Southeast Asia category: 1948 books

Cover of 馬來西亞:多元共生的赤道國度


Malaysia: An Equatorial Nation of Co-existing Multiplicities

by 廖文輝
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 8, 2019

歷史分為兩種,一者隱惡揚善,一者不可告人 任何國家的歷史都並非獨立存在,乃是由世界地理、文明、人類、戰爭相互影響交織而成。而我們所信仰的,究竟是真實的歷史,或只是歷史書寫下的真實……? 馬來西亞這個國度,種族多元,馬來人、華人、印度人、原住民、新移民……在此交會。 印度教文化、伊斯蘭教文化、佛教文化、儒家文化、基督教文化、西方殖民文化……在此交融。 馬來西亞的歷史,多面向、不單一!震撼的各種聲音和語言! 《馬來西亞:多元共生的赤道國度》全新史觀,一部馬來西亞人寫給世界的馬來西亞史 揭開隱晦不明、輕描淡寫的官方歷史!還原被消失的昨日 我們活在歷史中,卻渾然不覺;過去像破碎的紙片,風吹四散,無從拼湊全貌。巫裔、華裔、印度裔,甚至在馬六甲王朝前就已存在的住民,在由他人譜寫的故事中,追尋自己究竟是誰?在歷史中,究竟扮演什麼樣的角色? 由廖文輝編著的《馬來西亞:多元共生的赤道國度》以地理為點,時間為線,延展出涵蓋社會、經濟、政治與文化的面,記錄馬來半島自史前時代至近代,文化及種族發展的深長歷史。各章看似各自獨立的故事,其實彼此牽連、內外鑲嵌。馬來民族、華族、印度族群、原住民族,印度文明、伊斯蘭文明、佛教文化及外來西方殖民文化,造就了豐富的大馬歷史;而隱藏在多元民族背後的,卻是暗暗湧動的民族衝突和矛盾。 這是一部由馬來西亞華人以中文寫成的馬來西亞史,填補近半世紀來華人社會書寫大馬史的空白,博採華文、巫文及其他外語文獻研究。揭開被覆蓋的昨日,追尋真實的過去,探問未知的未來。沿襲馬來西亞的歷史發展軌跡逐一開展,從遠古石器時代先民的原始活動,到當代馬來西亞二○○八年的國會大選,貫穿古今,兼及東西馬,詳略論述考古新發現、各分期的歷史事件和歷史人物。選題層次清晰,融集現實性和指向性,體系完整、結構縝密,論述穩健、語言樸實,綜述馬來西亞上下幾千年的歷史,並且以文化融和、政治角力、經濟動力和民族團結的視角,看待馬來西亞歷史發展的變與常。 ※...
Cover of Malaysia in Perspective: Orientation Guide and Malay Cultural Orientation: Anwar Ibrahim, History Timeline, Politics and Government, Economy, Society, Security, Religion, Traditions
by Progressive Management
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2014

These two unique guides produced by the Department of Defense provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Malaysia, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime,...
Cover of Imelda Marcos: The Rise and Fall of One of the World’s Most Powerful Women
by Carmen Navarro Pedrosa
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2017

In 1966, Imelda Marcos was “rich, young, and beautiful, an Asian Jacqueline Kennedy.” Years later, Benigno Aquino would call her “another Evita Peron,” referring to her ruthless ambition and seemingly insatiable desire for wealth and power. By 1986, she was in exile in Hawaii, having been driven...
Cover of Imelda Romualdez Marcos: The Verdict
by Carmen Navarro Pedrosa
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2017

This book contains the story of the trial and acquittal of Imelda Romualdez Marcos in a New York court in 1990. Her media image of being “one of the richest women in the world” and coming from one of the poorest countries was the scandal. This book discusses some facts and events that lead to Imelda’s...
Cover of The Gate
by Francois Bizot
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

In 1971 a young French ethnologist named Francois Bizot was taken prisoner by forces of the Khmer Rouge who kept him chained in a jungle camp for months before releasing him. Four years later Bizot became the intermediary between the now victorious Khmer Rouge and the occupants of the besieged French...
Cover of The Typhoon Truce, 1970

The Typhoon Truce, 1970

Three Days in Vietnam when Nature Intervened in the War

by Robert Curtis
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2015

It wasn’t rockets or artillery that came through the skies one week during the war. It was the horrific force of nature that suddenly put both sides in awe. As an unofficial truce began, questions and emotions battled inside every air crewman’s mind as they faced masses of Vietnamese civilians...
Cover of Thailand in My Youth
by Thanapol (Lamduan) Chadchaidee
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2013

This book provides a fascinating glimpse into rural Thailand forty years ago. It reflects the social and cultural old days in rural Thailand from the 1960s.
Cover of The Bangkok Story, an Historical Guide to the Most Exciting City in the World
by Jonathan Copeland
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2013

The Bangkok Story traces the history of Bangkok up to the present day, and describes and places the main buildings in the city in context, to explain to the visitor their meaning and relevance, something that the usual guide books do not cover. There are a lot of places and museums not mentioned in...
Cover of God's Gentlemen

God's Gentlemen

A History of the Melanesian Mission, 1849–1942

by David Hilliard
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

Originally published in 1978, God’s Gentlemen remains the only detached and detailed historical analysis of the work of the Melanesian Mission, which grew out of the personal vision of George Selwyn, the first bishop of the Church of England in New Zealand. Starting with its New Zealand beginnings...
Cover of Krakatau: The Tale of Lampung Submerged
by John H McGlynn (English), Muhammad Saleh
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2017

In August 1883, massive volcanic eruptions destroyed two-thirds of Krakatau islands, located in the Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Java. It was the day the world exploded. Tsunami wreaked havoc in the region, causing countless deaths. Shock waves were recorded around the world. Ashes from the eruptions...
Cover of Even The Crazy Man Wept
by Dr Edwin Pugh
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2015

Even The Crazy Man Wept challenges the reader to see, in response to the genocide in Cambodia and its aftermath, compassion, sadness, love and righteous anger expressed by a remarkable man who shared his life with the poor during this time. The events and names in this book are real. For over 30 years...
Cover of Falcon at the Court of Siam
by John Hoskin
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2014

A True Account of One of the Most Thrilling Periods in Thai History Set toward the end of the seventeenth century, Falcon at the Court of Siam recounts the true story of Constantine Phaulkon, a Greek of low birth who spectacularly rose to fame, and infamy, as King Narai's favourite courtier...
Cover of Siamese White
by Maurice Collis
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2016

Foremost among the biographies that Maurice Collis wrote during his wide-ranging literary career is Siamese White - an account of the career of Samuel White of Bath who, during the reign of James II, was appointed by the King of Siam as a mandarin of that country. The book superbly embodies that old...
Cover of Pol Pot

Pol Pot

Il diavolo rosso

by Richard J. Samuelson
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 1, 2015

Il 17 aprile 1975 i Khmer Rossi entrano trionfanti a Phnom Penh, la capitale della Cambogia. Gli inviati della stampa internazionale parlano entusiasti di scene di gioia e fratellanza, di guerriglieri e soldati governativi che si abbracciano, nessuna scena di violenza o di guerra. Nel giro...
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