Amy Plum: 30 books

Book cover of On Ne Meurt Que Deux Fois
by Amy Plum
Language: French
Release Date: March 2, 2017

Débutant là où la série « Die For Me » s’achevait, cette nouvelle relate le parcours de l’irrésistible Jules, qui quitte Paris pour prendre un nouveau départ à New York. Loin des siens et de son pays, Jules est désormais seul dans un environnement hostile et affronte des dangers inconnus,...
Book cover of Plus Encore Que La Vie

Plus Encore Que La Vie

Revenants, #1

by Amy Plum
Language: French
Release Date: August 12, 2016

Kate pensait qu'en changeant de pays, en venant à Paris, elle pourrait tourner la page. Faire le deuil de ses parents, vivre une vie plus légère. Mais c'était avant de rencontrer Vincent. Vincent, incarnation de l'amour, mais aussi ange de la mort. Le destin de Vincent est de mourir pour sauver des vies, puis revivre et mourir encore. Indéfiniment.
Book cover of Die for Me
by Amy Plum
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2011

My life had always been blissfully, wonderfully normal. But it only took one moment to change everything. Suddenly, my sister, Georgia, and I were orphans. We put our lives into storage and moved to Paris to live with my grandparents. And I knew my shattered heart, my shattered life, would...
Book cover of Die Once More
by Amy Plum
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2015

This one-hundred-page novella picks up where the international bestselling Die for Me trilogy ended and follows the eternally irresistible Jules Marchenoir as he leaves Paris behind for a fresh start in New York City. Jules is a revenant—an undead being whose fate forces him to sacrifice...
Book cover of Until I Die
by Amy Plum
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2012

I wish there was only today, just right now, and no forever. It seems fitting that I fell in love in Paris, the most beautiful city in the world. And if I pretend, I can almost believe that my life is normal and everyone I care about is safe. But as long as I’m with Vincent, “normal”...
Book cover of Until I die
by Amy Plum
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 6, 2015

Vorrei avere solo oggi, solo questo momento, e non l’eternità. Ero destinata a innamorarmi di Parigi. Fin dal primo momento in cui ho messo piede in questa città incantata, ho capito che tutto sarebbe cambiato. Che avrei perso il mio cuore. E così è stato perché ho incontrato Vincent. Vincent...
Book cover of Neverwake
by Amy Plum
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2018

Scream meets Nightmare on Elm Street in this thrilling and terrifying sequel to Dreamfall—which Madeleine Roux, New York Times bestselling author of the Asylum series, called “remarkable, riveting, disorienting, and dark.” For most people, no matter how bad a nightmare is, it always comes...
Book cover of If I should die
by Amy Plum
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Non perderò ancora chi amo. Mai più. Com’era la vita di Vincent prima di incontrarmi, prima di scoprire l’amore? Decenni di dolore e sacrificio, passati ad appagare la sua natura di revenant, a morire e a risorgere per salvare migliaia di innocenti. E proprio ora che credevamo di avere il futuro...
Book cover of EL DILEMA DE JULES (Revenants-2,5)
by Amy Plum
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 1, 2014

Jules Marchenoir es un artista francés, guapo, enigmático, a veces siniestro y, por supuesto, inmortal. Su vida en el último siglo ha oscilado entre un flirteo continuo en París y su papel como revenant de sacrificar su vida una y otra vez para salvar la de otras personas. Pero un día...
Book cover of Von der Nacht verzaubert
by Amy Plum
Language: German
Release Date: January 27, 2014

Der Auftakt zur romantischen Revenant-Trilogie um Vincent und Kate. Eine Fantasy-Liebesgeschichte in Paris, die zu Herzen geht! Als Kate Merciers Eltern bei einem tragischen Unfall sterben, zieht sie zusammen mit ihrer Schwester Georgia zu den Großeltern nach Paris. Jede versucht auf ihre eigene...
Book cover of MI VIDA POR LA TUYA (Revenants-1)
by Amy Plum
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 26, 2014

Cuando los padres de Kate Mercier mueren en un trágico accidente de automóvil, ella deja atrás su vida —y sus recuerdos— para irse a vivir con sus abuelos en París. Para Kate, la única manera de sobrevivir al dolor que encuentra es sumergirse en el mundo de los libros y del arte parisino....
Book cover of Von den Sternen geküsst
by Amy Plum
Language: German
Release Date: February 17, 2014

Das Finale der romantischen Revenant-Trilogie um Vincent und Kate. Eine Fantasy-Liebesgeschichte in Paris, die zu Herzen geht! In Vincent hat Kate ihre große Liebe gefunden. Doch ihr gemeinsames Glück währt nicht lange. Denn Vincent ist kein Mensch, sondern ein Revenant. Immer wieder opfert er...
Book cover of Vom Mondlicht berührt
by Amy Plum
Language: German
Release Date: January 27, 2014

Das zweite Teil der romantischen Revenant-Trilogie um Vincent und Kate. Eine Fantasy-Liebesgeschichte in Paris, die zu Herzen geht! In Kates Leben ist nichts mehr, wie es einmal war. Vincent und sie scheinen die Probleme überwunden zu haben, die sein Dasein als Revenant mit sich bringt. Als ihre...
Book cover of MÁS QUE MI VIDA (Revenants-2)
by Amy Plum
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 26, 2014

Kate y Vincent han superado los obstáculos que les impedían estar juntos y por fin disfrutan en libertad de su amor en París. Según van profundizando en su relación, la realidad les impone un hecho que no pueden dejar de lado: ¿cómo conseguirán seguir juntos si Vincent no puede evitar sacrificarse...
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