Yoga category: 1489 books

Cover of Das Muße-Prinzip

Das Muße-Prinzip

Wie wir wirklich im Jetzt ankommen

by Nicole Stern
Language: German
Release Date: November 21, 2016

Innehalten, Durchatmen, zu sich kommen. Innere Ruhe finden. In einem Wort: Muße! Danach sehnen sich immer mehr Menschen – weil sie spüren, dass es genau das ist, was Seele und Körper wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringt. Die Wiederentdeckung der Muße kann unser Leben revolutionieren. Und sie liegt...
Cover of Blütenfantasie


Fantasiereisen mit Musik

by Elke Bräunling
Language: German
Release Date: April 28, 2010

Mit Fantasiereisen und Traumgeschichten werden Gedanken in eine andere Welt, die Welt des Inneren, gelenkt. Sie stellen den Kontakt her zu eigenen Ideen, Fantasien und Vorstellungen - und sie machen ruhig, entspannen. Neue Sichtweisen im Umgang mit der Realität entstehen, denn es ist die Fantasie,...
Cover of Mindfulness della vita quotidiana. Per il benessere, la salute, il business
by Pietro Spagnulo
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 15, 2014

Nel corso degli ultimi anni un’antica arte meditativa, la mindfulness, si è imposta all’attenzione della comunità scientifica, della medicina, della psicoterapia, e persino del mondo del lavoro e del business. Parte del suo successo è legato al fatto che la mindfulness non è solo una forma...
Cover of Yogawalking
by Paola Dal Farra
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 22, 2017

Il meglio di due discipline per un allenamento ancora più efficace. Esercizi semplici, anche per principianti. Una proposta adatta anche a persone mature.
Cover of WEIGHT LOSS - *Bio-chemical Approach for Successful results! Written by SHEILA BER - Naturopathic Consultant.
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2012

A Bio-chemical approach to help lose weight more rapidly and efficiently. The book explains  many important topics that help to view overweight problems from a better perspective, the bio-chemical perspective An invaluable book, very informative, focusing on treating the root causes contributing...


A Brave Woman's Search for God...Across Lifetimes!!

by Ritesh Gupta
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2016

Ancient Kashi...modern India...a deathless Guru...a lost soul-mate.... What happens when these diverse elements come together? An inspirational saga of faith, courage and self-belief!** ** ***The Blazing Trident is the story of a brave woman and of her search for God. Many lifetimes...



by Mathieu Rousseau
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

Do you have a weight loss goal? Your dream body shape may be within your reach, but several myths may come along to stop you. Knowing how to distinguish between true and false will help you achieve your goal. In this book, we will address the most popular myths about weight loss. I will give you detailed...
Cover of The Triple Path of Sadhna
by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2016

There are quite a few rituals in vogue for worship of God. Devotees subscribing to a variety of faiths have devised specific methods for paying obeisance to the Supreme Being. The vast mass of believers go on pilgrimage to holy places, offer prayers, read scriptures, perform prescribed rituals, carry...
Cover of Meditation Power Techniques Course

Meditation Power Techniques Course

A beginner's guide to meditation for children, teens and adults

by Sam Reddington
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2017

"TO PEOPLE WHO WANT TO START MEDITATION --- BUT DON'T KNOW HOW RO GET STARTED" What is all the fuzz about meditation? Perhaps you have a friend, or have read somewhere the many amazing benefits of meditation can do for you? Its calming, mental alertness, stress controlling effects...
Cover of The Declining Cereal Diet
by Chris Sipos
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2015

This is a self-paced program that requires no workouts and will yield results. This diet is also by far the simplest way to lower your calories without exercise or even changing the way you eat lunch or dinner.
Cover of Reiki - Il Prana: ecco come vederlo fluire tra le tue mani, in cielo e altrove...
by Marco Fomia, Milena De Mattia
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 24, 2014

Prezzo scontato del 50% valido fino a fine settimana!!! Prima di acquistare questo manuale, cerca in Google o nella tua libreria online questa frase: "All-In-One - La raccolta di TUTTI i nostri manuali - Fomia". Affrettati: ancora per poche ore ad un prezzo super conveniente, rispetto ai...
Cover of 50 exercices de Pilates pour tout niveau
by Alexis Delune
Language: French
Release Date: January 11, 2013

Les deux tomes de « Pilates pour tous » réunis en un ouvrage unique, ludique, économique. 50 exercices pour débutants et confirmés accompagnés de 80 illustrations et 76 photos explicatives. Faites du bien à votre corps tout en relaxant votre esprit. Des exercices faciles et d’autres...
Cover of Dwelling In The Mirror: A Study of Illusions Produced by Delusive Meditation and How to Be Free from Them
by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri)
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2017

“The old adage is still true: All that glitters is not gold.”“Over and over people have mistaken trivial and pathological conditions for enlightenment, written books, given seminars and gained a devoted following. I have encountered quite a few myself, including people who believed they...
Cover of Reiki pour tous

Reiki pour tous

10 jours pour apprendre à vous relaxer et relaxer l'autre

by Alexis Delune
Language: French
Release Date: June 21, 2013

Découvrez des techniques étonnantes pour harmoniser vos chakras. En une dizaine de jours, apprenez à donner des séances à vos proches et à réaliser des auto-traitements. Le reiki est une forme de méditation et de magnétisme délivrant des soins énergétiques par apposition des mains....
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