Practical Politics category: 1369 books

Cover of A sua insaputa

A sua insaputa

Autobiografia non autorizzata della seconda repubblica

by Filippo Maria Battaglia, Alberto Giuffrè
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 6, 2013

Le poesie di Vendola e Bossi, i dialoghi tra Di Pietro e i suoi pulcini, le vacanze di Formigoni, i complessi estetici di D’Alema. Mentre la Seconda Repubblica arriva al capolinea, quattordici dei suoi protagonisti si raccontano. Per la prima volta a loro insaputa. Lo fanno attraverso un esilarante...
Cover of Reconsidering Ian McHarg
by Ignacio Bunster-Ossa
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2017

In 1969 Ian McHarg laid out a new approach to land-use planning. His seminal work, Design by Nature, blazed the trail for sustainable urban development. The road was paved with good intentions. But where exactly did it lead? And where do we go from here? Reconsidering Ian McHarg offers a fresh...
Cover of Negotiations in the EU Council of Ministers
by Sandrino Smeets
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2016

Insiders and outsiders agree; there is something particular about negotiating in Brussels. This book analyses ten years of continuous negotiations about EU enlargement to the Western Balkans, answering questions such as When and how are decisions typically reached in the European Union? What is this...
Cover of Representation in Action

Representation in Action

Canadian MPs in the Constituencies

by Royce Koop, Heather Bastedo, Kelly Blidook
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2018

Members of Parliament (MPs) are often dismissed as “trained seals,” helpless to do anything other than take commands from party leaders. Representation in Action challenges this view of Canadian MPs and shows that the ways they represent their constituents are as diverse as Canada itself. Royce...
Cover of Het koninkrijk van de angst

Het koninkrijk van de angst

Een filosofische blik op angst als politieke emotie

by Martha C. Nussbaum
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 25, 2018

In ‘Het koninkrijk van de angst’ merkt filosofe Martha Nussbaum op dat het politieke debat sterk is gepolariseerd en dat we niet meer in staat lijken met elkaar te communiceren. Ze is niet de enige die dat doorheeft, maar ziet wel een simpel feit dat vaak over het hoofd wordt gezien als de kern...
Cover of Adapting to European Integration

Adapting to European Integration

Small States and the European Union

Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2014

Adapting to European Integration describes how the political institutions in eight small member states and two non-members responded to the internal and external demands springing from the process of European integration in general and EC/EU membership in particular. The study makes a distinction...
Cover of Il coraggio della disperazione

Il coraggio della disperazione

Cronache di un anno agito pericolosamente

by Slavoj Žižek
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Questo il quadro generale: il capitalismo globale è giunto a un livello di sviluppo che fa disperare non solo per le condizioni in cui vive buona parte della popolazione mondiale, ma anche per il vero e proprio vicolo cieco* *in cui ha costretto l’umanità, Occidente incluso. Tuttavia, altrettanto...
Cover of Geschichte der politischen Ideen

Geschichte der politischen Ideen

Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart

by Marcus Llanque
Language: German
Release Date: September 17, 2012

Politische Ideen haben in der Geschichte große Wirksamkeit entfaltet. Die großen politischen Denker wie Platon und Aristoteles, Thomas von Aquin, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Montesquieu, Kant oder Marx zählen zu den Klassikern der Weltliteratur. Wer sich mit ihren Werken auseinandersetzt, wird nicht nur...
Cover of Communism, Conformity and Liberties
by Ferdinand Tonnies
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2017

If there is a-"desert island" book in the conduct of social research, it is arguably this book. Whether in terms of sociological structures or psychological nuances, Communism, Conformity, and Civil Liberties, originally published in 1955, is a recognized landmark. Stouffer helped strengthen...
Cover of 2018 Jahrbuch rechte Gewalt

2018 Jahrbuch rechte Gewalt

Chronik des Hasses

by Andrea Röpke
Language: German
Release Date: January 3, 2018

Der rechte Mob macht mobil. Und Rechtsradikalismus ist heute längst nicht mehr verpönt. Seit Jahren nehmen Fremdenhass und Gewalttaten durch rechtsextreme Täter bundesweit zu, mit der Zuwanderung Tausender von Flüchtlingen ist sie geradezu explodiert. Das "Jahrbuch rechte Gewalt" versammelt...
Cover of Kursbuch 187

Kursbuch 187

Welt verändern

Language: German
Release Date: September 2, 2016

Die Moderne ist voller Krisen – es gilt die Finanzkrise, Wachstumskrise, Umweltkrise, Energiekrise und viele Bedrohungen mehr zu bewältigen. Der Ruf nach Veränderung, ja nach Verbesserung wird immer lauter. Aber die gemeinsame Rettungsanstrengung bleibt aus. Da stellt sich die Frage nach dem Warum....
Cover of 2017 Jahrbuch rechte Gewalt

2017 Jahrbuch rechte Gewalt

Chronik des Hasses

by Andrea Röpke
Language: German
Release Date: January 6, 2017

Der rechte Mob macht mobil. Und Rechtsradikalismus ist heute längst nicht mehr verpönt. Seit Jahren nehmen Gewalttaten durch rechtsextreme Täter bundesweit zu, mit der Zuwanderung Tausender von Flüchtlingen ist sie 2015 geradezu explodiert. Das "Jahrbuch rechte Gewalt" versammelt in...
Cover of Making the patient-consumer

Making the patient-consumer

Patient organisations and health consumerism in Britain

by Alex Mold
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2015

Over the last fifty years, British patients have been transformed into consumers. This book considers how and why the figure of the patient-consumer was brought into being, paying particular attention to the role played by patient organisations. Making the patient-consumer explores the development...
Cover of Classe dirigente

Classe dirigente

Mappa del potere in Italia fra la Seconda e la Terza Repubblica

by Aldo Giannuli
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 8, 2017

Dopo aver indagato le logiche del piduismo e la sua eredità politica in Da Gelli a Renzi  (passando per Berlusconi), Aldo Giannuli torna a sondare le responsabilità della Prima Repubblica, disegnando i contorni della crisi della Seconda e il profilarsi di quella che non esita a definire la Terza,...
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