Angela: 3342 books

Book cover of Maria Had a Little Llama / María Tenía Una Llamita
by Angela Dominguez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 9, 2013

Everyone knows about Mary and her little lamb. But do you know Maria? With gorgeous, Peruvian-inspired illustrations and English and Spanish retellings, Angela Dominguez gives a fresh new bilingual twist to the classic rhyme. Maria and her mischievous little llama will steal your heart.
Book cover of Romana Gold Band 46
by Julia James, Charlotte Lamb, Angela Wells
Language: German
Release Date: August 10, 2018

DAS GEHEIMNIS DER GRIECHISCHEN INSEL von WELLS, ANGELA Für eine Weile in die Rolle der Braut von Alexos Faradaxis schlüpfen - ein verlockendes Spiel für Ilona. Doch sie ahnt nicht, wie bald sie sich schon wünschen wird, dass alles wahr wäre. AUF DEM WEG NACH ATHEN von LAMB, CHARLOTTE Heimlich...
Book cover of Il bambino di Budrio
by Angela Nanetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 26, 2014

Nel 1644 Budrio è un antico castello della città di Bologna con belle mura cinte da un fossato e, intorno, una campagna ricca di acque. Dentro al castello, si erge, solenne, la chiesa di San Lorenzo, con un alto campanile e il convento accanto, provvisto di chiostro e di torre dell’orologio. Il...
Book cover of Forsaken
by Angela Koeller
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2013

A literal half angel, half demon named Amara has to make a way for herself in a world that will not accept her.
Book cover of A Life No Less Than Perfect
by Angela K Parker
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2017

About The Book: The lone survivor of a tragic car accident, Elona has since been a recluse, with the exception of her parents.  Though her memory is fogged, she is finally in a place where she can begin to piece together her life again.  She felt that moving miles away from home would help...
Book cover of Emerald Runs Deep
by Angela K Parker
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2018

Ilon has worked hard her whole life, but it never came close to being enough. With increasing pressures at home, she is cornered into making a decision that will alter her family’s legacy. Xander is over-privileged and spoiled. He is arrogant and thinks the world revolves around him. His...
Book cover of Diagnostic Radiology, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, E-Book
by Angela J. Marolf, DVM, DACVR
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2016

This issue, guest edited by Angela Marolf, focuses on small animal Veterinary Diagnositc Radiology. Articles include: Ultrasound Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System, CT Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System, MRI Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System, Ultrasound of the Hepatobiliary System and Pancreas...
Book cover of The Red Threads of Destiny
by Angela Krout
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2014

"In Eastern belief, the Red Thread of Destiny is tied to the pinky fingers of destined lovers. It may twist, tangle, but never break. I’ve noticed in my life that the threads are everywhere,connecting us to people and things that play all sorts of roles in our life. They could be the threads of...
Book cover of Romana Gold Band 22
by Robyn Donald, Lindsay Armstrong, Angela Devine
Language: German
Release Date: August 22, 2014

IN DEINEN ARMEN ... von DONALD, ROBYN Alison soll bei einer Tanzshow für eine Kollegin einspringen. Eigentlich kein Problem, es gibt nur einen Haken: Im Publikum sitzt ihr neuer Boss! Der eiskalte Milliardär Slade droht das idyllische Ferien-Resort zu schließen - außer Alison lässt sich auf einen...
Book cover of Aqua Vitae 2 - Whisky fürs Herz
by Olga Felicis, Angela Hüsgen, Elke Schleich
Language: German
Release Date: December 5, 2011

4 Whiskygeschichten zum Genießen, Selberlesen und Vorlesen. Von Olga Felicis, Angela Hüsgen, Elke Schleich und Reinhart Hummel. Auszug 2 aus "Aqua Vitae - Ein literarisches Whisky-Tasting". Ein Whisky ist wie seine Heimat: Er schmeckt nach rauer See, blühender Heide, wogenden Getreidefeldern und...
Book cover of Klein Henning und der Delfin
by Angela Planert
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2015

Klein Henning wird eines Abends von einem Delfin aufgesucht. Dieser nimmt ihn mit auf eine lehrreiche Reise in das Mittelmeer. Hier wartet eine ganz besondere Überraschung auf Klein Henning. Eine Gute Nachtgeschichte mit vielen Bildern zum Weiterträumen für kleine Delfinfans und alle, die es werden wollen. Erzählt von von Angela Planert mit Zeichnungen von Krisi Sz.-Pöhls
Book cover of Nazis in Sicht

Nazis in Sicht

Persönliche Betrachtungen einer Prozessbeteiligten

by Angela Wierig
Language: German
Release Date: June 2, 2016

Die Anwältin Angela Wierig beschreibt ihr Miterleben des Münchner NSU-Prozesses als Vertreterin der Nebenklage. Sie schreibt sehr eindringlich von der Vorverurteilung der Täter durch die Medien, die in diesem Prozess fehlende, aber in einem Rechtsstaat so notwendige Unschuldsvermutung und fragt:...
Book cover of Rivista di Psicosintesi Terapeutica n.16
by aa. vv., Marie Noelle Urech, Manuel Katz
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 7, 2019

Editoriale di Alberto Alberti PSICOSINTESI E PSICO-ONCOLOGIA SUONI E SILENZI MARIE NOELLE URECH Il cancro: la notte buia dell’anima MANUEL KATZ La formazione relazionale in oncologia ALESSANDRA ROSSI La terapia familiare con i malati oncologici JAN TAAL Processi immaginativi ed elaborazione...
Book cover of Roses Are Red, Violence Is Blue: A True Story of a Nightmare Valentine By
by Angela Goodnight
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2014

Angela Goodnight is a well known erotic author and sex blogger. She has had a long, happy and sexually fulfilling life, but wanted to tell people about this particularly violent relationship. It is a true story of her abusive first marriage, but names and some other details have been changed to protect...
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