Sports And Recreation category: 3248 books

Cover of EDGE: The Wimp's Guide to: Extreme Sports
by Tracey Turner, Tracey Turner
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2013

Have you ever: Climbed Mount Everest? Been a skateboarding champion? Won a race at school sports day? If you answered NO to all of the above then this is the book for you! Scared of heights? Great! Feel green about extreme sports? Super! Inside you can read about lots of crazy stuff and how...
Cover of Freeride, marzenie każdego narciarza
by Szymon Tasz
Language: Polish
Release Date: December 9, 2013

Jazda w puchu to niesamowite doznania, których nie spotykamy jeżdżąc po ubitych trasach. Wyjeżdżając poza trasę musimy pamiętać o dwóch ważnych sprawach: - bezpieczeństwie- jazda poza trasą często jest niebezpieczna, dlatego warto wiedzieć co może nas spotkać i jak zabezpieczyć...
Cover of Professional Athlete & Sports Official
by Joyce Libal
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

Find out what it takes to be a professional athlete or sports official... The sports world offers many opportunities. Professionals work as: •Athletes, •Coaches, •Umpires and referees, and •Other sports officials. The world of professional sports is exciting—and demanding. You'll need physical...
Cover of 99 Sports Jokes for Kids
by John Jester
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2015

What is it that links all sports together? The humour of course. 99 Sports Jokes for Kids takes your favourite sports and sprinkles them with a big dollop of laughter. Guaranteed to keep you giggling well after the final whistle has gone!


La scoperta dell'ambiente acquatico e il superamento della paura

by Pietro Luigi Invernizzi, Luca Eid, Marcello Rigamonti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 11, 2013

La paura dell'ambiente acquatico è da sempre fonte di forti emozioni da parte dei principianti, genitori e insegnanti che si trovano per la prima volta di fronte al problema di dover apprendere o insegnare l'abbecedario del nuoto. I contenuti di questo eBook evidenziano le problematiche fondamentali...


La didattica nell’apprendimento della tecnica natatoria

by Pietro Luigi Invernizzi, Beppe Romagialli
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 12, 2013

Questo testo presenta, in forma originale e organica, un'analisi e una riflessione su situazioni pedagogiche e modalità di insegnamento del nuoto in età evolutiva.  La concezione formativa del nuoto è l'elemento cardine sul quale i due autori, impegnati in settori formativi...


Il training nella scuola nuoto. allenare per la salute e per l'educazione

by Pietro Luigi Invernizzi, Sandro Saronni, Beppe Romagialli
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 13, 2013

Il libro tratta della programmazione dell'attività natatoria nella delicata fase di passaggio dalla scuola nuoto all'agonismo; il suo obiettivo è fornire gli elementi necessari per svolgere un'educazione al training razionale, ragionata e consapevole del valore formativo che l'esperienza...


Agilità e destrezza in acqua

by Pietro Luigi Invernizzi, Luca Eid, Stefania Strano
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 10, 2013

I contenuti di questo eBook nascono da un'esperienza non solo condotta nell'ambito sportivo ed agonistico di alto livello, ma anche da interessanti approfondimenti svolti nel settore formativo-educativo sia scolastico che delle società sportive. Il testo è rivolto a tutti coloro che...
Cover of Snowboard. Dla początkujących i średnio-zaawansowanych
by Michał Przybylski
Language: Polish
Release Date: December 7, 2013

„Snowboard. Dla początkujących i średnio-zaawansowanych” to doskonała książka dla wszystkich, którzy chcą lepiej jeździć na desce, oraz dla tych którzy stawiają pierwsze kroki. W książce tej znajdziesz informacje o: - rozgrzewce na stoku - pierwszych krokach na desce -...
Cover of Narciarstwo, czyli jak poprawić technikę i przygotować się fizycznie do sezonu
by Andrzej Peszek
Language: Polish
Release Date: December 7, 2013

Książka „Narciarstwo czyli jak poprawić technikę i przygotować się fizycznie do sezonu”, to efekt współpracy doskonałych instruktorów, świetnych fotografów i zwykłych narciarzy, dla których została stworzona. Układ książki i ujęcie tematu powstały właśnie według wskazówek...
Cover of Narciarstwo dla zaawansowanych. Karwing, stromizny, muldy, puch
by Andrzej Peszek
Language: Polish
Release Date: December 7, 2013

siążka ta przeznaczona jest dla osób, które już nieźle jeżdżą na nartach, ale ciągle nurtuje je pytanie: co jeszcze mogą osiągnąć w jeździe na nartach? Ta książka zaprasza nas do: jazdy karwingowej, jazdy po stromych stokach, jazdy po muldach , jazdy...
Cover of Sports


The Ultimate Teen Guide

by Gail Fay
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2012

Whether playing baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, lacrosse, tennis, soccer, softball, volleyball, or wrestling, millions of teens all over the country participate in some sporting activity. Despite widespread enthusiasm for such activities, not all teens know how to make the most out of their...
Cover of The One Year Devos for Sports Fans
by John Hillman, Kathy Hillman
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2015

Find out what the world of sports can teach us about spiritual principles with this new One Year daily devotional. Each daily reading focuses on a Scripture verse and a devotional illustration from the sports world. Illustrations come from over 40 different sports, including basketball, football,...
Cover of The Legend of Muhammad Ali : Everything about Boxing - Sports Games for Kids | Children's Sports & Outdoors Books
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

How did a boxer like Muhammad Ali become a legend? Learn about his life, including struggles and victories in this picture book for children. Encourage your children to drop the gadgets and pick up a sport. It does not have to be boxing, it just needs to be inspiring. Grab a copy today!
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