Witchcraft Wicca category: 1018 books

Cover of Freedom From Ancestral Spirit
by Mike Omoasegun
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2017

The history of humanity began from the Garden of Eden through Adam and Eve; and since then, every man and woman had been linked to a source. Today, thousands of people are been plagued and burdened through the lineage with their ancestors. This has make life bitter, sorrowful and fully controlled by forces of wickedness.
Cover of Secrets of Telepathy
by V.T.
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2014

Interested in mind reading and telepathy? Want to understand how the telepathic read and control your mind? Mind reading, or telepathy is NOT a very common technique used by psychics to help you make future oriented decisions, and is not something to worry about when seeking out psychic advice...
Cover of Pagan Parenting in the NICU
by Janet Callahan
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2012

A helpful guide for Pagan parents dealing with stresses of the NICU and challenges unique to being a minority faith in a health care setting. Included are various ways to bring faith into your child's space, dealing with discrimination, and helpful resources. The author has spent nearly 15...
Cover of Le Satanisme et la magie
by Jules Bois
Language: French
Release Date: March 19, 2015

Le Satanisme et la magie est un livre écrit par le poète, romancier et dramaturge français Jules Bois (1868 - 1943), auteur d'ouvrages sur l'ésotérisme.   Ce livre comporte une table des matières dynamique. Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture...
Cover of Romantic Guide to Handfasting

Romantic Guide to Handfasting

Rituals, Recipes & Lore

by Anna Franklin
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2016

Sacred and solemn, handfasting is a marriage rite practiced by Pagans, Druids, Witches, and Shamans for centuries. Anna Franklin explores the fascinating origins of this beautiful ritual and provides practical advice and ideas for planning your own handfasting celebration.
Cover of The Black pullet
by Unknown Unknown
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2018

Comprising the science of magical talismans and rings; the art of necromancy and the kabbalah, for conjuring the aerial and infernal spirits, sylphs, undines, and gnomes; for acquiring knowledge of the secret sciences; for discovering treasures, for the gaining of power to command all beings, and for unmasking all evil spells and sorceries.
Cover of Witches Guide To Astral Projection
by A.M. Benson
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2012

This guide will show you how to use astral projection to travel outside of your body into the different energy recesses of the many universal truths. You can travel to forgotten realms, planes of existence and even the ancient times. You can talk to your ancestors and see the future of your very own...
Cover of Guida alle streghe in Italia
by Andrea Romanazzi
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2014

Un viaggio tra i borghi, le valli e le foreste incantate che hanno ospitato i raduni delle streghe. Questi vengono rievocati insieme alla caccia alle streghe, che fece dell'herbara un'entità malefica legata al demonio, e all'eredità pagana, i cui simboli resistettero all'avvento del cristianesimo...
Cover of La Stregoneria in Italia

La Stregoneria in Italia

scongiuri, amuleti e riti della tradizione

by Andrea Romanazzi
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2014

Sin dai tempi più arcaici gli uomini hanno cercato di contrastare le manifestazioni più estreme della Natura attraverso un'azione magica, che si è evoluta nei secoli generando credenze, riti e tabù. In Italia, in particolare, è sorta così una religione popolare di antica origine pagana in grado...
Cover of Guida alla Dea Madre in Italia

Guida alla Dea Madre in Italia

Itinerari fra culti e tradizioni popolari

by Andrea Romanazzi
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2014

La penisola italiana ha accolto nei millenni numerosi riti, tradizioni e culti incentrati sulla Divinità Femminile, dei quali restano ampie e talora vistose tracce. Ed è proprio viaggiando alla loro ricerca, fraterra, acqua, aria e fuoco, che l'autore ha scoperto una serie diemozionanti itinerari...
Cover of The Book of Lies

The Book of Lies

2018 Edition

by Aleister Crowley
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2018

Aleister Crowley’s *The Book of Lies *is an important, complex work of occultism. Deciphering its many layers of hidden meaning requires a little patience and more than a beginner’s knowledge of Thelema. For those interested in passing beyond the initiate stage, the reward offered by a deeper...
Cover of Numerology: 25 Tips on How To Reach Unlimited Success In Career, Relationships, and Life. Discover the Secrets for Marriage and Career Development
by Elen Richard
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2018

Numerology is one of the most logical ways in which you can live your life and pursue your goals. This e-book explains the theory behind Numerology and how the numeric system works. Numerology under the Pythagoras theory breaks down all things into numbers. The basis of all things is mathematics,...
Cover of Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Amor
by Holly Zurich
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2013

Los hechizos de amor son los hechizos más poderosos que podemos hacer. Cuando pones tu corazón en cualquier causa, llamas toda la fuerza y la intención de tu ser. Utilizar tu corazón de esta manera requiere cuidado, por lo que deberás tener la total seguridad que tu intención es verdadera y...
Cover of Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Neon, Motherhood, and Sunflower Diaries 7th, Volume 10
by Rod Island
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2014

Volume 10 is a continuation of Volume 9 for news from 6/25 of 2014 to 6/26 of 2014. It is a republication of "Sunflower Diaries," Volume 7. There was a delay in the publication where it should have gone out on 6/25 of 2014. However, because I was asked to train 2 people in World of WarCraft in tanking...
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