Rome category: 2065 books

Cover of Works of Cicero
by Cicero
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2013

9 works of Cicero Roman philosopher, statesman, lawyer, orator, political theorist, consul and constitutionalist (106-43 BC) This ebook presents a collection of 9 works of Cicero . A dynamic table of contents allows you to jump directly to the work selected. Table of Contents: Academica...
Cover of Hannibal's Dynasty

Hannibal's Dynasty

Power and Politics in the Western Mediterranean, 247-183 BC

by Dexter Hoyos
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2003

Accessible and enlightening, Hannibal's Dynasty provides the full story of Carthage's achievement, going beyond the usual focus on Hannibal and military matters alone to look at a wide range of political and diplomatic issues too. Dexter Hoyos shows how the aristocratic Barcid family won dominance...
Cover of The Classical Greeks
by Michael Grant
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2011

The story of the Athenian Golden Age by one of the world's pre-eminent classical historians. The Golden Age of ancient Greek city-state civilization lasted from 490 to 336 BC, the period between the first wars against Persia and Carthage and the accession of Alexander the Great. Never has there...
Cover of Democracy


A Life

by Paul Cartledge
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2016

Ancient Greece first coined the concept of "democracy", yet almost every major ancient Greek thinker-from Plato and Aristotle onwards- was ambivalent towards or even hostile to democracy in any form. The explanation for this is quite simple: the elite perceived majority power as tantamount...
Cover of Between Pagan and Christian
by Christopher P. Jones
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2014

Who and what was pagan depended on the outlook of the observer, as Christopher Jones shows in this fresh and penetrating analysis. Treating paganism as a historical construct rather than a fixed entity, Between Christian and Pagan uncovers the fluid ideas, rituals, and beliefs that Christians and pagans shared in Late Antiquity.
Cover of Libanius the Sophist

Libanius the Sophist

Rhetoric, Reality, and Religion in the Fourth Century

by Raffaella Cribiore
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2013

Libanius of Antioch was a rhetorician of rare skill and eloquence. So renowned was he in the fourth century that his school of rhetoric in Roman Syria became among the most prestigious in the Eastern Empire. In this book Raffaella Cribiore draws on her unique knowledge of the entire body of Libanius’s...
Cover of 在風暴來臨之前:羅馬共和國殞落的開始
by 麥克.鄧肯(Mike Duncan)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 3, 2019

民主制度終將如羅馬共和國一般,逐漸走向衰亡的命運 煽動民粹的政客、僵化失能的政體、徒有其名的選舉…… 書中每則故事都反映當代現況,讓你我反思今日的問題 希臘羅馬史研究專家、成功大學歷史系教授翁嘉聲 全書審定、專文導讀 「中古歐洲三部曲」作者拉爾斯.布朗沃思強力推薦 Amazon、Goodreads網站2000以上讀者好評 《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》非小說類暢榜前10名 羅馬共和國是人類文明史上最傑出的成就之一,羅馬從義大利中部一個小城邦,逐漸征服、吸納周邊民族,擴張為更大的國家。在羅馬歷史上不乏暴君、野蠻首領與專制君主,但數世紀以來,充分發揮公民合作與參與精神的羅馬政府,在古代史上依舊歷久彌新,後人難以匹敵。 西元前一四六年,羅馬征服了迦太基與希臘,終於以地中海強權之姿崛起,但共和國的成功卻正是它毀滅的原因。古老的共和體制無法應付此時羅馬所統治的龐大帝國,逐漸加劇的貧富不均擾亂傳統生活方式,地域性的社會與種族偏見導致公民權與投票權的衝突,貪腐橫行與政客無情的野心也引發暴力政治衝突,粉碎曾經堅不可摧的共和國基礎。 以編年體書寫的《在風暴來臨之前:羅馬共和國殞落的開始》,使讀者一頭栽進面對詭譎政治新環境的第一個世代。這個時代的改革者試圖找回共和的舊理想,但在面對一群固守於個人特權,不願挽救風雨飄緲共和體制的人們面前,他們又該如何作為呢?難道羅馬共和已完成它的歷史使命,將由獨裁帝制接下歷史的火炬嗎? 【國際書評】 本書是關於西元前一四六年羅馬攻陷北非迦太基和希臘科林斯,勢力邁向尖峰,但同時也見證羅馬共和開始發生系統性崩潰;之後接著發生一連串改革、反改革,甚至暴力及內戰,直到西元前八○年蘇拉這位羅馬「最後的共和主義者」贏得內戰,重整憲法,恢復共和為止。這是羅馬共和最後一次力圖振作的戲劇性時代,充滿不同政治理想及立場的對抗,以及有趣政治人格的刻畫。……本書因此是介紹這段「失敗」的過程,所以副標題說這是「羅馬共和殞落的開始」。誠然,書中詳細說明理想與現實之間的對話及爭執,以及那些努力想恢復這共和憲政理想之各式人物的故事。 ——成功大學歷史系教授翁嘉聲 《在風暴來臨之前》極富娛樂性,而且與我們這個時代息息相關。事實上,它與每一個時代都有關連。戰爭、金錢、權力、貪汙腐敗與階級鬥爭籠罩著羅馬共和國政體,其結果令人驚駭。馬略與蘇拉等不凡人物投下了巨大陰影,然而超乎任何人控制的種種力量,似乎推動著敘事前進。令人寒心的歷史事件,提醒讀者它可能發生在任何一個共和國中。作者是個說故事高手。 ——丹.卡林(Dan...
Cover of Chaldean Oracles
by G. R. S. Mead
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2017

