瑞秋.肯恩 Rachel Caine: 68 books

Book cover of Glass Houses

Glass Houses

The Morganville Vampires, Book I

by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2006

College freshman Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation, where the popular girls never let her forget just where she ranks in the school's social scene: somewhere less than zero. When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be...
Book cover of Kiss of Death

Kiss of Death

The Morganville Vampires

by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2010

A new chapter in the New York Times bestselling Morganville Vampires saga. Vampire musician Michael Glass has attracted the attention of a big- time producer who wants to cut a demo and play some gigs-which means Michael will have to enter the human world. For this, he's been assigned escorts...
Book cover of 墨水戰爭2:禁書陷阱
by 瑞秋‧肯恩 Rachel Caine
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 23, 2018

  知識就是力量   ――是光明的力量,也是黑暗的力量   ★亞瑪遜+好讀網站5星好評   ★青少年奇幻新里程碑   ★華氏451度+偷書賊   傑斯.布萊威爾,前黑市走私販,現任圖書館員,剛獲得代表身分的銅手環,獲准服務於世上權力最大的組織:埃及亞歷山大圖書館。      然而,這份殊榮卻沒給他帶來任何興奮――在艱辛的訓練過程中,傑斯看清了圖書館的真面目――他揭露了圖書館的醜惡祕密,導致一個朋友遭到囚禁、一個朋友被大圖書館殘忍滅口。他的信仰因此被完全擊碎:圖書館是知識的燈塔;是藝術、歷史的守護者;是偉大且永恆的善的力量。但這令人絕望的現況卻因一本禁書瞬間翻轉――從昔日走私伙伴手中,傑斯意外得到某本法典,確認了埋藏心中許久的懷疑:他的朋友沒死,而是被囚禁在某個暗無天日的黑牢。   這真是個天大的好消息――但也可能是偽裝成好消息的致命陷阱。   命運女神真的對他露出了微笑嗎?這本禁書會不會是故意交到他手中,引他自投羅網?就算真能找到監獄,他該怎麼把人救出來?――假使需要幫手,在這受圖書館獨裁統治的世界,他還剩下誰能相信?   一直以來,他們都相信光明能戰勝黑暗,   但是,如果他們必須對抗的就是光明本身呢? 讀者好評   我看過很多「主題講書的書」,但沒有一本比得過《墨水戰爭》!――Goodread讀者Lola   《墨水戰爭2》讓我流下眼淚、讓我捏緊拳頭,並因為驚訝而闔不起嘴。這本書從開頭到結尾都驚人無比。――咖啡因書評網   《瞞天過海》+《飢餓遊戲》……混搭得恰到好處。――Kings...
Book cover of 墨水戰爭3:焚書圍城
by 瑞秋‧肯恩 Rachel Caine
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 21, 2018

如果世界被鎖上 就讓自己成為鑰匙 第一本禁書是誰決定的? 是誰關上知識的大門? 又是誰,帶圖書館走入黑暗? 青少年奇幻新篇章,反烏托邦再添佳作 亞馬遜網站/Goodread網站絕讚好評! 「一封寫給言論自由與知識的情書,將對書的愛情以及自由閱讀的美好,以動作冒險的形式來呈現。...
Book cover of Chill Factor

Chill Factor

Book Three of the Weather Warden

by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2005

Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin has protected the human race from monster storms, been killed, reborn as a Djinn, and then restored to her original form. Now she's throwing the dice to stop an infinitely powerful, deeply disturbed kid-who is holed up in a Vegas hotel-from bringing on a new ice age.
Book cover of Ash and Quill
by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2017

The unforgettable characters from Ink and Bone and Paper and Fire unite to save the Great Library of Alexandria from itself in this electrifying adventure in the New York Times bestselling series. Hoarding all the knowledge of the world, the Great Library jealously guards its secrets. But now...
Book cover of Smoke and Iron
by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2018

To save the Great Library, the unforgettable characters from Ink and Bone, Paper and Fire, and Ash and Quill put themselves in danger in the next thrilling adventure in the New York Times bestselling series. The opening moves of a deadly game have begun. Jess Brightwell has put himself in direct...
Book cover of Les Gardiens des Eléments T01

Les Gardiens des Eléments T01

La maîtresse du vent

by Rachel Caine
Language: French
Release Date: January 23, 2013

Les gardiens existent depuis toujours. Certains d'entre eux contrôlent le feu, d'autres la terre, l'eau ou le vent, et les plus puissants sont capables de contrôler plus d'un élément. Joanne Baldwin est une gardienne des éléments : en général, il lui suffit de faire un geste de la main pour...
Book cover of Unbroken


Outcast Season: Book Four

by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2012

For millennia, Cassiel was a powerful Djinn—until she was exiled to live among mortals. Now the threat of an apocalypse looms, and Cassiel is in danger of losing everything she has come to hold dear… As the world begins to fall apart around her, Cassiel finds herself fighting those she...
Book cover of Devil's Due
by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2009

WITH HER SECRET BACKGROUND AND STREET SMARTS, LUCIA GARZA HAD FEW QUALMS ABOUT TAKING THE DEVIL'S DEAL... The money Lucia and her new partner received to open their detective agency had come with strings: any assignment delivered via red envelope had to be top priority. No sweat. No one could...
Book cover of Working Stiff

Working Stiff

A Revivalist Novel

by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2011

Bryn Davis was killed on the job after discovering her bosses were selling a drug designed to resurrect the dead. Now, revived by that same drug, she becomes an undead soldier in a corporate war to take down the very pharmaceutical company responsible for her new condition...
Book cover of Heat Stroke

Heat Stroke

Book Two of the Weather Warden

by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2004

Mistaken for a murderer, Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin is hunted down and killed by her colleagues. Reborn as a Djinn, she senses something sinister entering earth's atmosphere-something that makes tomorrow's forecast look deadly.
Book cover of Gale Force

Gale Force

A Weather Warden Novel

by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2008

Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin is on vacation when her Djinn lover, David, asks Joanne to marry him. She?s thrilled to say yes, even if some others may be less than happy about it. Unfortunately, Joanne?s pre-marital bliss is ended by a devastating earthquake in Florida. And she can?t ask David...
Book cover of Firestorm


Book Five of the Weather Warden

by Rachel Caine
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2006

Rogue Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin is racing to New York to warn her former colleagues of the impending apocalypse. An ancient agreement between the Djinn and the Wardens has been broken, and the furious Djinn, slaves to the Wardens for millennia, have broken free of mortal control. With more...
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