Ufos Unexplained Phenomena category: 1723 books

Cover of Paranormal Somerset
by Sonia Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2010

What really happened when a man was almost lured to his death in the quicksands of Burnham-on-Sea? What horror was encountered in the middle of the night on Glastonbury Tor? What is the nature of the wailing that so terrified a young woman and her baby daughter in a cottage in Chard? Those of a nervous...
Cover of Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity
by Maryann Rada
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2012

Greet the light of a new day. It's time to awaken to a new world. You have the single most precious ability that a human can possess, right now, in your hand. You are ever in possession of it, yet, like the leaves of a tree, you release it periodically and turn inward to find the strength to...
Cover of The Robots' Rebellion – The Story of Spiritual Renaissance

The Robots' Rebellion – The Story of Spiritual Renaissance

David Icke’s History of the New World Order

by David Icke
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 1999

David Icke’s strongest book to date, The Robots’ Rebellion reveals the alarming extent to which people of all nations are programmed by the ideas fed to them by those in power. We live in a world which is increasingly dominated by technology but, according to Icke, it is we who are the robots. Fearlessly,...
Cover of Pleiadian Renegade: Thoughts of Higher Magnitude (Logbooks of the League of Light, volume 2)
by Maryann Rada
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2017

Now is the moment to discover reality’s next evolution. How ready are you to encounter the kind of wisdom that can change the way you see everything around you? To change how you think about the genesis of interstellar contact? Renegade thoughts can lead to bold new interpretations of reality, for...
Cover of New Orleans Vampires

New Orleans Vampires

History and Legend

by Marita Woywod Crandle
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2017

New Orleans has a reputation as a home for creatures of the night. Popular books, movies and television shows have cemented the city's connection to vampires in public imagination. In the early days of Louisiana's colonization, rumors swirled about the fate of the Casket Girls, a group of mysterious...
Cover of The White Heart

The White Heart

A Process of Creative Incubation

by Shirley Lyons
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2011

This book is my account of finding a mystery man for four years. His name is Sri Aurobindo, a great spiritual leader. I found a portrait of him in an Ashram in India and in finding him I found myself. I looked up and there in the corner of my bedroom, blinking off and on for some time as if...
Cover of Alleanza
by Anne Givaudan
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 28, 2016

Autore di oltre 30 opere, buona parte delle quali scritte a quattro mani con Anne Givaudan, Daniel Meurois è uno degli scrittori francofoni più noti nel campo della ricerca spirituale. Molti dei suoi libri sono oggi dei bestseller tradotti in diciassette lingue, e sono frutto delle famose “letture degli Annali dell’Akasha”, a cui è ricorso anche per la stesura di molti libri.
Cover of The Soul Collector
by Joni Mayhan
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2015

I was warned to wipe the last six months from my mind."Don’t think about him.Don’t talk about him.And, whatever you do, don’t write about him. If you do, he might come back," they told me.Ghost hunting isn't always fun and games. Sometimes, it can be deadly. Paranormal investigator,...
Cover of Contacto Extraterrestre en Morelia
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 4, 2012

Este es un relato fidedigno de las experiencias extraterrestres en Morelia. El contactado, don Miguel Anguel Argueta Quintero, fue muy afortunado. Los ovnis bajaron en el patio de su casa y los extraterrestres al mando de Nabocur, le dieron un bello mensaje para la humanidad. Este mensaje es parte...
Cover of Graffiti Morelia
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 13, 2012

El graffiti es la consciencia del pueblo, es la expresión artística de los jovenes en todo el mundo. En Morelia, Michoacán, la ciudad que más graffiti tiene en todo el país, vemos la riqueza de un pueblo que sabe decir las cosas sin violencia, con técnica y color. El graffiti es reveldía juvenil,...
Cover of Mayas 2012
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 24, 2012

Siete son las profecías básicas de los Mayas y en todas hablan de los períodos y las relaciones de la tierra con el cielo y las estrellas, pero en ninguna dicen que el mundo se acabaría el 21 de diciembre del año 2012. De lo que sí hablan es del final de una era, de un período, y el inicio...
Cover of Razas de Luz
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 25, 2012

Extraterrestres de todas las galaxias y dimensiones internas están contactando a muchos seres humanos. El único requisito es el despertar de la consciencia y el desarrollo de nuestras capaciades místicas. Mis experiencias, durante 30 años, me permitieron prolongar los contactos con Seres de Luz que están preocupados por el futuro de la tierra.
Cover of Gigantes, los Hijos del Diablo
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 17, 2015

En Génesis 6 se cuenta que cuando los hombres comenzaron a multiplicarse sobre la faz de la tierra, les nacieron hijas e hijos. Y viendo los Hijos de Dios que las Hijas de los Hombres eran hermosas, las tomaron como esposas, escogiendo entre ellas. Estas uniones dieron como resultado el nacimiento...
Cover of Claves Secretas para el Contacto Extraterrestre
by Adolfo Sagastume
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 20, 2012

El conocimiento de la tecnología, científica o conscientiva, para el contacto extraterrestre es el tema más importante de las experiencias místicas de estos últimos tiempos. En este libro, usted conocerá las técnicas que le funcionaron bien al autor y a muchas personas relacionadas con el fenómeno ovni. Ahora todos podemos hacer contacto con los ya famosos Seres Extraterrestres.
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