Psychotherapy category: 2884 books

Cover of The Music Effect

The Music Effect

Music Physiology and Clinical Applications

by Daniel J. Schneck, Dorita S. Berger
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2005

Music is well known to have a significant effect on physiology and is widely used as an effective therapeutic tool in stress and pain management, rehabilitation, and behavior modification, but its effects are not well understood. This book explains what 'music' is, how it is processed by and...
Cover of Underworld & Archetypes Fully Illustrated
by James Bennett, David Kidd
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Haven’t we all once cried out I’m “going through Hell”? James Bennett examines that feeling more closely: If heaven and hell represent an intellect and body that have become polarized and destructively antagonistic, what does that suggest for healing? Come into this book and experience the...
Cover of Death and Bereavement Across Cultures
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2015

All societies have their own customs and beliefs surrounding death. In the West, traditional ways of mourning are disappearing, and although Western science has had a major impact on how people die, it has taught us little about the way to die or to grieve. Many whose work brings them into contact...
Cover of La terapia degli attacchi di panico

La terapia degli attacchi di panico

Liberi per sempre dalla paura patologica

by Giorgio Nardone
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 23, 2016

Può capitare di sentirsi terrorizzati in mezzo alla gente, in spazi chiusi o aperti: si tratta di agorafobia e claustrofobia. Succede di non riuscire a prendere un volo o salire sulle scale mobili, o di non poter vedere un gatto senza rabbrividire. Sono fobie che possono dar luogo al disturbo da...
Cover of Ossessioni compulsioni manie

Ossessioni compulsioni manie

Capirle e sconfiggerle in tempi brevi

by Giorgio Nardone, Claudette Portelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 16, 2013

Fra le patologie del comportamento, il disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo, DOC, è fra le più gravi e invalidanti. La vita del paziente perde progressivamente il proprio ritmo naturale e viene scandita dai rituali indotti dalla compulsione. Resistente alle terapie farmacologiche e alle psicoterapie tradizionali,...
Cover of L'arte del cambiamento

L'arte del cambiamento

La soluzione dei problemi psicologici personali e interpersonali in tempi brevi

by Giorgio Nardone, Paul Watzlawick
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 1, 2014

Risultato dal lavoro congiunto di Giorgio Nardone e di Paul Watzlawick, questo volume presenta in forma sistematica il modello di terapia breve per la soluzione di problemi psicologici specifici. L’approccio strategico alla psicoterapia, ossia la moderna evoluzione della terapia sistemica in simbiosi...
Cover of Solcare il mare all'insaputa del cielo

Solcare il mare all'insaputa del cielo

Lezioni sul cambiamento terapeutico e le logiche non ordinarie

by Giorgio Nardone, Elisa Balbi
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 28, 2012

Nel 1988 usciva L'arte del cambiamento, il testo con il quale Giorgio Nardone introduceva quell'attività ventennale i cui risultati e successi sono raccolti e spiegati nel presente volume. Vent'anni durante i quali, mediante un sempre più consapevole uso terapeutico del paradosso, della credenza...
Cover of Cambiare per conoscere

Cambiare per conoscere

L'evoluzione della terapia breve strategica

by Giorgio Nardone, Claudette Portelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 3, 2015

Cambiare per conoscere presenta i fondamenti e lo sviluppo originale della terapia breve strategica, l'approccio innovativo al trattamento dei disturbi psicologici messo a punto e progressivamente perfezionato da Giorgio Nardone e dai suoi colleghi presso il Centro di Terapia Strategica di Arezzo. Anche...
Cover of Working with Young People in Secure Accommodation
by Jim Rose
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2014

The detention of children and young people as a response to delinquent and antisocial behaviour remains a topical and controversial issue. In this new edition of Working with Young People in Secure Accommodation, Jim Rose provides an historical perspective on the topic of young people in custody...
Cover of L'autoterapia razionale emotiva. Come pensare in modo psicologicamente efficace
by Albert Ellis
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 23, 2015

Come è possibile affrontare lo stress, il disagio psicologico, l’ansia e la rabbia? Come si possono risolvere i più comuni problemi emotivi e comportamentali?La Terapia Razionale Emotiva Comportamentale (REBT) è una teoria e una prassi psicoterapeutica che negli ultimi decenni ha avuto un notevole...
Cover of The Off-Modern

The Off-Modern

Psychology Estranged

by Ron Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

Society is undergoing a process of deep change and transformation as the neoliberal order moves into crisis. Contemporary psychology, mired in exceptionalism and individualism, fails to address this broader context and continues with a fragmented reductionist approach which is alienating to students...
Cover of First Stage Trauma Treatment

First Stage Trauma Treatment

A Guide for Mental Health Professionals Working with Women

by Lori Haskell, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2003

While post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been recognized for some time, only recently have therapists begun to recognize and address complex post-traumatic stress responses in female clients who have a history of early or chronic abuse. Most mental health service providers recognize...
Cover of Attachment Theory

Attachment Theory

Social, Developmental, and Clinical Perspectives

Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

At a historic conference in Toronto in October 1993, developmental researchers and clinicians came together for the first time to explore the implications of current knowledge of attachment. This volume is the outcome of their labors. It offers innovative approaches to the understanding of such diverse...
Cover of Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell
by Mr Roger Casemore
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2011

Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell is a short, accessible guide to one of the most popular approaches to counselling. Using examples drawn from practice, Roger Casemore outlines, in a clear, jargon-free style, the main principles of the person-centred approach, using the core therapeutic...
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