Witchcraft Wicca category: 1018 books

Cover of Los Rituales en lo Cotidiano
by Lisbe Muñoz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 7, 2018

Nan-in, un maestro japonés del periodo Meiji (1868-1912), Recibió a un profesor universitario, quien vino a preguntarle acerca del Zen. Nan-in sirvió el te. Lleno la taza de su visitante y continúo vertiéndolo. El profesor observo como la taza se rebozaba, hasta que no pudo contenerse más y...
Cover of Faszination Magie: Von Hexen, Zauberern und magischen Ritualen
by Anett Steiner, Claudia Gärtling, Nadine Schneider
Language: German
Release Date: March 29, 2016

Der dritte Band aus der Reihe 'ParaMagazin', rund um Themen der Grenzwissenschaften und Parapsychologie. Das Titelthema befasst sich mit der Thematik der Hexen und Zauberer, der Faszination für Magie und die Entwicklung des Hexentums von der Antike bis heute. Hinzu kommen versunkene oder untergegangene...
Cover of Quantum Divinity and the Separation of Two Worlds
by Deiadora Blanche
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2018

In the third Book of Shadows of the Transpersonal Awakening Series, Deiadora Blanche guides you, dear reader, on a transformative journey of light in the darkness. A gentle approach to enveloping all judgement about language and its usage, you can be sure that Quantum Divinity will strengthen your...
Cover of Imogen The Dreamer

Imogen The Dreamer

The Songs of Danaray

by Steve Wilkes
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2013

The Songs of Danaray – Imogen The Dreamer is a two – fold approach to powerful teaching of Spiritual Development.  This book is a teaching guide complete with meditations , shamanic journeys, ceremony, invocation, clairvoyance /mediumship exercises and philosophical spiritual observation...
Cover of Finché tu non sia cenere
by Paolo Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 10, 2013

Matteuccia Di Francesco fu la prima ad essere accusata di essere una serva del diavolo. L’accusò indirettamente, con le sue prediche infervorate contro il male, un frate francescano che sarebbe divenuto santo: Bernardino da Siena. Matteuccia fu incolpata di provocare danni a persone e cose attraverso...
Cover of Il libro delle streghe
by Antares Giovanna Moia
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 30, 2016

Chi vuole intraprendere un percorso di seria iniziazione all'arte magica, e non limitarsi a eseguire blandi e saltuari esperimenti sperando di ottenere qualche risultato, deve seguire i rituali e conoscere le formule, gli incantesimi e gli oggetti magici da padroneggiare. Partendo proprio dalla cerimonia...
Cover of L'universo magico delle candele
by Roberto La Paglia
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 20, 2014

Già da qualche tempo si assiste al ritorno dell’utilizzo delle candele, non soltanto per scopi puramente personali, oppure strettamente legati alla sfera del benessere psico fisico, ma anche nel campo della spiritualità, ovvero in un mondo nel quale le candele stesse rappresentano un elemento...
Cover of Animali magici e fantastici
by Roberto La Paglia
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 3, 2015

Rileggendo più attentamente la storia, considerando con maggior attenzione i miti e le leggende, incontreremo spesso figure a tratti misteriose, a volte profondamente dolci e suadenti, ma anche spietate e crudeli; sono gli animali che popolano la tradizione e che fanno ormai parte dell’inconscio...
Cover of Irish druidism
by James Bonwick
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2015

Who were the Druids? This question has agitated the minds of the learned for a long period; and various, as well as contradictory, have been the replies. Tradition preserves their memory as of a pious and superior race, prominently associated with the British Isles and France, and, in a lesser...
Cover of Lives of the Necromancers

Lives of the Necromancers

The Paranormal Legends Throughout the Ages

by William Godwin
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2019

Lives of the Necromancers; or, An Account of the Most Eminent Persons in Successive Ages, who have Claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the Exercise of Magical Power was the final book written by English author William Godwin. The book concerns paranormal legends from western and middle-eastern history.
Cover of El libro del mal de ojo y de los hechizos
by Equipo de expertos Osiris Equipo de expertos Osiris
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 15, 2016

¿Qué es el mal de ojo? ¿En qué consisten los hechizos? ¿Cómo podemos protegernos del mal de ojo? ¿Cómo actúan los contrahechizos? Tan antiguas como la sociedad son estas prácticas, que se han mantenido en nuestra sociedad como una tradición ininterrumpida hasta hoy, y que siguen ocupando...
Cover of O Poder das Folhas

O Poder das Folhas

Banhos, Defumações & Magias

by Diego de Oxóssi
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 13, 2016

Aprenda os segredos e mistérios de como criar banhos, defumações e rituais mágicos através do poder das plantas e folhas sagradas em O PODER DAS FOLHAS. A natureza carrega em si um universo de segredos e encantos e é a partir de seus mistérios que são criados os mais poderosos remédios...
Cover of May Day

May Day

A Gray Witch Novel

by R.R. Born
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

Ari Mason is a shunned and exiled witch. She works as a bartender and reads tarot in the park. Neither of which requires her brand of black magic. Which is how she likes it. Ari's power has always left a trail of death and destruction in her wake, and she's chosen a path of altruism. By using herbs...
Cover of An Essay on Demonology, Ghosts and Apparitions, and Popular Superstitions
by James Thacher
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

An Essay on Demonology, Ghosts and Apparitions, and Popular Superstitions is a concise overview of the paranormal, and includes a section discussing the Salem Witch events. A table of contents is included.
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