Angela: 3342 books

Book cover of C'era una volta il re fiamma

C'era una volta il re fiamma

La terra dei fuochi raccontata dai bambini

by Angela Marino
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 2, 2014

Ce l'hanno raccontata inchieste, reportage, fiction, talk show, ma ci sono parole che descrivono la Terra dei Fuochi meglio di qualsiasi rapporto, dossier o articolo. Sono quelle ingenue, dolorosamente schiette, dei bambini. Angela Marino ha raccolto negli ultimi anni temi e disegni nelle scuole del...
Book cover of Accademie & Biblioteche 1-4/2017

Accademie & Biblioteche 1-4/2017

Trimestrale di cultura delle biblioteche e delle istituzioni culturali

by Marco Buonocore, Gennaro Cassiani, Angela Adriana Cavarra
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 1, 2019

EDITORIALE Paola Passarelli TEMI E PROBLEMI Theodor Mommsen in Italia tra codici e biblioteche Marco Buonocore Le due sphaerae della Biblioteca Vallicelliana. Per una ‘biografia' di due oggetti di scienza di fine Cinquecento Gennaro Cassiani Un magistrato alla Vallicelliana. Primo atto della gestione...
Book cover of Studium - La famiglia in transizione: sfide e risorse
by Laura Ferrari, Daniela Barni, Sonia Ranieri
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 26, 2017

Una sezione monografica di grande interesse, con contributi su "L’alleanza genitoriale: una risorsa per il benessere in famiglie con figli in età scolare" (Sonia Ranieri, Rosa Rosnati, Laura Ferrari, Elena Canzi, Francesca Danioni); "L’adolescente e la sua famiglia: fattori di...
Book cover of Spaß beiseite!

Spaß beiseite!

Deutschland für Anfänger

by Angela Troni
Language: German
Release Date: November 20, 2009

Warum es draußen nur Kännchen gibt und andere Einblicke in die unergründliche deutsche Seele Ordnung, Fleiß und Pünktlichkeit sollen zu den Stärken der Deutschen gehören, Sturköpfigkeit, Besserwisserei und Humorlosigkeit zu ihren Schwächen. Aber wie ist der gemeine Deutsche eigentlich...
Book cover of Wholly Holy

Wholly Holy

Total Health From the Inside Out--Body, Mind and Spirit

by Angela Asbill
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2012

With thousands of health and diet books hitting the shelves each year, why are people--especially believers--still overweight, unhealthy and sick? It’s rather simple, really: we keep treating symptoms and never deal with the root of the problem. The only way to obtain true victory over any destructive...
Book cover of Saving Avery
by Angela Snyder
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2018

Avery Mason had it all: the nice house, the fancy clothes, the expensive cars and the perfect husband. On the outside looking in, her life appears to be perfect. But inside, Avery knows her life is far from perfection as her husband's carefully constructed façade slowly starts to crumble. Forced...
Book cover of Remember Me Always
by Angela Snyder
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2018

Everything changed five years ago. I didn't mind losing my memory after my brother died in an accident that nearly claimed my life too. A clean slate was just what I needed to keep the pain away. Remembering the past wasn't really a problem until a feisty blonde by the name of Penny...
Book cover of Europa im Schicksalsjahr

Europa im Schicksalsjahr

Zwischenrufe zu Europa von Helmut Kohl, Angela Merkel, Martin Schulz, Reinhard Kardinal Marx, Jean-Claude Juncker, Donald Tusk, Ulrich Grillo u.a.

by Helmut Kohl, Angela Merkel, Martin Schulz
Language: German
Release Date: April 21, 2016

Wachsende Flüchtlingsströme, beängstigendes Erstarken rechter Parteien, fragile Finanz- und Wirtschaftssituation: Der Zusammenhalt Europas ist massiv gefährdet. Wo stehen wir? Welche Fehler werden gemacht? Was müssen wir dringend ändern? Gestalter europäischer Politik und der Kirchen geben ebenso wie frühere Karlspreisträger wichtige Denkanstöße zur Zukunft unseres Kontinents.
Book cover of Hide
by Angela France
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2018

In Angela France's third poetry collection, Hide, what is invisible is just as important as what lies within plain sight. Layers of personal history are lifted into the light and old skins are shed for new; things thought lost and vanished long ago are just on the edge of perception, yet certainties...
Book cover of Accademie & Biblioteche 3-4/2016

Accademie & Biblioteche 3-4/2016

Trimestrale di cultura delle biblioteche e delle istituzioni culturali

by Angela Adriana Cavarra, Andrea De Pasquale, Oriana Rizzuto
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 11, 2018

EDITORIALE Rossana Rummo TEMI E PROBLEMI Miseria e nobiltà. Organici e concorsi dei bibliotecari dello Stato dall'Unità d'Italia ad oggi (seconda parte) Andrea De Pasquale Il Decamerone una rara edizione in Marucelliana Piero Scapecchi L'Italia repubblicana nei manifesti. La raccolta della Biblioteca...
Book cover of Tutto ciò che voglio sei tu
by Angela Barresi
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 28, 2013

“Tutto ciò che voglio sei tu” è la “music story” di una fan appassionata per gli U2, per la loro musica e per i personaggi che compongono la band, in quanto considerati uomini di grande intelligenza, umanità e di valori morali in cui identificarsi. Nasce come raccolta di articoli pubblicati...
Book cover of Fated
by Angela Skaggs
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2014

Magazine writer Sabrina Grady is sent to England to do some research on Solstice rituals. When she falls into a barrow with the man of her dreams, she finds much more than she bargained for. Patrick Mason is chosen by Cernunnos to be his avatar on the mortal plane. Given a second chance with...
Book cover of Matcha - Gesundheitswunder aus Japan oder teurer Trendtee?
by Dr. Angela Fetzner
Language: German
Release Date: May 7, 2016

Matcha ist ein zu einem feinen Pulver vermahlener Grüntee, der schon lange in der japanischen Teezeremonie verwendet wird. Mittlerweile hat der giftgrüne Tee auch den europäischen Markt erobert und ist zu einem regelrechten Trendgetränk avanciert. Matcha ist ein typisches Beispiel für ein neues...
Book cover of Endlich wieder traumhaft schlafen

Endlich wieder traumhaft schlafen

Schlafstörungen erfolgreich überwinden

by Dr. Angela Fetzner
Language: German
Release Date: January 24, 2016

Nachts wieder einmal richtig ein- und durchschlafen zu können – danach sehnen sich diejenigen Menschen, die oft seit Jahren an Schlafstörungen leiden. Tagsüber kommen noch ständige Müdigkeit, mangelnde Leistungsfähigkeit, Gereiztheit und Gedanken an die bevorstehende Nacht hinzu. Irgendwann...
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