Playwriting category: 893 books

Cover of Ifigenia in Tauride
by Euripide
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 30, 2015

"Ifigenia in Tauride" è una tragedia di Euripide. Ifigenia scampò per poco dall'essere immolata dal padre Agamennone come vittima sacrificale ("Ifigenia in Aulide"): all'ultimo momento la dea Artemide (per la quale il sacrificio avrebbe dovuto essere fatto) intervenne sostituendola...
Cover of Familiae


Antropolaroid, Invidiatemi come io ho invidiato voi, Geppettto e Geppetto

by Tindaro Granata
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Mentre continuano a raccogliere applausi e gratificazioni da folle di spettatori e addetti ai lavori, gli spettacoli teatrali creati da Tindaro Granata diventano finalmente un libro dove trovare traccia scritta delle sue originali drammaturgie. A cominciare dall’avventurosa epopea, in un dialetto...
Cover of Teatro 2009 - 2016

Teatro 2009 - 2016

7 anni di Drammaturgia

by Luigi Passarelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 7, 2017

Una raccolta di testi teatrali scritti da Luigi Passarelli fra il 2009 e il 2016, molti dei quali andati in scena e alcuni premiati in festival e rassegne. Un insieme di testi variegati, dalla commedia al dramma, dal grottesco allo sperimentale.
Cover of I fratelli Wilde
by Richard Woulfe
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 16, 2017

La commedia alterna tratti di assoluta rilevanza storica a momenti di fragilità psicologica e di conflitti affettivi mai elaborati e risolti. Si possono intravedere le storie famigliari dell’upper middle class di fine ‘800, le debolezze personali velate dall’abito ufficiale del padre medico...
Cover of Lugné-Poe e l'OEuvre simbolista

Lugné-Poe e l'OEuvre simbolista

Una biografia teatrale (1869-1899)

by Giuliana Altamura
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 27, 2016

Il volume, nato dall’esigenza di rivalutare l’esperienza teatrale simbolista affrancandola dall’annoso pregiudizio sulla sua anti-teatralità, propone una ricostruzione storico-biografica della figura di Lugné-Poe – attore, regista, direttore, nonché principale animatore del teatro simbolista...
Cover of Settanta


Testo teatrale sui settanta anni della Repubblica Italiana

by Corrado Plastino
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 19, 2017

Settanta è la rappresentazione dei 70 anni della Repubblica Italiana attraverso tre vicende emblematiche. La prima, ambientata nel 2016, è la storia di un profugo siriano che si trova in Italia e dialoga con alcuni ragazzi alla fermata del tram in una qualsiasi città. La seconda è ambientata a...
Cover of The Theatre of Caryl Churchill
by R. Darren Gobert
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2014

The Theatre of Caryl Churchill documents and analyses the major plays and productions of one of Britain's greatest and most innovative playwrights. Drawing on hundreds of never-before-seen archival sources from the US and the UK, it provides an essential guide to Churchill's groundbreaking work for...
Cover of The Family Question and Other Plays
by Dickson M. Mwansa
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2014

This collection contains nine most important works written and performed between 1973 and 1989. Three of the plays won first positions in national drama competitions (The Cell, The Family Question, and The Headmaster and the Rascals). Subsequently, The Family Question was performed in Detroit and...
Cover of Obama-ology
by Aurin Squire
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2014

I am black enough to get stopped by the police, and I’m sure as hell black enough to work on a campaign for the first African American who has a chance at being the leader of the free world. When African-American college graduate Warren takes a job with the 2008 Obama campaign, he’s...
Cover of Enter the Undead Author

Enter the Undead Author

Intellectual Property, the Ideology of Authorship, and Performance Practices since the 1960s

by George Pate
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2019

Many narratives of theater history suggest that the 1960s marked the start of a turning away from traditional, script-based, playwright-centric production practices. Literary studies in this period began exploring the concept of the “death of the author” along similar lines. But the author refused...
Cover of Chef
by Ms Sabrina Mahfouz
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2015

I cook here, create here, make here be as much of life as I can because outside of this I'm not safe, I don't know the way. Chef tells the gripping story of how one woman went from being a haute-cuisine head chef to a convicted inmate running a prison kitchen. Leading us through her world of...
Cover of The Portrait of a Genius

The Portrait of a Genius

A Play in Three Acts

by Laszlo Solymar
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2013

Geniuses are few and far between. Most of them will have honors and prizes showered upon them. But there will be exceptions, numerous exceptions: We dont know how many because they never make it; they fall by the wayside. They believe themselves to be alone in a hostile world, unable to adapt, unable...
Cover of Rails
by Simon Longman
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2018

I think I can feel the world turning a little. It feels like it's just grinding to a halt. Mike is a 16-year-old with a bully of a brother and a mum who doesn't speak. Sarah is a weed-smoking teen who can't wait to get out of their dead-end town. One hot summer their lives collide in a blur...
Cover of Everybody's Got A Story!

Everybody's Got A Story!

How to Write, Direct, and Produce YOURS for Stage

by Tracie A Bonnick
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2017

WHAT’S YOUR STORY? Do you want to become a “PlaywrightPreneur”? That’s what Tracie Bonnick calls a person who wants to write, direct, or produce their very own original theatre production.In Everybody’s Got a Story, Tracie Bonnick has compiled strategies, information, and valuable...
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