Alison Morgan: 9 books

Book cover of The Word on the Wind

The Word on the Wind

Renewing Confidence in the Gospel

by Alison Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The average age of churchgoers in Britain is now 47. Almost every denomination is experiencing steady decline. How sure can we be that we are still offering something people want to hear? Alison Morgan identifies four clear reasons to be confident: 1. The gospel still speaks to confused teens and...
Book cover of The Wild Gospel

The Wild Gospel

Bringing Truth to Life

by Alison Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2012

A prophetic challenge to the Western church. The Christian faith is always subversive to the dominant world view. Jesus overturned every assumption which stopped people experiencing the living reality of God - the heart of truth. Sadly, the Western world has reduced "truth" to the merely rational,...
Book cover of Ballads and songs of Peterloo
by Alison Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2018

This is an edited anthology comprising more than seventy poems and songs written in immediate response to Peterloo in 1819. Mainly anonymous, these ballads appears either as broadsides or in the radical press and are collected together for the first time.
Book cover of Dear Mum
by Alison Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2013

When Katy Simmons packed all three of her daughters off to their grandmother's house for a few days during their school summer holidays in order to get some work done in peace and quiet, she expected to talk to them on the phone, she knew that her eldest would send her a text now and again, she was...
Book cover of Patrons et célibataires (Harlequin Edition Spéciale)
by Alison Fraser, Sarah Morgan, Julianna Morris
Language: French
Release Date: July 15, 2011

Le miracle d’une rencontre, Alison Fraser Depuis sa rupture avec Charlie, l’homme méprisable qui l’a quittée parce qu’elle ne pouvait avoir d’enfant, Victoria se consacre à sa carrière. Mais bientôt, elle apprend que son nouveau patron, l’irrésistible Lucas Ryecart, est un...
Book cover of 7 nouvelles pour la Saint-Valentin (Harlequin Coup de Coeur)
by Sandra Marton, Kate Walker, Darcy Maguire
Language: French
Release Date: January 15, 2011

Idylle en Méditerranée, de Sandra Marton A la veille de son mariage avec un homme qu’elle n’a pas choisi, Chloé tombe follement amoureuse d’un inconnu… Un heureux malentendu, de Kate Walker Pour sauver sa famille de la ruine, Louise a dû aller jusqu’à se faire passer...
Book cover of Julia Ärzte zum Verlieben Band 12

Julia Ärzte zum Verlieben Band 12

Eine Traumfrau für Dr. O'Halloran / Ein Herz aus Eis? / Nie vergass ich seine Liebe /

Language: German
Release Date: March 18, 2008

EINE TRAUMFRAU FÜR DR. O'HALLORAN von LENNOX, MARION Nach einem Schulbusunfall rettet die junge Witwe Emma zusammen mit einem faszinierenden Arzt die verletzten Kinder. Erst am nächsten Morgen erfährt sie, wer er ist: Dr. Devlin O’Halloran, ihr Schwager, dem sie nie zuvor begegnet ist ... EIN...
Book cover of Mothers of Adult Children
by Sandra Jarvie, Chrissie Rogers, Mirna E. Carranza
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2013

Mothers of Adult Children elucidates what happens when children come of age and leave home, creating new lives in the realms of work and relationships. Mothers from around the world learn that this is the point in which their relationships with their children must drastically change. Mothers often...
Book cover of Allucinor


The Element of Romance

by Connie Di Pietro, Alison Hall, Kevin Craig
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2017

Love is in the air. And the stone. And the Wi-Fi. And in the blood. Passions ignite in this anthology, as sixteen genre authors come together to deliver stories of unique, if unconventional romance. Even immortals can succumb to unhealthy infatuation, as seen in ‘Cursed.’ In...
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