The Home category: 5736 books

Cover of Il mio garage
by Sabrina Toscani
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 11, 2016

Quando aprite la serranda del vostro garage vi sembra di essere improvvisamente catapultati nel bel mezzo di una giungla? Fate fatica a parcheggiare e avete ormai sviluppato abilità da contorsionista per riuscire a scendere dall'auto? Niente panico. Un rimedio c’è: basta cercare la giusta ispirazione...
Cover of Impianto solare termico autogestito
by Pasquale Pizzichetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 11, 2015

Avete mai pensato agli impianti solari per ridurre la spesa di combustibile per il riscaldamento della vostra casa e l'impatto sul clima? Mi auguro di si. Ma questa buona intenzione dovrebbe tenere conto anche di alcuni fattori che riguardano oltre il costo, la manutenzione e la gestione degli impianti. Questa...
Cover of Rinnova il tuo Marmo
by Memer Fello
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 29, 2016

Guida pratica al ripristino facile e veloce dei marmi con i kit di pronto intervento fai da te BMC. All'edizione cartacea è allegato il kit BIG GLOSS
Cover of Who Knew? Odor-Eliminating Miracles

Who Knew? Odor-Eliminating Miracles

Get Rid of Bad Smells from Pets, Food, Smoke, and More, and Make Your Own Air Fresheners

by Bruce Lubin, Jeanne Bossolina-Lubin
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2014

Get Rid of Household Odors Quickly and Easily! You don't have to live with bad odors from dog urine, stinky diapers, or even a musty basement. No matter what's causing that "What smells bad?" moment in your home, it's about to be gone! “Who Knew? Odor-Eliminating Miracles” reveals...
Cover of Energie Spar ebook

Energie Spar ebook

Geld sparen und Klima schützen

by hwg hwg
Language: German
Release Date: November 29, 2017

Geld sparen und Klima schützen! Es ist fünf Sekunden vor Zwölf! – Oder ist die Zeit bereits abgelaufen? Allzu lange haben wir offensichtlich sorglos auf die vagen Warnungen einiger Wissenschaftler reagiert oder gar nichts getan! Wir haben es als Horror-Szenario ganz weit unten abgelegt. Oder...
Cover of Fachadas de Casas: Planificación, restauración y construcción
by FachadasCasas
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2012

Encuentra en el libro:Las consideraciones que necesitas si piensas restaurar tu fachadaQué colores son los más apropiadosCuál debe ser la orientación correcta de una fachadaQué tipo de materiales hay disponible en el mercadoLo que debes saber al planificar y construir la fachada
by Russell Wright
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2012

Cover of Mandalas en crochet
by María Cora Chiaraviglio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Mandalas en crochetincluye un sencillo paso a paso para aprender a tejer mandalas con esta técnica. El libro incluye modelos para tejer mandalas con distintos motivos: Atrapasueños Flor Rueda Primavera Verano Otoño Invierno Tela de araña Mini mandala Floretón Reposo Granny
Cover of Accesorios en crochet
by María Cora Chiaraviglio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Accesorios en crochet incluye un sencillo paso a paso para tejer distintos diseños ideales para decorar y llenar de color el hogar: Corazones Pajaritos Mitones Guirnaldas Flores Gato Mishto Manta
Cover of Ganar espacio.Ideas simples para potenciar tu casa
by Mariana Florencia Kratochwil
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 1, 2016

Ganar espacio en una casa no siempre implica grandes reformas o inversiones imposibles. Es tan simple como deshacerse de lo que ya no sirve y aprender a rodearse sólo de aquellas cosas que usamos y nos dan felicidad.  Este libro trae ideas para organizar mejor la casa y para resolver el tema...
Cover of Keeping Your Handbag Organized
by Mabel Van Niekerk
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2013

Pouches and small purses are always handy to keep your handbag organized – no more scratching around in your bag to find small items. These handy little pouches and purses are very easy to make from your stash of fabric and small lengths of biased binding and lengths of cord.
Cover of Grow Your Own Fruit Plants

Grow Your Own Fruit Plants

A complete guide to growing and maintaining your own fruit and enjoying it!

by Daniel Rocha Alves
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2013

If you're looking for a great ebook on how to grow fruit trees then look no further.  In this incredible ebook you'll be amazed to learn little known ways for growing fruits as easy as 1,2,3.
Cover of A Crash Course on How to Get Rid of Silverfish
by Clyde Fletcher
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2013

A Crash Course on How to Get Rid of Silverfish This book covers several topics including: - What is a Silverfish Bug? - Silverfish biology and habits - Symptoms and damage done by silverfish - How to control and prevent silverfish - How to get rid of silverfish and much...
Cover of How To Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Naturally & Easily
by Jenny Boyd
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2013

Get rid of fruit flies naturally and easily in 10 effective steps, and more.
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