Social Services Welfare category: 1103 books

Cover of Towards a New Pensions Settlement

Towards a New Pensions Settlement

The International Experience

by Gregg McClymont, Andy Tarrant
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2016

This volume presents the recent experiences of pension reform in seven countries: Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Faced with common problems of ageing societies and constraints on taxation levels, all are increasingly passing responsibility for saving...
Cover of Do Americans Believe Capitalism and Government are Working?: Religious Left, Religious Right and the Future of the Economic Debate
by Robert P. Jones
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2013

Greed, lack of equal opportunity, poverty and lasting inequality are the reasons more than 4-in-10 (42 percent) Americans say capitalism is not working well, a major new national survey finds. The survey, which explores Americans’ views on faith, values and the economy, also finds that only the oldest Americans believe they are better off than their parents’ generation.
Cover of The Aftermath of Structural Pension Reform

The Aftermath of Structural Pension Reform

Managing Legacy Costs of Defined Benefit Pensions in India

by Cheolsu Kim, Gary Hendricks
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2011

India's civil service retirement benefit system, based on a defined benefit scheme, imposed an annual expenditure of over $30 billion on the central and state governments. In an effort to truncate the unfunded scheme, which covers 30 million central and state government employees, the Government of...
Cover of Mandate for change

Mandate for change

policies and leadership for 2009 and beyond

Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2009

Three decades ago, conservative ideologues at The Heritage Foundation produced a primer on the Reagan Revolution entitled Mandate for Leadership, which offered an overarching philosophy against the role of government and in favor of markets. This volume, produced by the Institute for Policy Studies,...
Cover of Sick of Inequality?

Sick of Inequality?

An Introduction to the Relationship between Inequality and Health

by Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson, Daniel Waldenström
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2016

There is a clear trend in rich countries that despite rising incomes and living standards, the gap between rich and poor is widening. What does this mean for our health? Does increasing income inequality affect outcomes such as obesity, life expectancy and subjective well-being? Are rich and poor groups...
Cover of Por que ocupamos?

Por que ocupamos?

Uma introdução à luta dos sem-teto

by Guilherme Boulos, Plínio de Arruda Sampaio
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 18, 2018

Fruto da experiência de Guilherme Boulos durante anos de militância no MTST, Por que ocupamos? sistematiza informações e pontos de vista que deveriam ser de conhecimento obrigatório para quem se propõe a discutir a questão habitacional brasileira. Aqueles que se limitam a ofender os sem-teto...
Cover of Agrarian Crisis in India
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2010

This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the macro- and micro-level issues associated with agrarian distress. It analyses structural, institutional, and policy changes, highlighting the failure of public support system in agriculture. The crisis manifests itself in the form of deceleration...
Cover of Starving in the Shadow of Plenty
by Ellen Levine, Loretta Schwartz-Nobel
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2001

President Ronald Reagans chief advisor on domestic affairs announced in December 1980 that poverty has been virtually wiped out in the United States and the systems of government aid have been a brilliant success. Now, Starving in the Shadow of Plenty lays bare the horrifying truth. For the first...
Cover of They Can't Touch Him Now
by James Alfred Williamson-Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2017

In 1958, I was a ten-year-old boy when I was physically molested by a man both inside and outside of the Ritz, one of our local fleapit cinemas. With no resistance from my parents I had been allowed to go the pictures at night and on my own, which would be quite unthinkable in today's society. However...
Cover of Una alternativa liberal para salir de la crisis
by Juan Ramón Rallo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 23, 2012

Ni el libre mercado causó la crisis ni la receta para superarla pasa por redoblar el intervencionismo de los poderes públicos. A lo largo de las páginas de este libro, el doctor Juan Ramón Rallo nos demuestra que fueron los gobiernos y los bancos centrales quienes inflaron las tres burbujas...
Cover of Amor...sos la inversión de mi vida
by Mariano Otálora
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2014

¿Por qué las parejas se separan tanto? ¿Intolerancia? ¿Infidelidad? ¡NO! ¡Es por plata! Los desacuerdos financieros son la principal razón por la que dos de cada tres parejas no siguen adelante. ¡Pero a no desesperar! Este libro está pensado para que eso no suceda: el autor no sólo nos contará...
Cover of Value for Money in Health Spending
by Collective
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2010

Health spending continues to rise inexorably, growing faster than the economy in most OECD countries. Most of this spending comes from the public purse. Given the recent economic downturn, countries are looking for ways to improve the efficiency of health spending. This publication examines current...
Cover of Décriminaliser la drogue comme au Portugal
by Simon Coutu
Language: French
Release Date: March 22, 2013

En Europe comme dans les Amériques, la décriminalisation est plus que jamais à l’ordre du jour. Le Portugal est allé plus loin en redirigeant les consommateurs de drogues, dures ou douces, vers le système de santé. Une idée à voler?
Cover of Qué hacemos con los impuestos
by Francisco Javier Braña, Nuria Alonso, Carlos Cruzado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 23, 2014

¿Qué hacemos por una fiscalidad justa y suficiente, que acabe con el fraude y la elusión en el pago de los impuestos? El discurso oficial de la crisis insiste en que España tiene un problema de gasto público, que necesita ser recortado. ¿Por qué no se pone el mismo énfasis en el otro plato...
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