Banks: 1172 books

Book cover of Represent


Art and Identity Among the Black Upper-Middle Class

by Patricia A. Banks
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2009

Patricia A. Banks traverses the New York and Atlanta art worlds to uncover how black identities are cultivated through black art patronage. Drawing on over 100 in-depth interviews, observations at arts events, and photographs of art displayed in homes, Banks elaborates a racial identity theory of...
Book cover of Sacrifice


Mortal Path Book 2

by Dakota Banks
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2010

“Chilling, thrilling, and a page turner!” —Heather Graham, New York Times bestselling author of The Killing Edge   “Dakota Banks is firing on all cylinders.” —Steve Berry, New York Times bestselling author of The Charlemagne Pursuit   Author Dakota Banks dazzles...
Book cover of Love You, Forgive You, Continue...
by Rev. R. Lee Banks, Jr. AAS, BF
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2017

Life offers many challenges that have to be faced; and more often than not, it leaves us with the feelings of guilt and shame that harbors and affects us emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially, and socially. The key to overcoming this is to learn to love ourselves, forgive ourselves, and...
Book cover of Dominée


À bout de souffle, T2

by Maya Banks
Language: French
Release Date: February 17, 2017

« Elle l’attendait. Nue, dans la douce lueur du salon. Elle était à à genoux, la tête légèrement penchée, une lueur de désir dans les yeux. — Prends-moi, Drake. Fais-moi tienne. Ce soir, je veux être tout ce que tu veux. Juste pour toi. Rien que pour toi. » Afin de ne laisser...
Book cover of Birth Chairs, Midwives, and Medicine
by Amanda Carson Banks
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 1999

There was a time when birth was treated as a natural process rather than a medical condition. Before 1800, women gave birth seated in birth chairs or on stools and were helped along by midwives. Then societal changes in attitudes toward women and the practice of medicine made birthing a province of...
Book cover of Race, Rhetoric, and Technology

Race, Rhetoric, and Technology

Searching for Higher Ground

by Adam J. Banks
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2006

In this book Adam Banks uses the concept of the Digital Divide as a metonym for America's larger racial divide, in an attempt to figure out what meaningful access for African Americans to technologies and the larger American society can or should mean. He argues that African American rhetorical traditions--the...
Book cover of Silence brisé

Silence brisé


by Maya Banks
Language: French
Release Date: February 24, 2017

« Maya Banks écrit le genre de livres que j’adore lire ! » Lora Leigh « Incroyablement génial... J’adore Maya Banks et j’adore ses livres. » Jaci Burton La Belle et la Bête des temps modernes. Kelly Group International (KGI) : groupe d’intervention familial spécialisé...
Book cover of A Week without Tuesday
by Angelica Banks
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2016

A charming adventure full of magic and mystery, set in the land where stories come from. Something is broken in the land of story. Real and imaginary worlds are colliding—putting everything and everyone in grave peril. Tuesday and Baxterr, at the request of the Librarian, and with the help...
Book cover of Signé Leanne Banks : ses meilleurs romans

Signé Leanne Banks : ses meilleurs romans

Le bébé de Valentina - Un adversaire trop séduisant - Un piège si troublant

by Leanne Banks
Language: French
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Leanne Banks est l’auteur de plus de 60 romans, récompensés par plus d’une dizaine de prix. Romancière talentueuse, ses histoires ont su séduire des milliers de lecteurs, par la force de ses personnages toujours attachants, et par l’émotion et l’optimisme qui s’en dégagent. La...
Book cover of Excession
by Iain M. Banks
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2008

The fifth Culture book from the awesome imagination of Iain M. Banks, a modern master of science fiction. Two and a half millennia ago, the artifact appeared in a remote corner of space, beside a trillion-year-old dying sun from a different universe. It was a perfect black-body sphere, and...
Book cover of Overwonnen
by Maya Banks
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 7, 2017

Het laatste deel van de zinderende Hartstocht- trilogie Hij kan zichzelf niet veranderen. Zijn jeugd heeft Silas tot de man gemaakt die hij nu is: gevaarlijk, wantrouwend en veeleisend. Hij woont in zelfverkozen eenzaamheid, ervan overtuigd dat geen enkele vrouw ooit zijn behoefte aan volledige...
Book cover of Overmeesterd
by Maya Banks
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Al meer dan 150.000 exemplaren verkocht van de boeken van Maya Banks Deel 1 van de Hartstocht-trilogie Hij neemt wat hij wil, zonder wroeging of schuldgevoel. Ze stond daar in zijn club, als een schitterend, puur juweel. Onaangeroerd, onbezoedeld, nog onschuldig. Hij wenkte haar naar zijn privévertrekken,...
Book cover of Overvallen
by Maya Banks
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 19, 2017

Al meer dan 150.000 exemplaren verkocht van de boeken van Maya Banks Deel 2 van de Hartstocht-trilogie In Drakes schimmige wereld grijpen zijn tegenstanders ieder teken van zwakte aan om hem op de knieën te dwingen. Daarom staat hij zichzelf nooit toe daadwerkelijk om iemand te geven; dat...
Book cover of Julia Sommer Spezial Band 2
by Maya Banks
Language: German
Release Date: August 26, 2016

DAS LICHT UNSERER LIEBE von BANKS, MAYA Nie hat Marley einen Mann mehr geliebt als Yannis Anetakis. Allein bei dem Gedanken an die Nächte mit dem reichen Unternehmer schlägt ihr Herz schneller. Doch dann der Schock: Yannis hält sie für eine Verräterin und bricht jeden Kontakt ab. Verzweifelt...
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