An: 794 books

Book cover of An Unexpected Journal: Courage, Strength, & Hope
by An Unexpected Journal, C. M. Alvarez, Jason Monroe
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2018

Where would a culture be without its heroes and their acts of courage? How can a society survive without strength and hope? It is in the dark times and in moments of weakness that stories of courage and strength, those which promise hope, have the most value.  This issue explores the redemptive...
Book cover of Ailem Yuvam Huzurum
by Necmettin Nursaçan
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Diyanet İşleri Başkan Yardımcısı Nursaçan Hocanın 20 yıllık vaaz ve konferanslarınından oluşan eserde, Kur’an-ı Kerimde insanın değeri ve önemini temel alarak ailede mutluluğa ve toplumda huzura ulaşmanın yolları anlatılıyor. Günümüz toplumunu bekleyen tehlikeleri sağlıklı...
Book cover of Allah Kimleri Sevmez
by Semih Yolaçan
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Çağlara meydan okuyan İlahi Kelam, hidayetin rehberi olduğunu ilan ederek başlar söze ve şöyle seslenir: “Elif. Lâm. Mim. O kitap (Kur’an); onda asla şüphe yoktur. O, müttakîler (sakınanlar ve arınmak isteyenler) için bir yol göstericidir.” (Bakara, 1-2) Fakat bu mesajda dikkat...
Book cover of Office Escort

Office Escort

Das Sekretärinnenspiel

by Lilly An Parker
Language: German
Release Date: September 28, 2011

Grenzenlose Erregung, unvorstellbare Gier, sich immer weiter steigerndes Verlangen. Es ist ein Spiel um Dominanz, Lust und Leidenschaft für diejenigen, die ansonsten alles haben oder haben können: unmoralisch, sexy, der ultimative Kick. Aber wie lange will Mann widerstehen? Die gutaussehende Sekretärin...
Book cover of Sönmüş Kibritin İzinde
by Doğan Hızlan
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Edebiyat dünyamızın duayeni Doğan Hızlan, "Sönmüş Kibritin İzinde"yle, şairlerimiz ve yazarlarımız hakkında oynatıyor kalemini. Ama, her zaman olduğu gibi yine Doğan Hızlan zarafetiyle. Örneğin, “Sönmüş Kibritin İzinde” başlığı Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar hakkında...
Book cover of Şair Sözü
by Mehmet Can Doğan
Language: Turkish
Release Date: May 11, 2012

Türk şiirinin ucunu bucağını göstermeyi amaçlayan Mehmet Can Doğan, ele aldığı şairleri kendi dünyaları ve iklimleri içinde inceleyerek sonuçlar çıkarıyor... Gürültülü meydanlardan "sessiz arka bahçeler"e kaçan, dağlardan kaldırımlara inen, derelerden denizlere...
Book cover of The Code Journey 2019
by Jesse An Nichols George
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2018

The Code Journey picks up where astrology books leave off. Jesse An Nichols George has created a Divinely inspired book that is beyond the standard influences of the day. With decades of working with clients and researching; she has culminated a masterpiece of work, that blends over 50 different spiritual...
Book cover of Existere 37.1

Existere 37.1

Journal of Arts and Literature

by Saima Afreen, Jodi Adamson, Michelle Boone
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2018

Growing up has always been hard work, but our 37.1 Fall/Winter 2017/2018 edition perfectly documents life’s strenuous journey. Though we may have had different upbringings, we have all faced adversity and milestones. Whether it was overcoming personal, academic, professional or social hurdles, life...
Book cover of 1° Congreso de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

1° Congreso de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

Clínica Observacional - Ciencia aplicada - Desarrollo de producto

by Universidad Anáhuac
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 3, 2015

“El desarrollo de la investigación tiene un rol primordial en los objetivos formativos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Anáhuac. En el siglo XXI un siglo donde la tecnología y el conocimiento tienen una renovación constante, es muy relevante poder encontrar el verdadero...
Book cover of The Dance
by An Antiquary
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2017

Egyptian, Assyrian, Hebrew, and Phoenician Dancing. The Ritual Dance of Egypt. Dancing Examples from Tomb of Ur-ari-en-Ptah, 6th Dynasty, British Museum. Description of Dancing from Sir G. Wilkinson; of the Egyptian Pipes and Hieroglyphics of Dancing, &c. Phoenician Round Dances, from a Limestone...
Book cover of Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger

Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger

The Record of Lin-Chi Translation and Commentary by Sokei-An

by Sokei-an Sasaki
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2013

Sokei-an translated the Record of Lin-chi (Lin-chi lu) from 1931 to 1933, in his first series of lectures. He felt that Americans needed original Chinese Zen source materials, translated and commented upon by a Zen master, and there were no such materials in those early days. Sokei-an was the first...
Book cover of Developing News

Developing News

Global journalism and the coverage of "Third World" development

by Jairo Lugo-Ocando, An Nguyen
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2017

Developing News sets out to describe how development is articulated in the news and used by newspeople as an analytical category to explain the world. It is about examining development as a discourse that is based on the harmful contrast between the developed and the developing (or the underdeveloped)...
Book cover of Hsin-Hsin Ming
by Richard B. Clark, Seng-ts'an
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2014

"The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences."—Seng-ts'anThe Hsin-Hsin Ming, Verses on the Faith-Mind by Seng-ts'an, the third Chinese patriarch of Zen, is considered to be the first Chinese Zen document. Lucidly translated here by Richard B. Clark, it remains one of...
Book cover of Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 76 (September 2016)
by John Joseph Adams, Charlie Jane Anders, Sean Williams
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2016

LIGHTSPEED is an online science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF--and fantasy: from epic fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, and contemporary urban tales, to magical realism, science-fantasy,...
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