Technological category: 835 books

Cover of Contre-mesures extrêmes

Contre-mesures extrêmes

Mirage synthétique tome 3

by Eric R. Harvey
Language: French
Release Date: September 6, 2015

LISEZ L'ÉPISODE FINALE DE MIRAGE SYNTHÉTIQUE: De concert avec les grandes agences de renseignements du monde, le SRS coordonne les efforts afin de découvrir l’origine d’une organisation secrète qui utilise une nouvelle technologie de destruction massive, empêchant l’accès à l’espace aux...
Cover of Zones blanches

Zones blanches

Au cœur du réseau Darknet

by Firmin Le Bourhis
Language: French
Release Date: October 9, 2015

Le Duigou et Bozzi se penchent sur le cas du mystérieux réseau Darknet alors que les meurtres s’enchaînent et que les pistes se divisent…Un ingénieur en télécommunication est assassiné au cours de son jogging sur le sentier de la Côte de granit rose de Ploumanac’h. Il travaillait dans la...
Cover of Attaques sur la capitale

Attaques sur la capitale

Une course contre la montre

by Firmin Le Bourhis
Language: French
Release Date: June 19, 2015

Plongez-vous au cœur d’une lutte anti-terroriste à la fois émouvante et terrifiante ! Paris – 2015 Les responsables présumés d’une puissante organisation trouble aux ramifications internationales sont arrêtés. Alors que progresse l’enquête destinée à réunir les preuves nécessaires...
Cover of Selling Steve Jobs' Liver: A Story of Startups, Innovation, and Connectivity in the Clouds
by Merrill R. Chappman
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2015

“Selling Steve Jobs’ Liver” takes place today and begins when two serial-failure entrepreneurs, Nate Pennington and Ignacio Loehman, are contacted by a mysterious man who sells them the technology titan’s lost liver. The opportunity inspires them to ideate, innovate, and finally create a new...
Cover of La maledizione di Pandora
by Jack Du Brul
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 20, 2018

Durante la seconda guerra mondiale, in una base sottomarina nazista, furono nascosti al-cuni container interamente realizzati con l’oro saccheggiato in guerra. Il “tesoro” lì custodito non constava di forzieri d’oro massiccio, ma di un manufatto così letale che chi possedeva “le casse...
Cover of Les blancs chrysanthèmes

Les blancs chrysanthèmes

Thriller scientifique

by Louis Varetto
Language: French
Release Date: August 10, 2018

A la fin du tome 2, nous avons assisté à la catastrophe de Steinhöring... 55 enfants manipulés génétiquement, destinés à devenir des « surdoués », ont subit le sort cruel réservé pour eux par Andor Gulbrandsen, lequel a réglé le problème à la façon troisième Reich. Le présent...
Cover of Evil Machines

Evil Machines

When Monty Python meets Roald Dahl…

by Terry Jones
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2011

How do you feel about your phone? Or your car? You probably don't think about them much, except when they go wrong. But what if they go really wrong and turn properly bad – evil, even? Join Terry Jones on a hilariously disturbing journey into the dark heart of machines that go wrong: meet...
Cover of A Vested Interest - Dark Secrets

A Vested Interest - Dark Secrets

A Vested Interest, #2

by Shelia Chapman, John Chapman
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Donna Rigden, the doctor who developed the immortality virus, is dead. Her body has been treated with her drug though; can she be brought back to life? The second part of the 'A Vested Interest' series - follows 'Immortality Gene.' Clinically Donna's dead. A neurotoxin for which there's...
Cover of Fault Lines
by Thomas Locke
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2017

As a security expert, Charlie Hazard is all about taking control of the situation. But when the stunning Dr. Gabriella Speciale draws him into a secret psychological project, risk parameters are shattered. Every move brings him to the edge of one fault line after another, and Charlie struggles to...
Cover of Das Erwachen

Das Erwachen


by Andreas Brandhorst
Language: German
Release Date: October 2, 2017

In "Das Erwachen" nimmt sich Bestsellerautor Andreas Brandhorst eines der brandaktuellen Themen der Wissenschaft an: Wann werden die Maschinen uns übertrumpfen und was wird das für unser Leben bedeuten? Der ehemalige Hacker Axel setzt versehentlich ein Computervirus frei, das unzählige...
Cover of La deuxième vie des méduses

La deuxième vie des méduses

Roman d'espionnage

by Frédéric Barrès
Language: French
Release Date: September 5, 2017

Enquête dans le monde des biotechnologiesUn trentenaire exerçant dans le domaine du marketing, Philippe Danglas, est enrôlé par les services secrets français. Il va mener une enquête délicate et contribuer à la révélation des activités souterraines d’une entreprise de biotechnologies spécialisée...
Cover of No Mercy Given

No Mercy Given

The Sgt. Marvin Styles Assignments, #3

by Russ Snyder
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2019

Still reeling from the loss of their president, Styles and his team embark on the task of identifying, locating, and eliminating the man responsible for creating a tactically different approach for a bio-weapon, and arguably the worst synthetic toxin ever; one which has the potential to destroy all...
Cover of Die letzte Offenbarung
by Stephan M. Rother
Language: German
Release Date: March 12, 2019

Atemlose Jagd und heikle Spurensuche: Der fesselnde Thriller »Die letzte Offenbarung« von Bestseller-Autor Stephan M. Rother jetzt als eBook bei dotbooks. Feuer im Vatikan! Lodernde Flammen fügen zahlreichen uralten Schriftstücken der Biblioteca Apostolica schwerste Schäden zu. Nur einer kann...
Cover of Crypto Shrugged

Crypto Shrugged

Bitpats, #1

by J. Lee Porter, Ed Teja
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2018

Who is Wyatt Osgood? In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged Galt's Gulch was a physical place where the best minds could retreat--withdraw their skills and support from a corrupt system. Today, distributed ledger technologies such as Bitcoin, allow anyone to "Go Galt" when, where, and how...
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