Rome category: 2065 books

Cover of Storia della decadenza e rovina dell'Impero Romano, volume 2
by Edward Gibbon
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 1, 2018

Sotto i deplorabili regni di Valeriano e di Gallieno, l’Impero fu oppresso e quasi distrutto dai Soldati, dai Tiranni e dai Barbari. Lo salvò una serie di gran Principi, che traevano un’oscura origine dalle marziali province dell’Illirico. Nel giro di quasi trenta anni Claudio, Aureliano, Probo,...
Cover of Life of Constantine
by Eusebius
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2012

Eusebius of Caesarea (c. AD 263339) also called Eusebius Pamphili, was a Roman historian. Little is known of Eusebius since much of his work is lost, and no copies remain of a a biography of Eusebius by Acacius. He became the Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine about the year 314. Together with Pamphilus,...
Cover of Font of Life

Font of Life

Ambrose, Augustine, and the Mystery of Baptism

by Garry Wills
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2012

No two men were more influential in the early Church than Ambrose, the powerful Bishop of Milan, and Augustine, the philosopher from provincial Africa who would write The Confessions and The City of God. Different in background, they were also extraordinarily different in personality. In Font of Life,...
Cover of Paul


A Biography

by N. T. Wright
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2018

In this definitive biography, renowned Bible scholar, Anglican bishop, and bestselling author N. T. Wright offers a radical look at the apostle Paul, illuminating the humanity and remarkable achievements of this intellectual who invented Christian theology—transforming a faith and changing the world. For...
Cover of From Shame to Sin
by Kyle Harper
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2013

The transformation of the Roman world from polytheistic to Christian is one of the most sweeping ideological changes of premodern history. At the center was sex. Kyle Harper examines how Christianity changed the ethics of sexual behavior from shame to sin, and shows how the roots of modern sexuality are grounded in an ancient religious revolution.
Cover of The Ghost in the Gospels

The Ghost in the Gospels

The True Story of How Jesus Died and How We All Missed It for 2,000 Years

by Leon Zitzer
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2006

Judas and Jewish leaders. Continually tried and condemned for Jesus' death. This book exonerates them and ends the longest running witch trial in history. The search for the true circumstances of Jesus' death is an intellectual detective story. The clues are all in words in the texts of the well-known...
Cover of Civilization in the 5th Century
by Frederic Ozanam
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2017

                Doubtless fascinating to watch the genius of a people burst forth under a burning or an icy sky, on virgin soil, or in historic land, yield to the impress of contemporary events, and put forth its first blossoms in those epic traditions or in those familiar songs, which...
Cover of Julius Caesar's Disease

Julius Caesar's Disease

A New Diagnosis

by Francesco Maria Galassi, Hutan Ashrafian
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2016

It is generally accepted as a historical fact that Julius Caesar suffered from epilepsy, an illness which in classical times was sometimes associated with divinely bestowed genius. The ancient sources describe several episodes when, sometimes at critical junctures, one of the most famous military...
Cover of Empires, Wars, and Battles

Empires, Wars, and Battles

The Middle East from Antiquity to the Rise of the New World

by T. C. F. Hopkins
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2008

As current events have made painfully obvious, the Middle East is a region long torn by strife and traditions of warfare. In this elegant, fast-paced, and well thought out cultural and military history, T. C. F. Hopkins, author of Confrontation at Lepanto, provides a remarkable glimpse into the origins...
Cover of A Short Introduction to Constantine the Great
by John Lord
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2016

One of the links in the history of civilization is the reign of Constantine, not unworthily called the Great, since it would be difficult to find a greater than he among the Roman emperors, after Julius Caesar, while his labors were by far more beneficent. A new era began with his illustrious reign,--the...
Cover of The Cult of the Emperor

The Cult of the Emperor

Roman Emperor Worship in the Ancient World

by Louis Matthews Sweet
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2015

THE Roman Imperial Cult began with the first Caesar and continued until the final overthrow of paganism in the Empire. An exhaustive study of the Cult in all its ramifications would practically involve a survey of Roman history during the imperial epoch and would transcend all reasonable limits. A...
Cover of The Essence of Edward Gibbon on Christianity
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2017

Edward Gibbon (1737–1794) personifies the calm and dignified rationalism of the 18th century. He became world famous as the author of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a multi-volume work describing almost 1300 years of history in some of the finest English prose ever written. The present...
Cover of Jews In The Roman World
by Michael Grant
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2011

In describing the triangular relationship among the Jews, the Romans and the Greeks, Michael Grant treats one of the most significant themes in world history. Unlike almost all the other subject nations of the Roman empire, the Jews have survived and have maintained a religious and cultural...
Cover of Histoire de l’art. L’Art antique
by Élie Faure
Language: French
Release Date: August 20, 2018

Histoire de l’art - L’Art antique, est un ouvrage écrit par l'historien de l'art et essayiste français Élie Faure (1873 – 1937). Ce livre numérique présente l'édition intégrale et comporte une table des matières dynamique. Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique.
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