Banks: 1172 books

Book cover of O beijo da inocência
by Maya Banks
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Ninguém o excitava mais que a sua própria mulher Ashley, recém-casada com Devon Carter, desejava que a sua paixão durasse. Mas os seus sonhos de amor verdadeiro foram destruídos pela descoberta de que o seu casamento era um acordo de negócios do seu pai. Então, decidiu atuar como a esposa perfeita...
Book cover of Lembras-Te de mim?
by Maya Banks
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 1, 2012

Conhecemo-nos? Bryony Morgan apaixonou-se pelo milionário hoteleiro Rafael de Luca quando este a seduziu nas suas terras à beira-mar. E de repente Rafael desaparecera, obrigando-a a viajar para Nova Iorque em busca de respostas. A amnésia seletiva que Rafael sofria desde o acidente de avião deixava-o...
Book cover of Sem Limites
by Maya Banks
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 21, 2015

O olhar de Jensen... Sombrio, cativante, magnetico. N?o passou despercebido a Kylie. Ela sabe que ele tem um lado dominador, t?o duro quanto fascinante. Mas Kylie jurou a si propria nunca ceder. Se ha algo que a assusta acima de tudo e a dominac?o, pois viveu, juntamente com o irm?o, uma infancia aterradora,...
Book cover of Leva-Me ao paraíso
by Maya Banks
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Poderias guardar-me uma dança? O milionário Theron Anetakis tinha apenas um problema… e este acabava de entrar no seu escritório. Depois de ocupar o seu cargo no escritório de Nova Iorque, Theron pretendia casar-se e formar família para consolidar o seu futuro. Mas não esperava aquilo… A...
Book cover of Conquista
by Maya Banks
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 8, 2016

Casados ha varios anos, Chessy e Tate parecem ter tudo. E assim foi durante muito tempo. Uma relac?o fogosa e avassaladora, na qual Chessy ofereceu a Tate a sua submiss?o, e o marido a acarinhou e protegeu. Mas as press?es do dia a dia n?o d?o treguas, e Tate parece estar agora completamente absorvido...
Book cover of Só uma carícia
by Maya Banks
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 1, 2018

Educada desde pequena numa seita religiosa, Jenna não teve contato com o mundo exterior; a única coisa que possui são vagos fragmentos que parecem pertencer a outra vida. Recordações a que se agarra quando os líderes da seita descobrem os seus poderes de cura… e a castigam. Anos de cativeiro...
Book cover of A cada respiração
by Maya Banks
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 1, 2016

Eliza Cummings libertou-se de um monstro que a aterrorizava quando era uma adolescente inocente e ajudou a pô-lo atrás das grades para sempre. Ninguém, nem mesmo as pessoas mais próximas, conhece os seus segredos mais sombrios. Aceitou um emprego na Devereaux Security Services e dedicou todo o...
Book cover of The Handbook of Graphene Electrochemistry
by Dale A. C. Brownson, Craig E. Banks
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2014

Graphene has grasped the attention of academia and industry world-wide due its unique structure and reported advantageous properties. This was reflected via the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics being awarded for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene. One particular...
Book cover of The Slow Death of the Aids/Cancer Paradigm

The Slow Death of the Aids/Cancer Paradigm

And the Apocrypha of the Eukaryotic Cell

by Nancy Turner Banks
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2016

AIDS and cancer are neither random nor infectious diseases. Both are characterized by a proton deficit and a reversal of the chimeric/energetic cooperative trend of the eukaryotic nucleus with the mitochondrial endosymbiont. This pattern is not random. It is consistent with the evolutionary heritage...
Book cover of Ecocriticism, Ecology, and the Cultures of Antiquity
by Anna Banks, Roman Bartosch, Hannes Bergthaller
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2016

Although current environmental debates lay the focus on the Industrial Revolution as a sociopolitical development that has led to the current environmental crisis, many ecocritical projects have avoided historicizing their concepts or have been characterized by approaches that were either pre-historic...
Book cover of Head On
by Jerry Banks
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2012

This novel is set again in the Great Northwest. It starts with a dramatic scene of a horrific automobile collision on the day after Memorial Day in 1973 on a mountain road in western Oregon. Two people are killed, and three others suffer serious injuries. A major lawsuit follows, involving several...
Book cover of Gotta Kidney?!

Gotta Kidney?!

A Journey Through Fear to Hope and Beyond

by Michael Banks
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2017

I have written this book so that others can benefit from the struggle i’ve been through. Gotta Kidney?! was written for all the millions of people who are affected directly or indirectly by kidney disease and indeed anyone facing major life-changing challenges of any kind, whether they be medical...
Book cover of Liebt mich... WHEREVER YOU ARE

Liebt mich... WHEREVER YOU ARE

Band 1-5 / Liebesromane

by Sarah Banks
Language: German
Release Date: October 23, 2017

Liebt mich - wherever you are Dieses Buch ist der Sammelband der "Lieb mich in - Hongkong, New York, Miami, Sydney und Aitutaki"-Bücher.   Mila arbeitet als Schreibkraft in der angesehenen Kanzlei Blackpole und ist hoffnungslos in ihren Chef verliebt. Nick Blackpole...
Book cover of Prisons in the United States: A Reference Handbook
by Cyndi Banks
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2017

Prisons were initially created as a means of reforming offenders, but over time, the objective of rehabilitation gave way to a strategy of mass imprisonment—a system that has resulted in correctional facilities dealing with serious problems such as overcrowding, prison gangs, pervasive violence,...
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