Banks: 1172 books

Book cover of Retour à Stonemouth
by Iain M. Banks
Language: French
Release Date: April 30, 2014

Stonemouth : petite ville portuaire maussade au nord d’Aberdeen, en Écosse, réputée pour sa brume, ses gangsters, sa drogue à bas prix et son pont suspendu irrésistible pour les candidats au suicide. Après un exil de cinq ans, Stewart Gilmour est convoqué pour les obsèques de Joe, le patriarche...
Book cover of The Great Galloon and the Pirate Queen
by Tom Banks
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2015

The final showdown between the Great Galloon and the evil crew of the Sumbaroon. Captain Anstruther and the crew of his Great Galloon have trapped the evil Zebediah and his Sumbaroon at the base of a waterfall - at last they will rescue the captain's stolen bride, Isabella! But the Sumbaroon...
Book cover of Harmony
by Radine Banks
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2011

Andy Nelsons heart belongs in Wyoming on his familys ranch. He especially loves his thoroughbred racing horses Sapphire and her daughter, Harmony. But he understands that in order to fulfill his dream of helping animals, he must make many sacrifices on the journey to becoming a veterinarian. Leaving...
Book cover of Survivors of Rome
by Christopher J N Banks
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2013

Is the strength of friendship, of love, enough to keep friends together? Or will it fracture in a tide of jealous envy? And what of the mysterious force that brought the Adrian and his group together in the first place? Answers are revealed while deeper questions are posed in the second part...
Book cover of Mumm
by Barthélemy Banks
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2014

A retired spy with an exotic wife sets a trap for an old friend who now works for the other side. But who’s trying to kill whom? Colorful locales from New York City to the Islands of the Bahamas are the background for espionage, sex, and betrayal in this new series.
Book cover of William Adolphus Turnpike
by William Banks
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of Sharks & Lovers
by Frankie Banks
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2016

Harry is 49; he has just lost his mum to cancer and immerses himself in others in the hope of finding some happiness, for the grief to pass. Harry is a loan shark, a financier to the most interesting characters of life. Money is flowing into him and so are sexual advances from all directions. The...
Book cover of Unbound #10: Red Oasis

Unbound #10: Red Oasis

Unbound, #10

by Rosalie Banks
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2017

UNBOUND #10 climaxes the story of Alan, insistent incubus, in his sworn mission to betroth Leila his soulmate for eternity. In Red Oasis, the events alternated between ancient Mesopotamia and modern New York City where Alan reenacted Festival of Fire in order to impregnate Leila with his deamon...
Book cover of Wie verführt man einen reichen Griechen?
Language: German
Release Date: December 19, 2009

"Mit fünfundzwanzig bin ich doch nicht zu jung zum Heiraten!", erklärt Isabella und beobachtet zufrieden, wie Theron Anetakis missbilligend die Stirn runzelt. Ja, jetzt beginnt er endlich, sie als Frau zu sehen. Warme Schauer rieseln ihr über den Rücken, als sie ihm gegenübersteht. Dieser Glanz...
Book cover of Zoete verleiding
by Maya Banks
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 4, 2014

De afgelopen vijf jaar vervulde Serena voor haar bedrijf Fantasy Incorporated de fantasie van elke klant, maar haar eigen fantasie heeft ze nog nooit uitgevoerd. Haar geheimste verlangen is haar lichaam te geven aan een man die haar bevelen én genot geeft, en de volledige macht over haar krijgt....
Book cover of The Haunting of the Coin
by Monica Banks
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2010

A clairvoyant child, Sarah Hokasen, and a shopkeeper, Keiko Yamamoto, become intertwined in the paranormal world by the disappearance of Aiko Ikenaga, a pregnant woman in the village. Sarah unknowingly lashes out on people who harm her and torment her because she is of American-Japanese decent. She...
Book cover of Vor einem dunklen Hintergrund
by Iain Banks
Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2015

Gnadenlose Jagd Sharrow war einst Anführerin einer schlagkräftigen Kampftruppe in einem kleinen Handelskrieg. Sie lebt auf dem Planeten Golter im Exil, wo ein Glasstrand noch von älteren Kämpfen zeugt. An diesem Strand bemerkt sie, dass sie von den Huhsz verfolgt wird, einer fanatischen...
Book cover of Krieg der Seelen
by Iain Banks
Language: German
Release Date: December 12, 2011

Seit Jahrzehnten tobt ein Krieg, der über das Leben nach dem Tod entscheidet Wenn der Tod nicht mehr das Ende ist, weil jedes Bewusstsein digital gespeichert wird, wenn die Massenspeicher von Himmel und Hölle zum Angriff rüsten, wenn eine junge Frau für ihre Rache die Grenzen zwischen Raum...
Book cover of Exzession



by Iain Banks
Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2015

Eine Reise an die Grenzen des Vorstellbaren In einem entlegenen Sektor des Weltraums taucht eines Tages ein rätselhaftes Artefakt auf – eine riesige schwarze Kugel, die sich allen Kontaktversuchen verweigert. Messungen ergeben, dass das Objekt tausend Milliarden Jahre alt sein muss, älter also als unser Universum. Doch wie ist das möglich? Und wer oder was steckt dahinter?
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