B D コウレン: 1040 books

Book cover of A Study of Peter
by B.D. Gray
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2017

Peter, by no means, comes close to writing near as much of the New Testament as either Paul or Luke. Even John wrote more Books of the Bible than Peter did. But there is just something about Peter, both in his life and in his writings that seems so easy for most people to associate with. In...
Book cover of My Undeniable Obsession

My Undeniable Obsession

My Stereotypical Love, #2

by B. D. Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2016

VaLysia Chamberlayne and Matheson Hendricks heir to the Hannah's Bakery and Catering have decided to tie the knot.  There are members of both families who don't want to see this marriage happen.  Matheson's grandfather is determined to stop it and hires unscrupilous men to damage Val's reputation....
Book cover of My Beloved Obsession

My Beloved Obsession

My Stereotypical Love, #3

by B. D. Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2016

Matheson and VaLysia's relationship has been threatened by outside forces.  Matheson struggles with his own insecurities, but he is determined that no one will keep him and Val apart.  Upon discovering his grandfather's plot to end their relationship, Matheson takes things to a whole new level in order to convince ths senior Hendricks the error of his ways.
Book cover of A Brief Look at Classic Comic Books and Comic Strips - 1
by B.D. Knight
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2016

Comic books and comic strips! Who doesn’t like them? Everyone from kids to adults enjoy cartoons. The comic’s page in the newspaper gets read more often than even the sports page. The author says cartoons are helping him in his grief process. Everyone knows comics such as Dennis...
Book cover of Creepy House - A Psychological Thriller
by B.D. Knight
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2013

Susan Hunter is terrified as she is alone at night in a house she considers full of evil. A raging storm adds to her terror. She kept hearing noises in the house. Could it be caused by the storm? Or were there monsters inside? This story is short but intense. The tension is constant and never...
Book cover of THE BATTLE OF ALAM HALFA - A BATTLE REPORT [Illustrated Edition]
by Generalleutant Fritz Bayerlein a.D., Major General G. P. B. Roberts C.B. D.S.O. M.C.
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

Illustrated with 6 maps and numerous photos. The Battle that ended Rommel’s offensive in the Desert of North Africa, and the Axis hopes of Victory against the Allied forces by the Generals who commanded the two sides. “The Battle of Alam el Halfa took place between 30 Aug. and 5 Sep. 1942 south...
Book cover of 丟掉你的爛劇本!──故事不NG!一下筆就能寫的43個關鍵技巧



by D‧B‧吉爾 D. B. GILLES
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 10, 2018

劇本要好看、故事要動人,不能光靠靈感和想像! 你更需要寫,一下筆就能寫,一寫就能賣的關鍵寫作技巧! --------------------------------------------------------------------- 《為什麼你的故事被打X》熱銷萬本新裝上市 現在開始,搶救你的爛故事、丟掉你的爛劇本!   寫劇本不只是在說故事,也在賣故事! 那麼,好故事怎麼寫? ◎一開始就要奪眼球  ‧故事要開始的正是時候,別拖泥帶水  ‧一定要有事情發生,讓故事往前推進  ‧即使事實不有趣,也要記得加以虛構 ◎製造戲劇張力 ‧來個爆發轉折點,讓戲劇化情節持續推展 ‧最有意思的經歷,都是那些你想忘記的事 ‧不一定要攸關生死才會有驚喜 ◎主角必須很有事 ‧苦頭越多,越能引起觀眾共鳴 ‧麻煩越多,情節越好看 ‧障礙越多,對觀眾來說越精彩 ◎衝突是對話的靈魂所在 ‧對白必須要揭露角色特質 ‧一定要製造衝突與爭吵 ‧不必要的絕不多說 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 劇本是否有趣吸引人,全在於故事是否夠起伏跌宕! 你沒日沒夜、絞盡腦汁,好不容易完成一個故事,信心滿滿丟出你的劇本,結果卻總是「這個故事不有趣」、「無聊沒有梗」、「引不起共鳴」……而你也不知道這本「曠世巨作」出了什麼問題? 本書作者以身為劇本諮詢顧問超過20年的經驗,告訴你43個連好萊塢編劇都買單的說故事關鍵技巧,從劇情架構、情節鋪陳、角色塑造、對白設定……一步步讓你丟掉爛劇本,最終成為電影公司搶拍,觀眾搶看的搶手貨。 【前言】這本書對於你的意義 【自序】你需要的不只是好劇本 本書將如何幫助你 PART...
Book cover of Diary of Little Red Riding Hood - Fractured Fairy Tales
by B.D. Knight
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

This book takes fairy tales and turns them upside down. It is intended for the middle grade reader. Younger kids may like it as well and adults with a good sense of humor should find themselves laughing out loud. It's a fun book to read. Little Red Riding Hood decides she needs to break away...
Book cover of A Study of Paul
by B.D. Gray
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Paul could probably be called the most fervent Christian ever. However, before he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Master, he was a Jew; a Pharisee; a persecutor of Christians who would go to no end to see Christians hunted down, imprisoned, beat, tortured, and even killed; and he did it all...
Book cover of Lithium
by Chiara B. D'oria, Marika Cavaletto
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 29, 2013

«Siamo quello che siamo. Siamo Cacciatrici di Vampiri.» St. Jillian è una piccola cittadina scozzese che nasconde però molto più di quanto non sembri. Lo scoprono ben presto Chrissie e Mya, due ragazze italiane partite per studiare all’estero e allontanarsi da quel passato difficile...
Book cover of Robert the Doll
by B.D. Knight
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2012

Robert the Doll got it's inspiration from a "true" haunted experience. This fictional supernatural tale will scare you, especially if you read it before retiring for the night. Robert the Doll is a doll that had a spell cast on it by a mysterious woman who dealt in Black Magic and...
Book cover of Kellin's Joyride
by B. D. McConnell
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2014

After a tough night of undercover work, Kellin finds himself far from home and without a ride. It’s early in the morning and a car with a plastic dummy just pulled into a nearby gas station. Join Kellin as he employs his unique problem solving abilities to get home without a hitch, or at least as few hitches as possible.
Book cover of Chance Encounter
by B.D. Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2015

Paris Branch is ready to leave the limitations of her small-town life behind. Carson, Virginia, may be where she was born, but it’s not where she sees her future. An inbound freshman at Howard University, she has her eyes on a bright, new life in the nation’s capital. ­...
Book cover of Regret
by B. D. Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2017

Jayden Winston is full of regret.  When he graduated from college, he deserted the love of his life because he feared that she would reject him once she found out about his mysophobia.  Now ten years later he is confronted by her lawyer and learns that he is the father of  nine year old twins. ...
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