Plants category: 1045 books

Cover of 香料共和國:從洋茴香到鬱金,打開A-Z的味覺秘語
by 約翰‧歐康奈(John O’Connell)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 17, 2017

**香料的意義與人類永遠同在,它們的名字留下了言語的辛香, 呼應了多姿多彩豐富又重要的過往,教人驚喜不已。 從中世紀至今的香料史和廚房烹飪史! 香料,讓你身心和味蕾都歡欣鼓舞,為你勾勒世界的版圖! 埃及艷后為什麼以番紅花和馬奶沐浴? 十八世紀的苦艾酒為什麼會讓人充滿幻覺? 在遙遠印尼島嶼上收獲的丁香如何進入古敘利亞的廚房? 每一間廚房幾乎都含有一瓶丁香或幾根肉桂棒, 每一道菜都免不了加一點孜然或辣椒, 在約翰‧歐康奈活色生香的說明中,你將津津有味地消化香料大餐。** 香料是稀世珍品,既熟悉又奇特,加在我們最愛的菜餚中安慰我們,同時又能激起我們對天涯海角異國風味、阿拉伯市集、貿易風、殖民地和大筆財富的遐想。 英國知名飲食文化作家約翰‧歐康奈在《香料共和國:從洋茴香到鬱金,打開A-Z的味覺秘語》一書裡,帶領讀者從歷史、藝術、宗教、醫學、文化、科學等各種角度來認識香料的特性、藥效、神奇的魔力,以及藏在廚房食物櫃與珍貴秘製食譜背後的迷人故事。他細訴窮畢生之力的熱愛,教人食指大動! 《香料共和國》呈現了許多美食作家不同的聲音。作者約翰‧歐康奈在說明每一種香料之時,闡述它的植物背景、歷史的意涵,以及在烹調上的應用。他的使命是綜合所有香料的大全,說一系列發人深省的有趣故事,說明香料在開發現代世界的過程中所扮演的角色。 ※...
Cover of Green Guide to Wild Flowers Of Britain And Europe
by David Sutton
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2016

Bloomsbury Green Guides are portable handbooks to the most commonly found species in Britain and Europe. A huge variety of wild flowers grow in fields, gardens, woodlands and even on roadsides, and recognising individual species can prove challenging. The Green Guide to Wild Flowers makes identifying...
Cover of Lawns (Collins Practical Gardener)
by Martin Fish
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2014

This ebook has been optimised for tablets. Keeping a healthy and verdant lawn can be a real challenge. Collins Practical Gardener Lawns looks at all imaginable aspects of starting and maintaining a lawn. Whether your lawn is mainly for your family or intended as a show piece, Lawns will provide all...
Cover of The Environmental Legacy of the UC Natural Reserve System
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2013

The UC Natural Reserve System, established in 1965 to support field research, teaching, and public service in natural environments, has become a prototype of conservation and land stewardship looked to by natural resource managers throughout the world. From its modest beginnings of seven sites, the...
Cover of Foraging Mushrooms Oregon

Foraging Mushrooms Oregon

Finding, Identifying, and Preparing Edible Wild Mushrooms

by Jim Meuninck
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Detailed descriptions of edible mushrooms; tips on finding, preparing, and using mushrooms; a glossary of botanical terms; color photos. Use Foraging Mushrooms as a field guide or as a delightful armchair read. No matter what you’re looking for, be it the curative Heal-All or a snack, this guide...
Cover of Shrubs Of The Great Basin

Shrubs Of The Great Basin

A Natural History

by Hugh N. Mozingo
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 1987

Mozingo presents the life histories of more than sixty species of both common and unusual shrubs, and discusses how shrubs grow, reproduce, and adapt to the extreme weather conditions that are part of daily life in the Great Basin. Drawings by Christine Stetter.
Cover of The Southern Kitchen Garden

The Southern Kitchen Garden

Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs and Flowers Essential for the Southern Cook

by William D. Adams, Tom LeRoy
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2007

Brimming with fresh vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruit, the kitchen garden is a celebration of the seasons from deep roots in the South - at times being the difference between being well-fed or hungry. The kitchen garden has now become fashionable addition to urban, suburban, and country homes....
Cover of Bamboo
by Susanne Lucas
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

 We may think of bamboo only as a snack for cuddly panda bears, but we use the plant as food, clothing, paper, fabric, and shelter. Drawing on a vast array of sources, this book builds a complete picture of bamboo in both history and our modern world. Susanne Lucas shows how bamboo has always met...
Cover of The Vegetable Lamb (Illustrated)
by H. W. Lee
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2013

THE VEGETABLE LAMB OF TARTARY; A Curious Fable of the Cotton Plant TO WHICH IS ADDED A SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF COTTON AND THE COTTON TRADE CONTENTS. Line PAGE CHAPTER I. The Fable and its Interpretation    1 CHAPTER II. The History of Cotton and its Introduction...
Cover of Common Edible & Poisonous Mushrooms of the Northeast
by C. Leonard Fergus, Charles Fergus
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2003

Handy in-the-field identification guide. Features the "Foolproof Five." Includes a useful identification flowchart.
Cover of Propagating Succulents
by Cassidy Tuttle
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2015

Propagating Succulents provides you with a basic understanding of propagating succulents and has over 50 beautiful photos. The book has three sections: propagating succulents from leaves, propagating succulents from cuttings, and fun projects with succulents. If you are just getting started with your...
Cover of 植物彌賽亞:從實習生到皇家園藝師,拯救世界珍稀植物的保育之旅


The Plant Messiah Adventures in Search of the World's Rarest Species

by 卡洛斯.馬格達勒納
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 30, 2018

Cover of Nicole
by Richard Peirce
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2017

Sharks are among the most persecuted animals on Earth. Nicole’s block-buster story lifts the lid on the shocking details of the trade in shark fins, and raises awareness of the plight of sharks in the 21st century. In November 2003 a female Great White Shark was tagged near Dyer Island in South...
Cover of Grow Fruit Indoors: Easy to Follow Tips for Growing Tasty Tropical Fruits in Any Home, Anywhere
by Ronald Collins
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2017

Grow Fruit Indoors Easy to Follow Tips for Growing Tasty Tropical Fruits in Any Home, Anywhere Tropical fruit is both nutritious and delicious however with the rise in prices tropical fruit can be hard to obtain and expensive. One answer would be to grow your own, however if you live in an...
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