許家銘(Chia): 141 books

Book cover of World Christianity Encounters World Religions

World Christianity Encounters World Religions

A Summa of Interfaith Dialogue

by Edmund Kee-Fook Chia
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2018

Synthesizing the thinking of the most prominent scholars, Professor Edmund Chia discusses practically everything that should be known about Christianity’s encounter with other religions in this comprehensive book. Topics include: the invention of the idea of World Religions and World Christianity the...
Book cover of The Role of Divine Providence in My Life
by Chia Alphonse Tasah
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2016

God is always looking over our lives, caring for us and providing us with guidance. And while this kind of divine providence can often be felt in our daily lives, it can also be seen in the people and in the events that shape our destinies. In The Role of Divine Providence in My Life: Why I Am a Christian,...
Book cover of Delightful Nyonya Treats
by Philip Chia
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2015

The Peranakans. A people of mixed Chinese and Malay heritage, the Peranakans are known for their outstanding cuisine. Traditionally prepared by the womenfolk, or Nyonyas, the cuisine combines the best cooking styles and ingredients from the Chinese and Malay kitchens. With their vibrant colours, aromatic...
Book cover of Party-Perfect Peranankan Bites
by Philip Chia
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2015

The Peranakans. A people of mixed Chinese and Malay heritage, the Peranakans are known for their outstanding cuisine. Traditionally prepared by the womenfolk, or Nyonyas, the cuisine combines the best cooking styles and ingredients from the Chinese and Malay kitchens. In this book, renowned Peranakan...
Book cover of Detox cósmica
by Mantak Chia, Wei U. William
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 25, 2015

Según la experiencia y los conocimientos de los maestros taoístas, el cuerpo tiene la habilidad innata de curarse a sí mismo, pero en ocasiones está obstaculizada por las toxinas de la comida que ingerimos y por los bloqueos energéticos que surgen de las enfermedades y de las dificultades de...
Book cover of Chi Nei Tsang and Microcurrent Therapy

Chi Nei Tsang and Microcurrent Therapy

Energy Massage for Pain Relief, Self-Healing, and Rejuvenation

by Mantak Chia, Aisha Sieburth
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2018

An illustrated guide to combining the new healing modality of microcurrent therapy with Chi Nei Tsang energy massage • Explains how microcurrent therapy harmonizes the body’s cells, regenerates the nervous system, and boosts the body’s natural self-healing abilities • Provides...
Book cover of Hope for the World

Hope for the World

The Christian Vision

by Roland Chia
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2012

Hope is essential to human life. Without hope, humanity plunges into despair, and life can lose all purpose and meaning. Hope energizes people and communities, and also produces forbearance and patience. In this clear and accessible survey, which incorporates Asian perspectives, Roland Chia shows...
Book cover of Chi Kung para la salud y vitalidad femenina
by Mantak Chia, William U. Wei
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 16, 2016

En esta guía, ricamente ilustrada, Mantak Chia y William U. Wei nos explican cómo utilizar los ejercicios energéticos y físicos del chi kung para equilibrar las secreciones hormonales, compensar los crecimientos celulares anómalos, prevenir el cáncer de útero y restablecer el vigor sexual femenino....
Book cover of Öfter, länger, besser

Öfter, länger, besser

Der multiorgastische Mann

by Douglas Abrams, Mantak Chia
Language: German
Release Date: February 26, 2018

Dies ist kein gewöhnlicher Sex-Ratgeber für Männer. Im Westen gipfeln Vorstellungen männlicher Sexualität zwangsläufig im kurzen Hüpfer der Ejakulation. Doch bereits vor dreitausend Jahren wussten die alten Chinesen, dass auch Männer multiple Orgasmen haben können - indem sie den Samenerguss...
Book cover of Dunkelraum


Moderne Techniken der Erleuchtung durch Dunkelheit

by Mantak Chia
Language: German
Release Date: August 19, 2013

Das Tao sagt: "Wenn du in die Dunkelheit gehst, und sie wird vollkommen, verwandelt sich die Dunkelheit schon bald in Licht." Alle spirituellen Traditionen haben Dunkelraum-Techniken eingesetzt, um Erleuchtung zu erlangen. In Europa trat der Dunkelraum oft als Tunnelnetzwerk in Erscheinung,...
Book cover of Kosmische Entgiftung

Kosmische Entgiftung

Der taoistische Weg der inneren Reinigung

by Mantak Chia
Language: German
Release Date: August 3, 2013

Mit Zwei-Wochen-Programm für die totale Körperreinigung! Die Meister des Taoismus, der chinesischen Philosophie und Weltanschauung, wissen schon seit Jahrtausenden um die Selbstheilungskräfte des menschlichen Körpers. Aber energetische Blockaden, die durch Krankheiten entstehen, und Giftstoffe...
Book cover of Chi Kung para la salud prostática y el vigor sexual
by Mantak Chia, William U. Wei
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 16, 2016

La edad no tiene por qué ser una sentencia de muerte para la salud y la vitalidad sexual masculina. En esta guía, los maestros taoístas Mantak Chia y William U. Wei nos explican cómo utilizar los ejercicios físicos y energéticos del chi kung para mantener no sólo una vigorosa vida sexual hasta...
Book cover of Arts, Culture and the Making of Global Cities

Arts, Culture and the Making of Global Cities

Creating New Urban Landscapes in Asia

by C., Lily Kong, Ching Chia-ho
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2015

While global cities have mostly been characterized as sites of intensive and extensive economic activity, the quest for global city status also increasingly rests on the creative production and consumption of culture and the arts. Arts, Culture and the Making of Global Cities examines such ambitions...
Book cover of The Inner Structure of Tai Chi

The Inner Structure of Tai Chi

Mastering the Classic Forms of Tai Chi Chi Kung

by Mantak Chia, Juan Li
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2005

Explores the deep, internal work necessary for the effective practice of tai chi • Reveals the Taoist principles that gave birth to the Yang-style tai chi forms • Shows how tai chi can circulate powerful healing energies through the body Taoist adepts developed tai chi as...
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