UNDER this general title is now being published a series of small volumes, drawn from or based upon, the mystic, theosophic and gnostic writings of the ancients, so as to make more easily available for the ever-widening circle of those who love such things, some echoes of the mystic experiences and...
Cover of Dialogue des orateurs
by Tacite, traducteur: Jean-Louis Burnouf
Language: French
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Vous me demandez souvent, mon cher Fabius1, pourquoi, tant d’orateurs du premier ordre, ayant illustré de leur génie et de leur gloire les siècles précédents, notre âge, stérile et déshérité de cette brillante éloquence, a presque oublié jusqu’au nom d’orateur. Car nous ne donnons...
Cover of Brother-Making in Late Antiquity and Byzantium

Brother-Making in Late Antiquity and Byzantium

Monks, Laymen, and Christian Ritual

by Claudia Rapp
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2016

Among medieval Christian societies, Byzantium is unique in preserving an ecclesiastical ritual of adelphopoiesis, which pronounces two men, not related by birth, as brothers for life. It has its origin as a spiritual blessing in the monastic world of late antiquity, and it becomes a popular social...
Cover of Le Guerre Puniche
by Daniele Zumbo
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 12, 2013

Le guerre puniche sono state guerre combattute fra Roma e Cartagine tra il III e il II secolo a.C. Il loro nome deriva dal nome attribuito ai Cartaginesi, ovvero “punici”. Inizialmente, i rapporti tra Roma e Cartagine erano amichevoli, ciò lo si evince anche dai trattati che le due strinsero...
Cover of Storia di Roma
by Theodore Mommsen
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 9, 2015

"Al più grande maestro vivente della scrittura storica, con speciale riferimento al suo maggior lavoro, La storia di Roma" (Motivazione del premio Nobel per la letteratura); frase che sarebbe sicuramente sufficiente a descrivere il capolavoro letterario di Theodore Mommsen, finalmente in...
Cover of The Consolation of Philosophy
by Boethius
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2012

One of the most influential books in the history of Western thought, The Consolation of Philosophy was written in a prison cell by a condemned man. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (c. 480–524) was a Roman scholar, theologian, philosopher, and statesman. Imprisoned by the Ostrogothic king Theodoric,...
Cover of Collection Of Plato (Middle Dialogue)
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2012

Collection Of Plato (Middle Dialogues) This app contains A collection of bestseller books on Dialogues of Plato. “Middle Dialogues” In these dialogues, Plato begins expressing his own views, in the guise of Socrates. The Symposium and Republic are the most important works in this...
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