Alice Munro: 82 books

Book cover of Demasiada felicidad (Flash Relatos)
by Alice Munro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2013

Una matemática rusa vive una decepcionante historia de amor a mediados del siglo XIX. La premio Nobel de Literatura Alice Munro hace gala aquí de su talento para trasformar las más sencilla de las anécdotas en pura literatura. En Demasiada felicidad acompañamos a Sofia Kovalevski,...
Book cover of Dimensiones (Flash Relatos)
by Alice Munro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2013

En Dimensiones**, la premio Nobel de Literatura hace gala de su maestría a la hora de describir la vida interior de sus personajes y nos sumerge de lleno en una historia psicológica que va más allá de la anécdota.** Doree está tratando de rehacer su vida. Ahora se hace llamar Fleur, lleva...
Book cover of Open Secrets

Open Secrets


by Alice Munro
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2011

WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE® IN LITERATURE 2013 In these eight tales, Munro evokes the devastating power of old love suddenly recollected. She tells of vanished schoolgirls and indentured frontier brides and an eccentric recluse who, in the course of one surpassingly odd dinner party, inadvertently...
Book cover of The Beggar Maid

The Beggar Maid

Stories of Flo and Rose

by Alice Munro
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2011

WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE® IN LITERATURE 2013 In this series of interweaving stories, Munro recreates the evolving bond between two women in the course of almost forty years. One is Flo, practical, suspicious of other people's airs, at times dismayingly vulgar. the other is Rose, Flo's stepdaughter,...
Book cover of Runaway
by Alice Munro
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE® IN LITERATURE 2013 This acclaimed, bestselling collection also contains the celebrated stories that inspired the Pedro Almodóvar film Julieta. Runawayis a book of extraordinary stories about love and its infinite betrayals and surprises, from the title story about...
Book cover of Amiga de juventude
by Alice Munro
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 15, 2014

"Amiga de juventude" apresenta dez contos nos quais a vencedora do prêmio Nobel de Literatura 2013 se concentra na delicadeza dos relacionamentos. Amizades, casamentos, relações entre pais e filhos são os pontos centrais destas narrativas, nas quais os personagens são levados a confrontar...
Book cover of Familiestukken


Haar mooiste verhalen

by Alice Munro
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 23, 2017

Hoe kies je het állermooiste van een schrijfster die alleen maar geweldige verhalen heeft geschreven? In goed overleg, wat in ons geval wil zeggen: door elkaar te bestoken met lijstjes en daarover met elkaar te mailen. We waren benieuwd of de trouwe fan een andere keuze zou maken dan de kersverse...
Book cover of Demasiada felicidad
by Alice Munro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 4, 2014

Libro destacado de The New York Times * * Uno de los mejores libros del año The Atlantic Monthly, The Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, Kansas City Star, The Economist, Slate   Diez magníficos relatos por una de las autoras más queridas y galardonadas...
Book cover of Wozu wollen Sie das wissen?

Wozu wollen Sie das wissen?

Elf Geschichten aus meiner Familie

by Alice Munro
Language: German
Release Date: May 22, 2013

Nobelpreis für Literatur 2013"Wozu wollen Sie das wissen?" Alice Munros Spurensuche in der eigenen Familiengeschichte und Erinnerung führt in die reizvolle Wirklichkeit von Dichtung und Wahrheit: elf Erzählungen der großen kanadischen Autorin, in denen sie Historie und Imagination auf faszinierende Weise miteinander verquickt.
Book cover of 妳以為妳是誰?:諾貝爾獎得主艾莉絲•孟若短篇小說集10
by 艾莉絲•孟若 Alice Munro
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 1, 2015

