Public Speaking category: 1264 books

Cover of Sprache: Wie Kinder sprechen lernen (GEO eBook Single)
Language: German
Release Date: October 28, 2017

Nichts behindert sozialen Aufstieg so sehr wie mangelnde Sprachkenntnisse. Und kaum etwas hängt so eindeutig mit späterem Erfolg zusammen wie ein großer Wortschatz in frühen Jahren. Wie aber gedeiht Sprache am besten? Die großen Themen der Zeit sind manchmal kompliziert. Aber oft genügt schon...
Cover of Vom Redner

Vom Redner

De oratore: Rhetorisches Hauptwerk der Antike

by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2017

Vom Redner ist ein grundlegendes Werk der rhetorischen Schriften Marcus Tullius Ciceros, in dem die Voraussetzungen des Rednerberufs, das Wesen der Rhetorik, der Aufbau der Rede, Fragen des Stils und der moralischen und philosophischen Pflichten des Redners erörtert werden. Die Schrift ist in der...
Cover of Reden an die Abiturienten (1999-2015)
by Wilhelm Genazino, Birgit Vanderbeke, Herta Müller
Language: German
Release Date: December 20, 2016

Renommierte deutschsprachige Autoren halten seit 1999 zum Ende eines jeden Schuljahres Reden an und für die Abiturienten im Saarland – oft mit Ratschlägen und Empfehlungen, manchmal mit Warnungen oder Mahnungen, mitunter wurde auch kritisiert, gar geschimpft. Und manchmal schauten sie auch bloß...
Cover of A Revolution in Tropes

A Revolution in Tropes

Alloiostrophic Rhetoric

by Jane S. Sutton, Mari Lee Mifsud
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2015

A Revolution in Tropes is a groundbreaking study of rhetoric and tropes. Theorizing new ways of seeing rhetoric and its relationship with democratic deliberation, Jane Sutton and Mari Lee Mifsud explore and display alloiōsis as a trope of difference, exception, and radical otherness. Their argument...
Cover of The Animal Who Writes

The Animal Who Writes

A Posthumanist Composition

by Marilyn M. Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2019

Writing begins with unconscious feelings of something that insistently demands to be responded to, acted upon, or elaborated into a new entity. Writers make things that matter—treaties, new species, software, and letters to the editor—as they interact with other humans of all kinds. As they write,...
Cover of La Voce Per Sedurre
by Walter Rivetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 10, 2015

Usa al meglio tutte le capacità che ha la tua voce per aumentare al massimo il fascino e il potere di sedurre un’altra persona! Le tecniche si basano sul supporto di ricerche scientifiche e sull'esperienza di un professioniste della voce. Scopri anche i trucchi per sedurre... chi hai già sedotto. Come ravvivare il fuoco nella vita di tutti i giorni.
Cover of Meaning and Interpretation

Meaning and Interpretation

Wittgenstein, Henry James, and Literary Knowledge

by G. L. Hagberg
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2018

'What is the meaning of a word?' In this thought-provoking book, Hagberg demonstrates how this question—which initiated Wittgenstein's later work in the philosophy of language—is significant for our understanding not only of linguistic meaning but of the meaning of works of art and literature as well.
Cover of Langage et dynamiques du sens

Langage et dynamiques du sens

Études de linguistique ibéro-romane

Language: French
Release Date: June 30, 2015

Quels sont les mécanismes à l’œuvre dans la production de sens ? Quelles dynamiques entrent en jeu dans les phénomènes d’évolution sémantique ? De quelle façon interviennent les divergences de sens entre éléments génétiquement apparentés de deux langues du domaine ibéro-roman ? Faisant...
Cover of Visualisieren Präsentieren Moderieren
by Josef W. Seifert
Language: German
Release Date: November 18, 2011

Visualisieren, Präsentieren und Moderieren sind Arbeitstechniken, die im Berufsalltag eine immer größere Rolle spielen. Das galt 1989, beim ersten Erscheinen dieses Buches, und das gilt heute. Seit der Erstauflage hat Josef W. Seifert das Buch mehrfach überarbeitet und nun für die 30. Auflage...
Cover of Evolution by the Numbers

Evolution by the Numbers

The Origins of Mathematical Argument in Biology

by James Wynn
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2012

In Evolution by the Numbers: The Origins of Mathematical Argument in Biology, James Wynn examines the confluence of science, mathematics, and rhetoric in the development of theories of evolution and heredity in the nineteenth century. Evolution by the Numbers shows how mathematical warrants become...
Cover of Protest Nation

Protest Nation

Words That Inspired a Century of American Radicalism

by Timothy Patrick McCarthy, John McMillian
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2010

Historic writings by socialists, LGBT activists, environmentalists, and more: “An extraordinary collection of the voices of American dissidents.” —Howard Zinn Protest Nation is a guide to the speeches, letters, broadsides, essays, and manifestos that form the backbone of the American...
Cover of Children's Communication Skills

Children's Communication Skills

From Birth to Five Years

by Belinda Buckley
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2012

Based on a huge body of research in child language and communication development, Children's Communication Skills uses a clear format to set out the key stages of communication development in babies and young children. Its aim is to increase awareness in professionals working with children of what...
Cover of Remembering Women Differently

Remembering Women Differently

Refiguring Rhetorical Work

Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2019

Before the full and honest tale of humanity can be told, it will be necessary to uncover the hidden roles of women in it and recover their voices from the forces that have diminished their contributions or even at times deliberately eclipsed them. The past half-century has seen women rise to claim...
Cover of Language, Cognition, and Deafness
by Michael Rodda, Carl Grove
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2013

First published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
First 66 67 68 69 70 71 7273 74 75 76 77 78 Last
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