, Ginevra Bompiani, Beatrice Masini
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 7, 2017

Stefania Bertola, Ginevra Bompiani, Beatrice Masini, Rossella Milone, Bianca Pitzorno, Lidia Ravera: sei omaggi a Jane Austen. “Non è difficile immaginare quanto si sarebbe divertita Jane Austen all’idea che tutto il mondo, in questo 2017, avrebbe festeggiato il bicentenario della sua morte....
Book cover of Una sera in Camerata

Una sera in Camerata

E dell'Arno alto tesoro...

by Beatrice Paolozzi Strozzi, H. E. Weidinger, Stefania Gitto
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 5, 2013

Indirizzo di saluto Nell'ultimo decennio il Museo Nazionale del Bargello è diventato un luogo della musica, soprattutto nelle sere d'estate. Un luogo magico non solo per l'acustica perfetta del suo splendido cortile ma anche per l'aura raccolta e al tempo stesso incomparabilmente suggestiva del vasto...
Book cover of La mia cucina easy & veg
by Beatrice Malfatti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 4, 2016

30 ricette vegane dall'autunno all'estate per raccontare i meglio riusciti esperimenti di una neovegana che è felice quando riesce a cucinare qualcosa che metta tutti d’accordo a tavola, vegani e non. In questa raccolta non troverete “ingredienti strani” o elaborazioni da chef ma la cucina...
1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 Last
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