Rome category: 2065 books

Cover of Annales (Version complète les 16 livres)
by Tacite, Traducteur : Jean-Louis Burnouf
Language: French
Release Date: May 2, 2017

Tacite (en latin Publius Cornelius Tacitus) est un historien et sénateur romain né en 58 et mort vers 120 ap. J.-C. Extrait : I. Rome fut d’abord soumise à des rois. L. Brutus fonda la liberté et le consulat. Les dictatures étaient passagères ; le pouvoir décemviral ne dura...
Cover of Annales (Version complète les 16 livres)
by Tacite
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2016

Extrait : I. Rome fut d’abord soumise à des rois. L. Brutus fonda la liberté et le consulat. Les dictatures étaient passagères ; le pouvoir décemviral ne dura pas au delà de deux années, et les tribuns militaires se maintinrent peu de temps à la place des consuls. La domination de Cinna,...
Cover of Migrare


La formation des élites dans l'Hispanie romaine

by Collectif
Language: French
Release Date: January 22, 2019

La cohésion du monde méditerranéen, œuvre majeure de Rome, qui conditionne encore aujourd’hui nos destins, s’est exprimée à travers un double principe : l’universalisation de l’Empire et l’extension presque mimétique du régime de l’Urbs aux communautés des provinces. Pour en apprécier...
Cover of Stories from the Roman Forum
by Isabel Lovell
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2017

This is a story about a "place out of doors," for that is what "forum" means. It is a story in stone, told by the buildings and monuments of the great Forum of Rome, one of the most interesting places in all the world. And the story tells, not only of the making of the Forum, but...
Cover of A Short History of Carthage
by Charles Rollin
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2018

Sicily would naturally be the place in which Carthage would first seek to establish a foreign dominion. At its nearest point it was not more than fifty miles distant; its soil was fertile, its climate temperate; it was rich in several valuable articles of commerce. We have seen that, in the treaty...
Cover of Studies of Roman Life and Literature
by Frank Frost Abbott
Language: English
Release Date: April 14, 2015

This book deals with the life of the common people, with their language and literature, their occupations and amusements, and with their social, political, and economic conditions. We are interested in the common people of Rome because they made the Roman Empire what it was. They carried the Roman...
Cover of Perils of Empire:

Perils of Empire:

The Roman Republic and the American Republic

by Monte L. Pearson
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Many articles in the media examine contemporary American issues and compare them to the problems that led to the fall of the Roman Empire. But before the rise of the Empire, a time of one-man rule and limited freedoms, there was the Roman Republic — 500 years of free elections, civil liberties, and...
Cover of Histoires
by Histoires
Language: French
Release Date: March 5, 2013

Histoires Tacite, historien latin de la Rome antique (55-117) Traduction de Jean-Louis Burnouf, 1859 Ce livre numérique présente "Histoires", de Tacite, édité en texte intégral. Une table des matières dynamique permet d'accéder directement...
Cover of L'âme romaine
by Pierre GRIMAL
Language: French
Release Date: August 18, 2016

Promenade antique à la découverte du monde romain. Académicien, latiniste de renom, philosophe et humaniste, Pierre Grimal, avec une sensibilité et une clairvoyance aiguisées, s'est toujours efforcé de comprendre Rome " de l'intérieur ", dans un souci permanent de la vérité. Celui...
Cover of The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars: (De Vita Caesarum) (Mobi Classics)
by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus,Alexander Thomson (Translator)
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Revised and corrected by T.Forester, EsqDe vita Caesarum (Latin, direct translation: On the Life of the Caesars) commonly known as The Twelve Caesars, is a set of twelve biographies of Julius Caesar and the first 11 emperors of the Roman Empire written by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus.The work, written...
Cover of Constantine the Great

Constantine the Great

The Reorganisation of the Empire and the Triumph of the Church

by John B. Firth
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2017

Constantine the Great is a fascinating and in depth historical examination of the reorganisation of the Empire after its catastrophic fall, and the subsequent triumph of the Christian Church. Firth, in a grounded approach to the period, questions whether Constantine really did deserve his...
Cover of The Complete Julius Caesar

The Complete Julius Caesar

The Conquest of Gaul and The Civil War

by Gaius Julius Caesar
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2013

This unexpurgated and illustrated version of Caesar's works has been compiled by and optimised for e-readers. It includes an active table of contents for ease of navigation, and each of the books contains its own unique illustration. Julius Caesar made an indelible mark...
Cover of Caesar


A History of the Art of War Among the Romans Down to the End of the Roman Empire, With a Detailed Account of the Campaigns of Caius Julius Caesar

by Theodore Ayrault Dodge
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2012

At the time of his death, Julius Caesar was the most powerful man on earth. Beginning with the Gallic Wars, he had fought a series of epic campaigns, culminating in the brutal civil war that brought the Roman Republic to an end and gave birth to the new Roman Empire. His battles ranged over much...
Cover of Pensées pour moi-même
by Marc Aurèle, Jules Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire.
Language: French
Release Date: July 14, 2015

Exemples que j’ai reçus de mon grand-père Vérus : la bonté et la douceur, qui ne connaît point la colère.Du père qui m’a donné la vie : la modestie et la virilité, du moins si je m’en rapporte à la réputation qu’il a laissée et au souvenir personnel qui m’en reste.De ma mère:...
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