Systems Analysis category: 271 books

Cover of Intelligence in IoT-enabled Smart Cities
by Fadi Al-Turjman
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2018

Smart Cities and intelligence are among the most significant topics in IoT. Intelligence in communication and infrastructure implementation is at the heart of this concept, and its development is a key issue in smart cities. This book addresses the challenges in realizing intelligence in smart cities...
Cover of The Art of Learning

The Art of Learning

Neural Networks and Education

by Francis T.S. Yu, Edward H. Yu, Ann G. Yu
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2018

This book presents the idea that innovative ways of teaching and learning are very essential to retention and growth. Presented in 15 sections, the book starts with the common sense training on education and moves on to neural network operation. Throughout the book, the art of learning, associative,...
Cover of El Proceso de Desarrollo de Software: 2ª Edición
by Raúl Noriega Martínez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 31, 2017

La ingeniería de software es una forma de ingeniería que aplica los principios de la ciencia de la computación y de la matemática para alcanzar soluciones con una mejor relación entre el coste y el beneficio para el problema de software. Asimismo, se trata de la aplicación sistemática, disciplinada y cuantificable para el desarrollo, operación y mantenimiento de un software.
Cover of PYTHON: Practical Python Programming For Beginners & Experts With Hands-on Project
by Mark Chan
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2017

PYTHON The Ultimate Python One Day Quickstart Guide. Practical Python Programming For Beginners & Experts With Hands-on Project This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to learn Python programming in just a few days. While I don't profess to be able to make you a fully- fledged...
Cover of Applied System Innovation

Applied System Innovation

Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), May 22-27, 2015, Osaka, Japan

Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2018

The 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015) was held May 22-27, 2015 in Osaka, Japan and provided a unified communication platform for researchers active in a wide range of research fields. Professionals from industry, academia and government were encouraged to discourse...
Cover of Performance-Optimierung


Systeme, Anwendungen, Geschäftsprozesse

by Wolfgang W. Osterhage
Language: German
Release Date: April 23, 2012

Computer-Hardware ist heute zwar erschwinglich, dennoch spielt Performance nach wie vor eine wichtige Rolle – auch wegen der Beanspruchung großer Ressourcen bei komplexen Anwendungen. In dem Band werden drei Ebenen unterschieden (Systeme, Anwendungen und Geschäftsprozesse), auf denen sich Optimierungen...
Cover of API-Design


Praxishandbuch für Java- und Webservice-Entwickler

by Kai Spichale
Language: German
Release Date: May 2, 2019

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) sind allgegenwärtig, denn Softwareentwickler benutzen sie nicht nur ständig, sondern entwerfen sie häufig auch. Dieses Buch bietet erstmals eine umfassende Anleitung für das vielfältige Thema API-Design. Neben theoretischen Konzepten werden zahlreiche...
Cover of Design Patterns (mitp Professional)

Design Patterns (mitp Professional)

Entwurfsmuster als Elemente wiederverwendbarer objektorientierter Software

by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson
Language: German
Release Date: January 26, 2015

Der Bestseller von Gamma und Co. in komplett neuer Übersetzung Das Standardwerk für die objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung Zeitlose und effektive Lösungen für wiederkehrende Aufgaben im Softwaredesign Mit Design Patterns lassen sich wiederkehrende Aufgaben in der objektorientierten...
Cover of IT-Controlling für die Praxis

IT-Controlling für die Praxis

Konzeption und Methoden

by Martin Kütz
Language: German
Release Date: May 17, 2013

Das Buch entwickelt eine zeitgemäße Controlling-Konzeption für die IT. Martin Kütz beschreibt Prozesse, Instanzen und Objekte des IT-Controllings und leitet daraus ein Prozessmodell ab. Der Leser erhält Hinweise für den Aufbau, die organisatorische Einbindung und personelle Ausstattung eines IT-Controlling-Dienstes....
Cover of Sviluppare applicazioni mobili professionali

Sviluppare applicazioni mobili professionali

Un approccio efficace per costruire, integrare e distribuire app

by IBM Press
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 29, 2016

Le applicazioni mobili possono avere per le imprese un impatto fortemente innovativo. Tuttavia, per ottimizzare il loro valore, non possono essere progettate in un sistema isolato; devono riflettere il rivoluzionario paradigma mobile ed entusiasmare gli utenti moderni, ma devono anche integrarsi perfettamente...
Cover of Análise e Design Orientados a Objetos
by Hélio Engholm
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 8, 2017

Este livro mostra como utilizar as melhores práticas na análise, no design e no desenvolvimento de aplicações orientadas a objetos, utilizando-se da linguagem unificada de modelagem UML. Será mostrado, passo a passo, como analisar, modelar e desenvolver aplicações orientadas a objetos, com...
Cover of Recent Applications of Harmonic Analysis to Function Spaces, Differential Equations, and Data Science
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2017

The second of a two volume set on novel methods in harmonic analysis, this book draws on a number of original research and survey papers from well-known specialists detailing the latest innovations and recently discovered links between various fields. Along with many deep theoretical results, these...
Cover of Methods of Fourier Analysis and Approximation Theory
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2016

Different facets of interplay between harmonic analysis and approximation theory are covered in this volume.  The topics included are Fourier analysis, function spaces, optimization theory, partial differential equations, and their links to modern developments in the approximation theory. The articles...
Cover of Frames and Other Bases in Abstract and Function Spaces

Frames and Other Bases in Abstract and Function Spaces

Novel Methods in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 1

Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2017

The first of a two volume set on novel methods in harmonic analysis, this book draws on a number of original research and survey papers from well-known specialists detailing the latest innovations and recently discovered links between various fields. Along with many deep theoretical results, these...
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