**  「妳該不會以為自己是大人物吧?妳以為妳是誰?」   玫瑰不是頭一遭被這麼問,   事實上,這個問題就像單調的鑼聲,經常在她耳邊響起……   ——媽媽與女兒,究竟是朋友,還是對手?**   ◆榮獲1978年加拿大總督文學獎   ◆1980年布克獎提名   在這部於1978年出版、形式特別的小說集中,孟若以10個故事、前後橫跨四十年的時間,探究了兩個無法逃脫彼此的女人;芙羅,一名粗俗而平庸的平凡女性,以及玫瑰——古怪、充滿想像力、芙蘿的繼女,奇蹟般地在諾大的世界中闖出屬於自己的一片天——   故事一開始,玫瑰還是青少女,孟若栩栩如生地描繪出一個聰明、自認不凡的叛逆期青少女,與繼母芙蘿、親生父親及同父異母的弟弟同住一個屋簷下,明明已經視繼母如生母,長大的女孩卻在發展出自己性格的過程中,對父親、繼母出現無可避免的衝撞——〈王室般毆打〉——既是小女孩的成長宣示,也是舊世代向新世代讓步的先聲。   第2篇〈特權〉中,玫瑰從學校三個已出落成少女的女孩身上,對比著幼小學童男女分野的模糊與混亂,到已然發育、舉手投足皆帶著令人羨豔特權的「小女人」現象;到了〈半個葡萄柚〉,玫瑰透過發生在班上同學間的故事(女孩會在意起衛生棉、想偷看男人、謠傳誰和誰已經發生關係),進一步意識到自己即將成為「女人」的各種徵候,以及自己想成為的、與會成為的女人之間的差距。   〈野天鵝〉中,隻身出門的玫瑰在火車上遭遇意料之外的輕薄。少女對自己的身體第一次遇上來自異性的刻意突襲,混合著厭惡、意外與渴望的複雜念頭,在懵懂的心中不斷激盪;玫瑰有了情人:派屈克。與出身富裕的派屈克交往,玫瑰一如篇名〈乞丐少女〉,被男友當成亟需拯救的可憐女孩、最後接受求婚;而玫瑰對男人/感情的態度(多少帶點虛榮),則左右了她與情人/丈夫之間的關係——甚至可說影響了她一生!   在〈惡作劇〉裡,玫瑰出軌了,對象是好友的丈夫;又一次的,激情與對愛的盲目熱切,讓玫瑰走了一段不算愉快的旅程、學到了不算開心的一課。   在玫瑰與派屈克離婚後,她帶著女兒同住了一陣,同時與另一個男人有段遠距離戀情;而兩人始終沒能成功開花結果,恐怕還真是〈天意〉。   中年的玫瑰在學校教書,認識了西蒙,一個感覺很對的男人——在〈西蒙的好運〉一篇,雜貨店老闆娘替她算感情,信誓旦旦地說玫瑰遇到了一個將改變她一生、並帶她遠走高飛的男人——沒錯,玫瑰的結局也真是如此,儘管與她起初以為的完全不同……   最後,事業還算成功、小有名氣的玫瑰,在〈拼字〉中回到家鄉,因為年邁的芙羅這時換了阿茲海默症,誰也不記得了,而玫瑰打算洗盡鉛華、回家照顧失智的老媽媽。   在最後一篇、同名短篇〈妳以為妳是誰?〉裡,玫瑰與弟弟、弟媳一同回憶童年往事,提到在芙蘿住的養老院裡,那些他們曾經認識的童年玩伴。玫瑰想起,當初芙羅曾說:「妳該不會以為自己是大人物吧?妳以為妳是誰?」其實,學校老師也這麼對她說過。那是那個時代,所有女性長輩都會對自以為有抱負的小女孩說的話;孟若藉由玫瑰的口吻敘述著:   「……她想教給玫瑰的東西比任何一首詩都來得重要,她真覺得玫瑰必須學到這個教訓,許多人似乎也抱著同樣的想法。」 名人推薦   ★無論孟若的《妳以為妳是誰》是短篇小說集,還是某種我不能確定的新式小說,它都非常棒!精準的心理……令人愉悅,而令人吃驚的轉折——時間線上意料外的跳躍、熟悉角色的轉變——使一本書成為作品本身,帶點狂野,有點神祕。——美國現代派作家John...
Book cover of The Moons of Jupiter
by Alice Munro
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2011

WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE® IN LITERATURE 2013 In these piercingly lovely and endlessly surprising stories by one of the most acclaimed current practitioners of the art of fiction, many things happen: there are betrayals and reconciliations, love affairs consummated and mourned. But the true...
Book cover of The Equations of Love
by Ethel Wilson, Alice Munro
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2010

In the two novellas that make up The Equations of Love, Ethel Wilson describes ordinary people in perilous circumstances with extraordinary insight and compassion. “Tuesday and Wednesday” reconstructs the events of two days in the life of Mort and Myrtle Johnson, whose uninspired marriage is strangely...
Book cover of Hochzeit? Hochzeit!

Hochzeit? Hochzeit!

Erzählungen von Heiratsanträgen, Fluchtversuchen und der großen Liebe

by Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield
Language: German
Release Date: February 22, 2017

Vom Wagnis, sich zu binden, erzählen zehn kluge, pointierte Texte großer Autorinnen aus zweihundert Jahren, von Heiratsanträgen und Hochzeiten, von Verlobungszeit und Flitterwochen. Gemeinsame Nenner sind Hoffnung und Zweifel. Wird es gut gehen? Will ich wirklich? Bin ich bereit, vom alten Leben...
Book cover of 相愛或是相守:諾貝爾獎得主艾莉絲.孟若短篇小說集3
by 艾莉絲•孟若 Alice Munro
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 1, 2014

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