Alan Bennett: 45 books

Book cover of Four Stories
by Alan Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2015

Like everything Bennett does, these stories are playful, witty and painfully observant of ordinary people's foibles. They all have brilliant twists, are immensely entertaining and highly moral. And all are modern classics. The Laying on of Hands The painfully observant account of a memorial...
Book cover of Due storie sporche
by Alan Bennett
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 4, 2011

Due racconti che esplorano una vena insolita per Alan Bennett. In "Mrs Donaldson ringiovanisce" una rispettabile vedova di mezza età si trova nell’inaspettato ruolo di voyeur. In "Mrs Forbes non deve sapere" assistiamo invece a una sorprendente girandola di amplessi, ricatti...
Book cover of Gli studenti di storia
by Alan Bennett
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 3, 2012

Otto studenti, tre professori, un preside: in mano ad Alan Bennett anche un corso propedeutico per l'am­missione all'università può diventare un universo polifonico di meravigliosa ricchezza e comicità. Scegliendo come ambientazione l'Inghilterra degli anni Ottanta, nella sua commedia più recente...
Book cover of La pazzia di Re Giorgio
by Alan Bennett
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 21, 2012

È raro il caso di uno scrittore di teatro estremamente sofisticato e complesso che raggiunge in pochi anni una vasta popolarità e vede addirittura una sua commedia, piena di sottili riferimenti storici, diventare un grosso film prodotto da una major di Hollywood. Ma è accaduto ad Alan Bennett con...
Book cover of La signora nel furgone e le sue conseguenze
by Alan Bennett
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 15, 2018

Mancava un po’ a tutti, l’intrattabile Miss Shepherd. Ai moltissimi lettori della "Signora nel furgone", naturalmente. Ma soprattutto al suo riluttante e devoto biografo, Alan Bennett, che come si poteva immaginare ha colto al volo la proposta del regista Nicholas Hytner: scrivere un...
Book cover of The History Boys: A Play
by Alan Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2006

"A play of depth as well as dazzle, intensely moving as well as thought-provoking and funny." —The Daily Telegraph An unruly bunch of bright, funny sixth-form (or senior) boys in a British boys' school are, as such boys will be, in pursuit of sex, sport, and a place at a good university,...
Book cover of The Habit of Art
by Alan Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2010

Benjamin Britten, sailing uncomfortably close to the wind with his new opera, Death in Venice, seeks advice from his former collaborator and friend, W. H. Auden. During this imagined meeting, their first in twenty-five years, they are observed and interrupted by, among others, their future biographer...
Book cover of The Clothes They Stood Up In
by Alan Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2014

The Clothes They Stood Up In is Alan Bennett's first story. Like Charles Dickens' novels which were first published in magazines, it originally appeared in the London Review of Books - which the author says 'seems to me (and not just because I occasionally contribute to it) the liveliest, most serious and also the most radical literary periodical we have'.
Book cover of The Laying On Of Hands
by Alan Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2014

Clive Dunlop was a masseur of exceptional talents. His 'services' were much in demand amongst the great and the good and after his untimely death at the age of 34 they -- the film stars and politicians, the writers and publishers, the TV pundits and celebrity chefs -- are gathered for his memorial...
Book cover of The Library Book
by Alan Bennett, Ann Cleeves, Seth Godin
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2012

From Alan Bennett's Baffled at a Bookcase, to Lucy Mangan's Library Rules, famous writers tell us all about how libraries are used and why they're important. Tom Holland writes about libraries in the ancient world, while Seth Godin describes what a library will look like in the future. Lionel Shriver...
Book cover of The Clothes They Stood Up In
by Alan Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2001

The Ransomes had been burgled. "Robbed," Mrs. Ransome said. "Burgled," Mr. Ransome corrected. Premises were burgled; persons were robbed. Mr. Ransome was a solicitor by profession and thought words mattered. Though "burgled" was the wrong word too. Burglars select; they...
Book cover of La cerimonia del massaggio
by Alan Bennett
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 7, 2012

Si sa che non c'è nulla di più mondano di un buon funerale. E ancor più se si tratta di commemorare un estinto che, letteralmente, ha avuto per le mani la crème de la crème – ambosessi – di Londra. Allora l'evento può diventare, oltreché mondano, atrocemente intimo. E rischiare da un momento...
Book cover of Una visita guidata
by Alan Bennett
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 26, 2014

Alan Bennett dove meno ci si aspetterebbe di trovarlo: fra le sale della National Gallery, a raccontare grandi quadri – lui un cicerone diverso da qualsiasi altro, i lettori a ridere senza freni, come succede di ridere solo in classe o, appunto, alle visite guidate.
Book cover of Scritto sul corpo
by Alan Bennett
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 11, 2013

Il racconto di una diversità che non vuole darsi un nome nel coming out lieve e straziante di Alan Bennett.
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