許家銘(Chia): 141 books

Book cover of Big Tree in a Small Pot
by Josephine Chia
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2018

A coming-of-age tale of sixteen-year-old Eric Teo, who has a fraught relationship with his parents, particularly his mother, Clara, a successful financial adviser who imposes her values on Eric. Through an inadvertent conversation, Eric learns that he has a paternal grandmother whom no one had...
Book cover of Group and Individual Work with Older People

Group and Individual Work with Older People

A Practical Guide to Running Successful Activity-based Programmes

by Julie Heathcote, Swee Hong Chia, Jane Hibberd
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2011

Being active is fundamental to a person's sense of physical and mental wellbeing, and the need to engage in purposeful and meaningful activity does not diminish with age. However, common effects of ageing, such as reduced vision and hearing, arthritis, dementia, and in some cases social isolation,...
Book cover of Edward Schillebeeckx and Interreligious Dialogue

Edward Schillebeeckx and Interreligious Dialogue

Perspectives from Asian Theology

by Edmund Kee-Fook Chia
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2012

If Schillebeeckx had been Asian, how would he have responded to the phenomenon of religious pluralism? This book attempts to answer that question, beginning with a dialogue with the Vatican Declaration Dominus Iesus and discerning how Schillebeeckx's methodology has been applied in Asian theology....
Book cover of San's Home
by Shao Wei Chew Chia
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2016

San is in her spaceship! Lion is keeping her company. What will they see and do next? The universe is almost, but not quite, bigger than imagination. Within it, we are sheltered by a place we call 'home'. For San, home is right here in Singapore, but San is also a child of the universe. Readership: Children who are interested in picture books and the universe.
Book cover of The Rock and the Bird
by Chew Chia Shao Wei
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2016

Winner of Best Young Adult Title for Singapore Book Awards 2016 Winner of the Hedwig Anuar Children’s Book Award 2015 Winner, Royal Commonwealth Society Essay Competition 2009, First Prize, Class A There once was a rock which stood old and alone amidst a stretch...
Book cover of Clinical Electrocardiography
by B L Chia
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2015

Since the publication of the 3rd Edition 17 years ago, progress has been truly remarkable in all areas of electrocardiography. Five of the seven chapters in this 4th Edition have been extensively revised. Out of the total of 125 ECGs, 65 are new. Each ECG is crisp and clear and all the abnormalities...
Book cover of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Kidney Health
by Mayuree Tangkiatkumjai, Dawn-Marie Walker, Li-Chia Chen
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

The diagnosis and treatment of disease is a primary concern for health professionals and all of society. With the growing use of alternative medicine, patients can receive a wider scope of potential treatment options. Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Kidney Health provides a thorough examination...
Book cover of Fly Until You Die

Fly Until You Die

An Oral History of Hmong Pilots in the Vietnam War

by Chia Youyee Vang
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2019

During the Vietnam War, the US Air Force secretly trained pilots from Laos, skirting Lao neutrality in order to bolster the Royal Lao Air Force and their own war efforts. Beginning in 1964, this covert project, "Water Pump," operated out of Udorn Airbase in Thailand with the support of the CIA. This...
Book cover of Geschichte des globalen Christentums

Geschichte des globalen Christentums

Teil 1: Frühe Neuzeit

by Carsten Bach-Nielsen, Alfons Brüning, Mariano Delgado
Language: German
Release Date: June 21, 2017

Die Verflochtenheit der Weltreligionen in globale Dynamiken ist im 21. Jahrhundert zu einem selbstverständlichen Faktum geworden. Das gilt auch für das Christentum. Angesichts der nach wie vor vorherrschenden regionalen oder nationalen Geschichtsschreibung ist allerdings nur wenig über dessen historischen...
Book cover of Capital Flows, Financial Markets and Banking Crises
by Chia-Ying Chang
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2017

The increasing capital flows in the emerging markets and developed countries have raised various concerns worldwide. One main concern is the impact of the sharp decline of capital flows – so-called sudden stops – on financial markets and the stability of banking systems and the economy. The sudden...
Book cover of Autopilote Traffic Streams

Autopilote Traffic Streams

A Collection Of Traffic Generation Articles

by Ewen Chia
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2013

“Autopilot Traffic Streams” is a quick and easy read, made up of just five articles.   These are some of my popular articles on web marketing and traffic generation. I’ve compiled them here so that you easily refer to them.   Within these...
Book cover of Der Fels und der Vogel
by Chew Chia Shao Wei
Language: German
Release Date: September 16, 2015

Es war einmal ein großer Stein, der ganz für sich allein an einem Strand lag. Lange Zeit kannte er nichts anderes als die Wellen des Meeres, die ihn umspülten. Doch eines Tages ließ sich ein lärmender, frecher Vogel auf ihm nieder. Und das war der Beginn einer Freundschaft, die vieles im Leben...
Book cover of Préliminaires taoïstes de l'amour

Préliminaires taoïstes de l'amour

Méridiens de l'amour et points d'acupression

by Mantak Chia, Kris Deva North
Language: French
Release Date: March 30, 2016

Enseignées aux empereurs chinois, à leurs femmes et à leurs concubines pendant des milliers d'années, les techniques sexuelles taoïstes aident les amants à harmoniser leurs cycles de plaisir et à vivre une sexualité épanouie. Combinant l'étude des relations sexuelles avec la médecine chinoise...
Book cover of 散步西班牙‧私設計小旅行
by 許家銘(Chia)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 30, 2014

**  整個西班牙就好像一座大型美術館,處處充滿驚喜與想像!   跟著插畫藝術家,走訪最私心的西班牙。** **  ※美術館:15家不同風格,充滿驚喜,有著古典、現代,有著私藏特色的美術館   ※書店:歷史最悠久的「書本之家」、藝術攝影為主的複合式書店、全部都很酷的書店   ※咖啡店:馬德里最古老的咖啡店、以旅行為主的「看不見城市」咖啡店、8/2分之ㄧ電影咖啡店、無恥之徒咖啡館   ※設計商店:百年巧克力店、藝文圈的素食小餐廳、米其林餐廳水準的小藝廊、元老級的小酒館、美術館專屬小商店   ※藝術家:有專業的設計師或插畫家,有學校教授,有參加過各大國際展覽的狠角色,有一位還拿過西班牙各大藝術獎項首獎!**   沿著畢卡索走過的古老巷弄,   輕鬆地在他最喜愛的四隻貓餐廳,   點一杯啤酒一盤...
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