School category: 6184 books

Cover of Careers in Computer Support
by Jeri Freedman
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2013

With the importance of computers and mobile devices in every business and industry, the demand for computer support professionals is greater than ever before. As a result, those with strong skills in computer support have a relatively secure career path and the ability to apply their knowledge in...
Cover of 科學築夢大現場2:歡迎光臨機器人時代!百變智慧機器人
by 周彥彤/作, 楊谷洋/協力指導
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 5, 2016

真實發生在臺灣的科學版「我有一個夢」,燃起師生maker魂,用夢想改變自己,改變世界 一個太空夢、一個機器人夢、還有個溼地夢   大膽夢想可不是小朋友的專利,看似嚴肅、謹慎的科學家竟然也會不顧一切的朝著夢想邁進。這三個科學之夢,不僅陪伴孩子們共同築夢、也鼓勵朝著目標努力實現。   在書中,老師不是權威說教、學生不是被動學習。而是老師和學生一同共學、交心,成為築夢路上的好夥伴。 **  歡迎光臨機器人時代!百變智慧機器人**   未來的機器人會是什麼樣子呢?是長得跟我們一樣,會講話、會揮手;還是會像科幻電影一樣,會飛天、會發射光線呢?但是你可知道臺灣有好多科學家,正一步步建立出未來機器人的夢想。   來自臺灣的各個機器人研究團隊,用跟你說哈囉的陪伴機器人、飛天鑽地的仿生機器人、還有靠著一隻手臂就足以扭轉世界的工業機器人,全面翻轉孩子們對於機器人的想像。   誰說機器人只來自於國外新知與電影,這些臺灣自製機器人正式對你說:「機器人時代來啦,歡迎光臨! 本書特色   .科技大歷史:以知識圖表深入淺出的展現相關科技的過去與未來。   .研究大揭密:以插畫、照片與趣味文字,一網打盡臺灣研究團隊中每個重要的關鍵時刻。   .我是大maker:以貼身採訪、第一手的調查方式,身歷其境一探團隊的工作現場。 **系列特色   臺灣科學版「我有一個夢」,燃起師生maker魂,用夢想改變自己,改變世界**   用三個科學之夢,記錄著老師與學生汗水交織的築夢之路,體現科學研究不是象牙塔中的冷血知識。讓小朋友們了解大人也懂得夢想,讓大人教導小朋友們如何完成夢想。   用最不說教、最趣味的知識插圖,重新轉譯這些科學成就,讓你被熱血感動之餘,再吸收臺灣最尖端的科學成就。 **  .我有一個太空夢:科學築夢大現場1:一起離開地球上太空!ARRC自製火箭**   橫跨多所大學的師生團隊,靠著自學理論與YOUTUBE影片,用鬥魂打造出飛空火箭。 **  .我有一個機器人夢:科學築夢大現場2:歡迎光臨機器人時代!-百變智慧機器人**   一群靠著高超技術,年年在各項國際大型機器人競賽中獲獎連連的大學團隊,他們不僅做出了令人驚豔的機器人,更將這個技術應用在各種可以造福人類的領域中。 **  .我有一個溼地夢:科學築夢大現場3:蛙做的夢是什麼顏色?古溼地復育記**   一群意外發現一塊古老溼地的台大師生,為了復原這塊古老的濕地,更為了讓都市裡聽得見蛙鳴、看得見螢火蟲,運用最新的生態工程,逐步的為都市生態復育做出了典範。 **名人推薦   國立科學工藝館...
Cover of Unser Theaterprojekt, Band 3 - Prinz Lollipop
by Dominik Meurer
Language: German
Release Date: February 16, 2018

Prinz Lothar soll heiraten, doch dazu hat er keine Lust. Er flieht aus dem Schloss und begegnet in einem Dorf der harten Realität des Lebens. Ein Schock, denn er ist gewohnt seine Wünsche stets erfüllt zu bekommen. Seine taffe Begleiterin Pippa lässt ihm jedoch keine seiner Marotten durch gehen,...
Cover of Tableau de l' instruction primaire en France à la fin de 1833
by Paul Lorain
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2014

 Rien ne donne une plus juste idée du mépris qu’on fait généralement en France de l’instruction primaire que le petit nombre de bâtiments spéciaux affectés à cet emploi. Des Pyrénées aux Ardennes, du Calvados aux montagnes...
Cover of A Candid Look at Chinese Sophomores on the World Events 2013
by Oscar -Oz Benson
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2014

This is a compilation of speeches made in a Sophomore English class for non English majors in a Chinese University. These Students were asked to research a world event that had an impact on them either directly or emotionally. They were only given 1.5 minutes to speak and were to write it in advance...
Cover of Impara i vestiti con Kiki
by Michael Dann
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 30, 2016

Le mutandine, la canottiera, i calzini, i pantaloni, la maglietta, il maglione ... Impara i vestiti con Kiki. Formato EPUB 3.
Cover of Fun and Games: Clockwork Carnival Measuring Time
by Wendy Conklin
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2017

Enjoy a fun day at the carnival while learning how to measure time! Students will build their literacy skills and math content knowledge while engaged in reading about magic shows, petting zoos, bumper cars, and funnel cake. This appropriately leveled math reader features problem solving and everyday...
Cover of Annem ve Babamla Oynuyorum Öğreniyorum
by Ali Çankırılı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Mesleğiniz ne kadar zor, ev işleriniz ne kadar çok olursa olsun, çocuklarınıza zaman ayırmalısınız. Ayıracağınız zamanın süresi değil, kalitesi önemlidir.   Ayırdığınız zaman kısa süreli de olsa, eğer birlikte geçirdiğiniz dakikalar, ikiniz için de zevkli...
Cover of 班幹部的管理學問
by 吳志樵,劉延慶
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Cover of Bibelns Berättelser

Bibelns Berättelser

Swedish Bible Stories

by Edward Duncan Hughes
Language: Swedish
Release Date: December 21, 2018

Hur började allt? Var kom vi ifrån? Varför finns det så mycket elände i världen? Finns det något hopp? Finns det liv efter döden? Hitta svaren när du läser denna sanna historia i världen. How did it all begin? Where did we come from? Why is there so much misery in the world? Is there...
Cover of I’m Applying to College Now What? A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Applications & Essays
by Angela Erickson
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2016

Applying to college can be one of the most stressful times in a student's life. With acceptance rates at colleges such as Stanford and Harvard being under 10 percent, students need to know how to craft a winning application. This book breaks the process down into easy-to-manage sections. You...
Cover of Dream Jobs in Sports Scouting
by Marty Gitlin
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2014

In this lively career guide, readers who hope to be a scout learn there are high school and college scouts who find and judge talent, professional scouts who assess players on rival teams for possible trades or free agent signings, and advance scouts who evaluate players from other organizations and...
Cover of McGraw-Hill Education Math Grade 1, Second Edition
by McGraw-Hill
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2017

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. This engaging, full-color, activity-packed guide is ideal tool for sharpening math skills! McGraw-Hill's...
Cover of Art and Culture American Indian Artifacts: 2-D Shapes
by Katie McKissick
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2017

A trip to a museum becomes an adventure in learning geometry! Students will explore mathematics in a meaningful way by examining the geometric shapes and patterns of American Indian artwork. This full-color grade 4 math reader builds literacy and math content knowledge while introducing students to...
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