Royalty category: 1453 books

Cover of Happy and Glorious.Encounters with the Windsors

Happy and Glorious.Encounters with the Windsors

In My Own Voice. Reading from My Collected Works

by Jeffrey Lant
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2016

I little thought, so many years ago, when I first encountered the Queen and the royal Windsors, that I should be writing my own memoirs of my several encounters. But I am. How did I begin my connection with the Windsor dynasty? In just this way: to get a doctoral degree at Harvard, you must write...
Cover of Kingdom Agenda

Kingdom Agenda

A family that prays together stays together

by Deshawn Harper
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2016

Inspired by Apostle, & First Lady Densmore. Special thanks to my lovely wife Mako Harper for being on assignment for the lord Jesus Christ:)Available in HardCover&SoftPaperBack:)
Cover of Henry VIII Vs. Francis I
by Charles L. Mee Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2017

The illusion of power - the spectacle of politics - as it is used to dazzle one's own followers, to fool an opponent, and to bemuse oneself has never been displayed more grandly than in the meeting in 1520 of England's Henry VIII and the French King Francis I on the Field of the Cloth of Gold. Here,...
Cover of Die Romanows

Die Romanows

Glanz und Untergang der Zarendynastie 1613-1918

by Simon Sebag Montefiore
Language: German
Release Date: October 27, 2016

"Exzellent! Dagegen ist ›Game of Thrones‹ das reinste Kaffeekränzchen." Antony BeevorDie prunkvolle und blutige Geschichte der sagenumwobenen Dynastie der Romanows, die Russland jahrhundertelang bescherrschte und bis heute prägt.Wie kein anderes Adelsgeschlecht sind die Romanows der...
Cover of Anul Regal. Jurnalul Jubileului de 150 de ani de la fondarea Casei Regale a României
by Daniel Șandru
Language: Romanian
Release Date: May 19, 2016

Volumul, prefațat de ASR Principele Radu al României, conține texte ce abordează aspecte privind istoria Casei Regale din România, precum și rolul pe care aceasta l-a avut de-a lungul timpului în viața socială și politică românească. Din punct de vedere publicistic, cartea deschide Anul...
Cover of Motivating Thoughts of Rammanohar Lohia
by Mahesh Dutt Sharma
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Ram Manohar Lohia was born on 23 March 1910 at Akbarpur in the present-day Uttar Pradesh, in a prosperous Vaishya family. His mother died in 1912, when he was just two years old, and he was later brought up by his father, who never remarried. He attended the Banaras Hindu University to complete his intermediate...
Cover of Royals Hold Grudges for 100 Years! The Hundred Years War - History Books for Kids | Chidren's European History
by Baby Professor
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Can you believe how differences can create a war that lasts for a hundred years? In this history book, you’ll be reading about the Hundred Years War. You’ll be learning why it happened, who the main personalities were and how it ended. Do you think another hundred years war is possible? We can never truly know for sure!
Cover of Hakka Bukka
by B.Puttaswamayya
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2012

Hakka was the first ruler of the famous kingdom of Vijayanagar, and Bukka, his brother, the second ruler. They opposed the mighty Sultan of Delhi and brought unity and freedom to South India. They were great not only as warriors but also as rulers.
Cover of James VI And The Gowrie Mystery
by Andrew Lang
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2012

An old Scottish lady, many generations ago, used to say, 'It is a great comfort to think that, at the Day of Judgment, we shall know the whole truth about the Gowrie Conspiracy at last.' Since the author, as a child, read 'The Tales of a Grandfather,' and shared King Jamie's disappointment when there...
Cover of Image Wars: Kings and Commonwealths in England, 1603-1660
by Kevin Sharpe
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2010

Cover of Isabel la Católica o el yugo del poder

Isabel la Católica o el yugo del poder

La cruda historia de la reina que marcó el destino de España

by José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Como advierte el propio autor en el prólogo, este libro no es una biografía al uso de Isabel la Católica, sino un retrato íntimo de la reina que, medio milenio después de su muerte, sigue formando parte de la memoria colectiva de todo un país. Más allá de fechas, datos y batallas, de las intrigas...
Cover of Queen Elizabeth II
by Heinz Duthel
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2013

Elizabeth II | Queens regnant | Reigning monarchs | Protestant monarchs | House of Windsor | Monarchs of the United Kingdom | Heads of state of Antigua and Barbuda | Monarchs of Australia | Monarchy in Australia | Heads of state of the Bahamas | Heads of state of Barbados | Heads of state of Belize...
Cover of What's So Great About King Tut?

What's So Great About King Tut?

A Biography of Tutankhamun Just for Kids!

by Sam Rogers
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2014

Born as “Tutankhaten, King Tut is remembered for many reasons. During his reign as Pharaoh he made the difficult decision to publically disagree with his father and to undo many of the changes that Amenhotep IV had made during his rule (including making Amarna the capital city). Tutankhaten would...
Cover of Philippe-Auguste
by Louis Phocion Todière
Language: French
Release Date: February 17, 2015

Extrait : "Louis VII, dit le Jeune, était parvenu à l'âge de cinquante-quatre ans sans obtenir d'enfants mâle. Quoique la succession héréditaire et le droit de primogéniture ne fussent pas encore établis sur des principes certains, ce roi désirait ardemment un fils, afin de l'associer de son vivant à la couronne, avec le concours des puissants des barons de France."
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