Ba: 490 books

Book cover of Advances in Surgery, E-Book 2016
by John L. Cameron, MD, FACS
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2016

Each year, Advances in Surgery reviews the most current practices in general surgery. A distinguished editorial board, headed by Dr. John Cameron, identifies key areas of major progress and controversy and invites preeminent specialists to contribute original articles devoted to these topics. These...
Book cover of Thermoelectrics


Fundamentals, Materials Selection, Properties, and Performance

by N. M. Ravindra, Bhakti Jariwala, Asahel Bañobre
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2018

This book provides a concise but comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals and current state of the art in thermoelectrics. Addressing an audience of materials scientists and engineers, the book covers theory, materials selection, and applications, with a wide variety of case studies reflecting...
Book cover of A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe

A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe

Volume II: Negotiating Modernity in the 'Short Twentieth Century' and Beyond, Part I: 1918-1968

by Balázs Trencsényi, Michal Kopeček, Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2018

A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe is a synthetic work, authored by an international team of researchers, covering twenty national cultures and 250 years. It goes beyond the conventional nation-centered narratives and presents a novel vision especially sensitive to the cross-cultural...
Book cover of Midwifery Essentials: Postnatal E-Book
by Helen Baston, BA(Hons), MMedSci
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2017

New edition of a title in the popular Midwifery Essentials series originally published in conjunction with The Practising Midwife journal. The series covers core topics in midwifery education in an engaging and friendly format using a helpful ‘jigsaw’ approach which encourages readers to explore...
Book cover of Lines, Tears & Spirits
by Cormac G. McDermott BA MEconSc.
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2016

Lines, Tears & Spirits is a collection of twenty-four scenes. They are not a continuous storyline but start during spring 2015 and move chronologically throughout the rest of the year and into spring 2016. The vignettes involve ordinary people in everyday circumstances, and the author repeats...
Book cover of Hermetik Bilge Pitagoras
by Malik İlyas Tanrıbağı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

ANTİK ÇAĞ HERMETİK BİLGESİ PİTAGORAS (İÖ 580-500) Kadim Mısır mabet öğretisinin yetiştirdiği büyük Hermetik Eren! Eski Mısır, Babil, Kalde ve Hint Bilgelerinin hikmetlerini Batı'ya taşıyan bu büyük ruh, filozofiyi kurarak insanları "içyüz aydınlanmaları"nı...
Book cover of Risale-i Nur'dan Dersler 4
by Alaaddin Başar
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Risale-i Nur´dan Dersler´in dördüncüsü, Mesnevî-i Nuriye’den Onuncu Risale - Şule ve Nokta risalelerinin izahlarını ihtiva etmektedir.   Bu dizinin amacı; Risale-i Nur’un kurtarıcı sayfaları arasındaki imanî konuların anlaşılması, anlatılması ve herkese ulaştırılmasıdır. (Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Book cover of Risale-i Nur'dan Kelimeler Cümleler 3
by Alaaddin Başar
Language: Turkish
Release Date: August 8, 2016

İnce Kapak: Sayfa Sayısı: 399 Baskı Yılı: 2011 e-Kitap: Sayfa Sayısı: 344 Baskı Yılı: 2016 Dili: TürkçeYayınevi: Zafer Yayınları
Book cover of Sözler'den Dersler 2
by Alaaddin Başar
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Sözler'den Dersler Dizisi'nin gayesini beş esasta özetleyebiliriz:     Birincisi: Zamanımızın ihtiyaçlarına göre telif edilmiş bir Kur'an tefsiri olan Risale-i Nur ışığında, imanî ve İslâmî meselelere dair, çok sorulan sorulara cevap vermek, anlaşılmayan,...
Book cover of Bir Kader Sohbeti
by Alaaddin Başar
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Adımınızı attığınız yerdir kader... Düşmeniz, kalkmanız, yürümenizdir kader, düşünmenizdir. İçtiğiniz suda, okuduğunuz kitapta, yazdığınız yazıda kader vardır. Ya da kaderde vardır bunlar... Yüreğinizdeki sevinç ve kederdir kader.   Kader, Herşeyi Bilen´in...
Book cover of Dental Instruments - E-Book
by Linda Bartolomucci Boyd, CDA, RDA
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2013

Confidently recognize and manage more than 300 dental instruments with this portable, visually detailed resource. Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide, 4th Edition, pairs thorough descriptions with high-quality photographs and illustrations in a convenient, pocket-sized format to help you quickly and...
Book cover of Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team-E-Book
by Chris H. Miller, BA, MS
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

Maintain safety and infection control in the dental office with Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team, Fourth Edition. This practical and comprehensive resource covers the basic concepts of infectious disease and infection control, including step-by-step descriptions...
Book cover of Radiography in Veterinary Technology - E-Book
by Lisa M. Lavin, CVT, BA
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2006

Written by a veterinary technician for veterinary technicians, students, and veterinary practice application, this concise, step-by-step text will help users consistently produce excellent radiographic images. It covers the physics of radiography, the origin of film artifacts, and positioning and...
Book cover of Seismic Exploration of Hydrocarbons in Heterogeneous Reservoirs
by Jing Ba, Haibo Zhao, Tobias Muller
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2014

Seismic Exploration of Hydrocarbons in Heterogeneous Reservoirs: New Theories, Methods and Applications is based on the field research conducted over the past decade by an authoring team of five of the world’s leading geoscientists. In recent years, the exploration targets of world's oil...
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