Bang Bang: 90 books

Book cover of Ved Vejen
by Herman Bang
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2018

Stationsforstanderen skiftede Frakke til Toget.—Satan til lidt Forslag i Tiden, sagde han og strakte Armene. Han havde blundet saa smaat over Regnskaberne. Han fik tændt en Cigarstump og gik ud paa Perronen. Naar han gik saadan op og ned, stram i Tøjet, og Hænderne i begge Jakkelommerne,...
Book cover of Min gamle Kammerat
by Herman Bang
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2018

Nej—er det dig—at man skulde træffe dig her…. -Nej—men—du gode—det er Kristian— -Ja—i egen høje Person—nej, at man skulde træffe dig— -Men saa kom dog og sæt dig, Mand—saa nær jeg ikke havde kjendt dig…. -Det tror jeg, naar man føjter saadan...
Book cover of Enkens Søn
by Herman Bang
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2018

Da Rigsgrevinden af Waldecks Valg til Priorinde for Klosteret blev bekjendt i Eisenstein, vakte det megen Kritik. Det var godt nok at være Enke efter en Helt fra Gravelotte, men derfor omstyrtede man dog ikke de ældste Ordensregler og blev Priorinde, naar man kun var et Par og tredive Aar. Men saadan...
Book cover of The Martial Arts Business Arena

The Martial Arts Business Arena

Investment, Politics, Profit

by H. Richard Friman, Yong-jae Ko, Jin-bang Yang
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

        Martial art business-related aspects are found at the base level in individual schools and mushroom to a global level in international organizations. This anthology includes writings by professionals who offer information and insights into the financial side of the martial...
Book cover of Paradoxes of Liberal Democracy

Paradoxes of Liberal Democracy

Islam, Western Europe, and the Danish Cartoon Crisis

by Rune Slothuus, Rune Stubager, Paul M. Sniderman
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2014

In 2005, twelve cartoons mocking the prophet Mohammed appeared in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, igniting a political firestorm over demands by some Muslims that the claims of their religious faith take precedence over freedom of expression. Given the explosive reaction from Middle Eastern...
Book cover of Hurrah And Hallelujah : The Spirit Of New-Germanism, A Documentation
by J. P. Bang
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2013

A fascinating history book looking at the German national spirit during the First World War.
Book cover of Nano-Bio Probe Design and Its Application for Biochemical Analysis
by Bang-Ce Ye, Min Zhang, Bin-Cheng Yin
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2012

In this volume, Prof. Ye and his coworkers propose and review the concept of nano-bio probe design for biochemical analysis on the basis of their recent published works. A unique biochemical analysis technology based on fluorescence polarization enhanced by nanoparticles is described here with successful...
Book cover of Nothingness


Philosophical Insights into Psychology

by Jytte Bang
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

This book addresses nothingness as not only the intangible presence of an emotional, cultural, social, or even political void that is felt on an existential level, but has some solid foundations in reality. The death of a loved one, the social isolation of an individual, or the culture shock one may...
Book cover of Machine-learning Techniques in Economics

Machine-learning Techniques in Economics

New Tools for Predicting Economic Growth

by Atin Basuchoudhary, James T. Bang, Tinni Sen
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2017

This book develops a machine-learning framework for predicting economic growth. It can also be considered as a primer for using machine learning (also known as data mining or data analytics) to answer economic questions. While machine learning itself is not a new idea, advances in computing technology...
Book cover of The Four Devils
by Herman Bang
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2018

A classic of Danish literature available as an ebook for the first time. When their mother drowns, young brothers Fritz and Adolf are sold into the circus by their grandmother, for a mere twenty marks. There they suffer under the cruel hand of Father Cecchi but are befriended by sisters Aimée...
Book cover of Fædra


Brudstykker af et Livs Historie

by Herman Bang
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2018

Nu var Thorsholm alt, hvad Maag'erne havde tilbage. Før havde skiftevis en Jens og en Jørgen Maag—de to var Slægtens Yndlingsnavne—fra Thorsholm af eiet og styret over Landet fire Mil i Omkreds lige til Fjorden, og Ætten havde hørt til de rigeste i hele Jylland. Syg efter Ære havde...
Book cover of Behçet’s Disease

Behçet’s Disease

A Guide to its Clinical Understanding Textbook and Atlas

by Seonghyang Sohn, Eun-So Lee, Dongsik Bang
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Bridging the wide information gap for the clinician and researcher alike, this text contains numerous clinical photographs, statistical data, and concise descriptions of the initial mucocutaneous symptoms, to help the clinician to understand and identify the disease. Other manifestations of BD in...
Book cover of International Remittance Payments and the Global Economy
by Bharati Basu, James T. Bang
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2014

International Remittance Payments are described mainly as money sent by immigrants to their families and friends in their home countries. These payments provide an important source of income that is mostly used to provide for a variety of basic needs of the non-migrating members of immigrant families...
Book cover of Congestion


Rationalising Automobility in the Face of Climate Change

by Laura Bang Lindegaard
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2015

The book investigates the negotiation of governmental rationalities of car-dependent life in the face of climate change. It appears that current forms of governing are bound up with a specific utilisation of the freedom of the governed. Accordingly, the book demonstrates how the governing of automobility...
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