Political Parties category: 994 books

Cover of Natural Rights: a New Theory
by Richard D. Fuerle
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2003

Do you have a right to your car, your house, or even to your life? Why? Because the government says you do? Suppose they change their minds? Wouldnt it be better if you could prove that you have a right to your property, including your own body? This book offers such a proof. The proof begins...
Cover of The Ideational Approach to Populism

The Ideational Approach to Populism

Concept, Theory, and Analysis

Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2018

Populism is on the rise in Europe and the Americas. Scholars increasingly understand populist forces in terms of their ideas or discourse, one that envisions a cosmic struggle between the will of the common people and a conspiring elite. In this volume, we advance populism scholarship by proposing...
Cover of Positive Populism

Positive Populism

Revolutionary Ideas to Rebuild Economic Security, Family, and Community in America

by Steve Hilton
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2018

The elites still can't believe Donald Trump won or that Britain voted for Brexit. But what’s next for the populist revolution and for the people who believe in it? Fox News host and former government insider Steve Hilton shows how populism can be a positive force for improving lives, with...
Cover of The Clinton Presidency and the Constitutional System
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Presidential scholars, former and current policymakers, and a former president bring varied insights and analyses to consider the impact, influence, and legacy of the presidency of William Jefferson Clinton, the “'New Democrat' from Hope, Arkansas." In the eight years between 1993 and...
Cover of Réflexions sur l'anarchie et Promenades subversives
by Adolphe Retté
Language: French
Release Date: November 3, 2014

 Le mot Anarchie signifie négation de l’autorité. - L’Anarchie implique donc l’abolition de toute contrainte et partant de toute loi imposée au nom d’un principe, d’une tradition ou d’un intérêt. En effet, que des hommes, au nom de l’intérêt...
Cover of The Deep State Network
by Nick Harlow
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2018

Generally, there are loopholes to be found that can get you around any legal document. Even the Constitution of the United States. And Democratic President Taylor Jackson plans to use one to stay in power after a second term. But the Commander-in-Chief will need help from the...
Cover of Republican Women

Republican Women

Feminism and Conservatism from Suffrage through the Rise of the New Right

by Catherine E. Rymph
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2006

In the wake of the Nineteenth Amendment, Republican women set out to forge a place for themselves within the Grand Old Party. As Catherine Rymph explains, their often conflicting efforts over the subsequent decades would leave a mark on both conservative politics and American feminism. Part...
Cover of La sinistra Italiana
by Giuseppe Tamburrano
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 10, 2016

Un libro interessante, documentato, rigoroso, sulla storia della sinistra italiana. Un contributo importante per dare un giudizio sereno sul ruolo della sinistra, del PSI e dei partiti laici nella storia della democrazia italiana. Giuseppe Tamburrano ha un obiettivo: raccontare la storia della sinistra,...
Cover of The Democratic Party: Documents Decoded
by Douglas B. Harris, Lonce H. Bailey
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2014

Through an examination of key historical documents, this book chronicles the Democratic Party's complete transformation from the small-government, Jeffersonian party to a party of activist government and social progressivism during the presidencies of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton,...
Cover of Una nuova Italia

Una nuova Italia

Dalla comunicazione ai risultati, un’analisi delle elezioni del 4 marzo

by Matteo Cavallaro, Giovanni Diamanti, Lorenzo Pregliasco
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 18, 2018

Cosa spiega i sorprendenti risultati delle elezioni politiche? Quali strategie hanno messo in campo leader e partiti nella campagna elettorale, dai grandi vincitori Di Maio e Salvini a Renzi, Berlusconi e Grasso? Il libro affronta il voto del 4 marzo sotto due aspetti: come si è sviluppata la campagna...
Cover of WAS TUN?


Programmatische Schrift aus den Anfängen der russischen Sozialdemokratie - Die Theorie der Avantgarde des Proletariats

by Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin
Language: German
Release Date: August 7, 2017

"Was tun?" ist eine 1902 erschienene Schrift von Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin, die als sein Hauptwerk gilt. Darin begründet Lenin durch die Betrachtung der Zusammenarbeit von Bildungsbürgertum und Arbeiterklasse innerhalb sozialistischer Parteien die Theorie der "Avantgarde des Proletariats",...
Cover of Le maire et sa commune
by xavier jaffré
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2014

Jadis, être maire d'une commune, n'était pas une fonction à plein temps, aussi l'engagement politique était sans doute moins flagrant que de nos jours probablement, quoi que, et les élus avaient un autre métier qui les faisaient vivre quand ils étaient élus maire. Mais de nos jours, la fonction...
Cover of Gerhard Fritz Kurt Schröder

Gerhard Fritz Kurt Schröder

Gerhard Schröder hat die deutsche Bundeswehr so verändert wie das Land. Adieu, Kanzler!

by Heinz Duthel
Language: German
Release Date: April 23, 2013

Gerhard Schröder Schröder verrubelte seinen Ruf. Der Gasprom-Kanzler Der Bundeskanzler welcher die Deutsche Sozialdemokratie verkauft und verraten hat. Gerhard Schröder hat die deutsche Bundeswehr so verändert wie das Land. Adieu, Kanzler! Gerhard Schröder , "Eine Schande...
Cover of Kursbuch 186

Kursbuch 186

Rechts. Ausgrabungen

Language: German
Release Date: June 2, 2016

Was ist die "Neue Rechte"? Wie erklärt sich der Erfolg der AfD? Warum bringt die Gleichsetzung von Islam und Faschismus Wählerstimmen? Wie kann Islam-Bashing zu einem lukrativen Geschäft werden? Die Autoren des Kursbuchs 186 begeben sich auf Expedition in die (Un-)Tiefen der rechten Ideologien....
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